‘Failure of Roman engineering on industrial scale’: discovery of water wells in England proves trial and error

I said Maritime. You know...water?
I would disagree and say the USSR was the largest contiguous empire, but its up for debate.

The wells discussed were Roman. What exactly are you arguing? Also those girly men built Parliament, HMS Dreadnought, and the first aircraft carrier. Admittedly their naval aircraft sucked though until the Harrier.

You're weird. :dunno:
The Harrier sucked as well. It was a one trick pony. V/STOL. Subsonic, only carried Sidewinders and canon. Against any modern fighter of the day, it was cold meat waiting for the taking. Any other modern fighter of the day could kill it beyond visual range never coming into range of its weapons.
The Harrier sucked as well. It was a one trick pony. V/STOL. Subsonic, only carried Sidewinders and canon. Against any modern fighter of the day, it was cold meat waiting for the taking. Any other modern fighter of the day could kill it beyond visual range never coming into range of its weapons.
Interesting. I thought their ability to jink made them decently good for their time. Learn something every day.
The key word is MARITIME. Temujin only ruled land, and I believe his empire disintegrated soon after his death.
There was a direct blood descendant of Ghengis in Mongol government up till the Soviet takeover.

The longest run of any imperial family known to man.
Interesting. I thought their ability to jink made them decently good for their time. Learn something every day.
They were a handful for a conventional fighter in a furball, but even the Sea Harrier was very limited in any other fight. The Harrier could VIFF (Vector in Forward Flight) using the pivoting jet nozzles but lacked afterburners and were short ranged. The French Matra and Magic missiles were completely outclassed by the late model Sidewinders released from American war stocks which were forward arc capable. The Argentine Mirages and Super Entendards were operating at the very limit of their ranges much like the Me-109s in the BoB. Against an opponent with beyond visual range missiles, the Harriers would have been slaughtered.
The big question is why would the Roman empire have wanted to extend it's limited resources to conquer a poor island like Briton ? Was it about badly drawn maps that showed Briton at the end of the known world?

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