Facebook's Censorbots Run Amok…

Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
38°29′ North 121°26′ West
Yes, I know, this headline might as well read “Water Is Wet!” or something like that. But even by Facebook standards, this is over the line.

I run a small number of Groups on Facebook.

In one group, a user there has had two posts in my group censored by Facebook, apparently dozens across several other groups, and has been set by Facebook so that any posts by him in any groups now have to be individually approved by the admins of those groups. As a group Administrator, I am not, in this case, given the power to lift this post approval restriction from him, though once he does post, I can approve his posts one at a time, and I was even able to restore both of the posts that Facebook removed from my group. There's an implied threat that Facebook may take action against any groups in which this guy's posts are approved.

Based on the two posts in my group, this guy has not done anything wrong, and has posted nothing that I would expect even a Facebook cretin to be able to construe as any kind of violation of anything. The second of his two censored posts in my group is off-topic, and normally, I would not have allowed it, but I am allowing it this time, and allowing discussion under it of this issue. The first post had nothing at all wrong with it. It was a collection of videos and images of a protist, along with a description of what was being shown.

We can't see what reference he is talking about. That would help us analyze the fascism.

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