Fascism and Liberalism Have Switched Meanings

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Usmb should really have a bat shit crazy lefttards category ....cause it's just a constant stream of brain washed retardation .


Fascism and Liberalism Have Switched Meanings

Fascism used to mean absolute government. “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state,” barked its Founding Father Benito Mussolini. Fools and maniacs advocate absolute government to this day. Because their ideology is based on postmodernism, they hope to achieve it by manipulating language. This is why they call themselves “liberals.” That term previously referred to advocates of individual liberty like Thomas Jefferson, who held views diametrically opposed to those of modern liberals. In the same spirit, authoritarians have redefined “fascism” to mean what “liberalism” used to mean.

A moonbat who demonstrates that she really means it by dropping the F-bomb every few words provides a Newspeak Dictionary

Today’s lecture:

“In terms of economic theory, fascism is the genuine belief that individuals are responsible for their own well-being and welfare.”
Nazis didn’t get the memo:

Adolf Eichmann viewed National Socialism and communism as “quasi-siblings,” explaining in his memoirs that he “inclined towards the left and emphasized socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalist ones.” As late as 1944, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels publicly celebrated “our socialism,” reminding his war-weary subjects that Germany “alone [has] the best social welfare measures.” Contrast this, he advised, with the Jews, who were the very “incarnation of capitalism.”
But now we know that personal responsibility is bad due to alleged links to white supremacism and Christianity. It is a tool of “colonization.” That’s why the freedom to own property — arguably the foundation of all individual liberty — is fascism, as surely as the desire to impose omnipotent, omnipresent government is liberalism.

On a tip from Anonymous.

All links highlighted ...

Everyday I like the wef idea of depopulation more and more
Usmb should really have a bat shit crazy lefttards category ....cause it's just a constant stream of brain washed retardation .


Fascism and Liberalism Have Switched Meanings

Fascism used to mean absolute government. “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state,” barked its Founding Father Benito Mussolini. Fools and maniacs advocate absolute government to this day. Because their ideology is based on postmodernism, they hope to achieve it by manipulating language. This is why they call themselves “liberals.” That term previously referred to advocates of individual liberty like Thomas Jefferson, who held views diametrically opposed to those of modern liberals. In the same spirit, authoritarians have redefined “fascism” to mean what “liberalism” used to mean.

A moonbat who demonstrates that she really means it by dropping the F-bomb every few words provides a Newspeak Dictionary

Today’s lecture:

Nazis didn’t get the memo:

But now we know that personal responsibility is bad due to alleged links to white supremacism and Christianity. It is a tool of “colonization.” That’s why the freedom to own property — arguably the foundation of all individual liberty — is fascism, as surely as the desire to impose omnipotent, omnipresent government is liberalism.

On a tip from Anonymous.

All links highlighted ...

Everyday I like the wef idea of depopulation more and more

The Marxist have successfully brainwashed a couple of generations of people.
This young lady is another great example of a brainwashed crackpot fanatic who is completely unaware that she has been brainwashed and that she is totally wrong.
Her ideas have already been tried and failed.
It takes oppression to make everyone equal.
The Marxist have murdered and starved to death multiple millions of human beings.
Marxism creates poverty, it doesn't lift people, it shoves people down.
Left Wing economics is about stealing, not sharing.
Socialism is government slavery.
It would be interesting to see this dumb lady get a reality check by making her live in North Korea or Cuba.
I believe many of the bat shit crazy moron Leftist posters here are actually trolls who are actually quite clever.
They post insanity and rile up the Right to keep the forum busy and active and the revenue rolling in.
Remember, this forum is owned by an investment group. Making money is the objective.
Can you think of a better strategy?

It's why I no longer let trolls like RightWinger who obviously posts to do so, and the plethora of other trolls, bother me at all. I see through it.
I believe many of the bat shit crazy moron Leftist posters here are actually trolls who are actually quite clever.
They post insanity and rile up the Right to keep the forum busy and active and the revenue rolling in.
Remember, this forum is owned by an investment group. Making money is the objective.
Can you think of a better strategy?

It's why I no longer let trolls like RightWinger who obviously posts to do so, and the plethora of other trolls, bother me at all. I see through it.
Not to mention the number of sock puppets and at least one very likely a.i.
Nah, it sound like more of the same junk that the Neo-Republicans have pushed onto their dumbed down flock that the Nazis/Fascist were really liberals.
Notice all of the hive mind buzz words that the Left uses all of the time like, fascism, white supremacy, social justice, patriarch......these people are not independent thinkers
The left today are identical to the red guard of Maoist China

I would have no problem dying if we have a civil war
Nah, it sound like more of the same junk that the Neo-Republicans have pushed onto their dumbed down flock that the Nazis/Fascist were really liberals.

I am sure i can easily take out a dozen of those queers and big noses before I succumb to my mortal wounds :itsok: :itsok: :eusa_boohoo:

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