Faces of Truth: Prominent People World Wide Say Bad Things About America and 9/11


Feb 14, 2012
Faces of Truth: Prominent & Influential People World Wide Say Disturbing Things About America and 9/11

Francesco Cossiga: Italy

Prominent Status Accomplished: President of Italy


Quote: "All of the democratic areas of America and of Europe, with the Italian center-left in the forefront, now know full well that the disastrous attack was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to falsely incriminate Arabic countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Albert A. Stahel: Switzerland

Prominent Status Accomplished: Professor of Political Science University of Zurich, Internationally recognized expert on military strategy.


Quote:"Now even the Swiss are saying, "The More We Research, The More We Doubt"."

"Americans have been poorly and one-sidedly informed about 9/11. First and foremost the SURPRISE Theory the US government was not expecting the attack has been disseminated through every channel. Now that is taking its toll. Alternative media have launched a counter-attack, spreading the LIHOP Theory where the US government knew the attack was coming, but Let It Happen On Purpose. and the MIHOP Theory that the U.S. government planned and executed the attack. Who wins will only be shown in the future. Distrust of the government is great."

George Galloway: Great Britain

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of British Parliament


Quote: "We should call it, this 9/11 Truth Movement, call it a group of people who don't accept the official version. Well, in that case, I'm one of them because I don't accept the official version"

Annie Machon: Great Britain

Prominent Status Accomplished: UK Intelligence Officer, International Counter Terrorism


Quote: "It's so obvious there's so much evidence that we at least require a new inquiry into this."

"It's the duty of any thinking citizen to carry on campaigning for a new independent and potentially international inquiry to really get to the bottom of this."

"There's this whole wealth of evidence, strong evidence that directly contradicts the official account and that's why we demand a new inquiry."

"Even the 9/11 Commissioners have said that they were set up to fail. If that's not an indication we need a new inquiry, I don't know what is."

Andreas von Buelow: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of German Parliament, Ministry of Defense Germany, Minister of Research and Technology Germany


Quote: "This whole behavior of government after 9/11 shows me that there must be these people which brought it about."

"It's a covert operation, a typical covert operation where you have patsies, false flag, where you prepare everything to blame different people from the people which really did the things."

Horst Ehmke: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: Minister of Justice Germany, Minister of Research and Technology Germany


Quote: ""Terrorists could not have carried out such an operation with four hijacked planes without the support of a secret service."

Eckart Werthebach: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: President Germany’s domestic intelligence service, Senator Germany


Quote: "Such a sophisticated operation would require the "fixed frame" of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a "loose group" of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed Atta while he studied in Hamburg."

"Many people would have been involved in the planning of such an operation and the absence of leaks is further indication that the attacks were "state organized actions."

Hans-Christian Ströbele: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of German Parliament


Quote: "I became concerned about the discrepancies in the account of the events of 9/11. Many things still remain in the dark and many contradictions are unresolved."

"Theories the U.S. administration and a group of individuals around the President were responsible for planning the attacks, I believe are correct. This is supported by numerous public findings and repeated admissions from Al Qaida leaders."

Ernst Welteke: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of German Parliament, President German Federal Bank


Quote: "Financial investigators had found strong indications of suspicious dealings in gold and oil, as well as unusual movements in airline and insurance shares, in the days before the September 11 attacks in the United States"

"There are ever clearer signs that there were activities on international financial markets that must have been carried out with the necessary expert knowledge."

"There was mounting evidence that people connected to the attacks in New York and Washington sought to profit from the tragedy by engaging in "terrorism insider trading" on European stock and commodity markets."

"There were highly suspicious sales of shares in airlines and insurance companies, along with major trades in gold and oil markets, before Sept. 11 that suggest they were conducted with advance knowledge of the attacks."

"Researchers came across almost irrefutable proof of insider trading."

"What we found makes us sure that people connected to the terrorists must have been trying to profit from this tragedy.''

Dieter Deiseroth: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: Judge Federal Administrative Court Germany, Head of Data Protection Agency Germany


Quote:"Many lawyers, including very well-known experts in international law demanded that the United Nations should furnish an international, independent commission to examine the evidence and determine who was responsible for the terrorist attacks of 9/11."

"It is an investigation of the primary official justification for a war (“Operation Enduring Freedom”) and for significant changes in the US legal system resulting from the so-called Homeland Security legislation."

"We must insist that if someone accuses Bin Laden of being responsible for the terrorist acts of 9/11, then they must also carry the burden of proving it."

"I state that the official US investigation report leaves a great many unanswered questions about 9/11."

"The alleged or actual proof for the official version of 9/11, stated by the Bush administration, so far has never been examined by an independent court. That was prevented from happening."

Jochen Scholz: Germany

Prominent Status Accomplished: German Federal Ministry of Defense,


Quote: "The smokescreens which have been put up by the official inquiry committee of the Congress that on this day an unbelievable number of exercises by the Air Force had taken place and so everyone had been confused and not able to tell the difference between real life and exercise. That is simply incomprehensible for someone with a background in air defense. Because exercises, with regard to air traffic control and air defense, are always separated from real life in air traffic."

Ferdinando Imposimato: Italy

Prominent Status Accomplished: Senior Investigative Judge Italy, President Supreme Court Italy


Quote: "Impossible to accept the Bush administration account. 9/11 centered on the participation of internal US forces in the attacks."

"There were multiple objectives for the War: the conquest of the oil resources of the Middle East, the extension of the imperial dominion of the United States and the support to the war industry of America, which spends 450 billions of dollars each year. The same amount as all the rest of the world combined and it all goes to a single entity: the Pentagon."

"In order to justify this unjust war and its deaths, that still today kills thousands of innocent victims in Iraq and all over the world, with unpredictable effects on international peace, a gigantic conspiracy came into being, that saw the participation of the CIA, the Mossad, The British Service, and of Italy's Military Intelligence and Security Service, of some journalists of the Washington Post and the New York Times, and the main collaborators in the White House and the Pentagon."

Giulietto Chiesa: Italy

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of Parliament Italy, Member of Security and Defense Italy


Quote: "Careful analysis reveals that the official version of 9/11 is not only deficient in dozens of essential points, but in dozens of other points it is demonstrably false."

"The deceit indicates that the alleged suicide bombers did not act alone and that they had powerful allies at various levels of the U.S. establishment: in the institutions responsible for defending the security of the country."

"Faced with so many inexplicable oddities surrounding such a crucial event in our common history, we must ask questions and seek answers. Many have done just that in the last several years and a huge amount of facts, data analysis, and images has already been collected and placed under the scrutiny of rigorous testing. They confirmed all the suspicions. We intend to add our own contribution to this work, aware that peace and democracy are in serious danger until these efforts manage to shed light on who was responsible and in what exact manner the terrorist attacks of September 11 were made."

Roland Dumas: France

Prominent Status Accomplished: Foreign Minister of France


Quote: "I'll tell you what I think about September 11. I don't believe it."

"There are many abnormal facts in the official version. Indeed, the official version does not hold up"

Pierre-Henri Bunel: France

Prominent Status Accomplished: Intelligence Officer France, Expert Explosives and Artillery


Quote: "This image of the impact on the Pentagon is very instructive as to the nature of the explosion, suggests a single engine flying vehicle much smaller in size than an airliner"

"The last photo was produced by the Department of Defense and published on a Navy Web site. In examining it, one can see an almost circular hole topped by a black smudge, This perforation is about seven feet in diameter and is situated in the wall of the third line of buildings working inward from the façade. It is supposed to have been made by the nose of the plane. That would mean that the nose of the aircraft, a radome of carbon fiber that is far from being armored, would have traversed without destroying them six load-bearing walls of building considered to be rather solid. ... The appearance of the perforation in the wall certainly resembles the effects of anti-concrete hollow charges that I have been able to observe on a number of battlefields."

"This photo, and the effects described in the official version, lead me therefore to think that the detonation that struck the building was that of a high-powered hollow charge used to destroy hardened buildings and carried by an aerial vehicle, a missile."
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Yukihisa Fujita: Japan

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member Parliament Japan, Director Foreign Affairs Defense Japan


Quote: "No official police investigation had been conducted into the deaths of the 24 Japanese citizens who were killed on 9/11."

"Many people worldwide doubt the official account of 9/11 and much evidence has been collected that contradicts the government's version of 9/11, evidence which can be seen on many websites."
Jeanette Fitzsimons: New Zealand

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of Parliament New Zealand,


Quote: "There is so much that does not make sense about the official version of 9/11."
Ole Gerstrom: Denmark

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of Parliament Denmark


Quote: "I have studied the events of 9/11 since the very day. The more I get down into the facts, the more obvious it is that this was an inside job. The planning must have taken years. The cover-up is being worked at hard. The significance for our poor planet is enormous. Getting the truth out will change the political climate like we have never seen before."
Jens Claus Hansen: Denmark

Prominent Status Accomplished: Director of Political Science Danish Defense Academy, Commander Royal Danish Navy


Quote: "Additional bombs must have been placed inside the WTC towers otherwise they would not have collapsed as they actually did."
Mat Herben: Netherlands

Prominent Status Accomplished: Member of Parliament Netherlands, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee for Defense Netherlands


Quote: It has been insufficiently shown that what happened at the Pentagon is really the same as what happened at the WTC."

"A complete plane cannot evaporate."

"How can it be possible that there is no wreckage of the wings of the plane."
Thanks for proving that there are stupid people all over the world. :clap2:
Leonid Ivashov: Russia

Prominent Status Accomplished: General Russia Armed Forces, Chief Soviet Union's Ministry of Defense


Quote: "Only secret services and their current chiefs have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude."

"Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders."
Petr Hajek: Czech Republic

Prominent Status Accomplished: Senior Aide President Czech Republic


Quote: "Realistic the possibility that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the USA were organised by U.S. secret services, not Islamist radicals."

"There exists a real possibility that September 11 was really organised by U.S. secret services."

"The layer of media manipulation that surrounds September 11 is huge."
Mohamed Hassanein Heikal: Egypt

Prominent Status Accomplished: Foreign Minister of Egypt


Quote: "Bin Laden has been under surveillance for years: every telephone call was monitored and al-Qaida has been penetrated by American intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Egyptian intelligence. They could not have kept secret an operation that required such a degree of organisation and sophistication."
If the George Galloway is a representative sample of the rest of that crowd then that is a convention of hacks looking to undermine America's credibility as a society worth emulating.
If the George Galloway is a representative sample of the rest of that crowd then that is a convention of hacks looking to undermine America's credibility as a society worth emulating.

There are many, many prominent people world wide going around saying bad things about your beloved country...

Even these ladies are intelligent enough to see the many indisputable facts and information that directly contradicts the "official story" spoonfed to mass media before either tower even fell. That in istself shows the "official investigation" was done before 9/11 even bagan.

If the George Galloway is a representative sample of the rest of that crowd then that is a convention of hacks looking to undermine America's credibility as a society worth emulating.

There are many, many prominent people world wide going around saying bad things about your beloved country...
My beloved country, and not yours? That explains a lot...



9/11 conspiracies are on the same level as Obama birth certificate conspiracies. It's why they are called "conspiracies", a word that starts with "con".

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