Fast and Furious = Gun Control


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Doubt that 'Fast and Furious' was a scheme to make sure that there was so much murder and mayhem due to the use of guns that the Department of [In]Justice could demand more stringent gun control laws?


Now read the story of Dennis Burke...and, if you're an Obama-supporter, be sure to claim not to be able to connect the dots.

1. "The career path of former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke can be charted through an ascending string of jobs from Arizona's Supreme Court to the U.S. Senate, White House, Department of Homeland Security and Justice Department....suddenly, it nose-dives on Aug. 30, 2011, when Burke resigned as U.S. attorney amid a scandal over a gun-smuggling case known as Operation Fast and Furious.

2. ...firearm politics -- has been a pet theme through most of his 23 years in government....Burke last year pressed colleagues and superiors to deny that the Justice Department knowingly allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico under his watch, and that two of those weapons wound up at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

3. ...Second Amendment advocates, who paint Burke as a liberal apparatchik who was willing to let criminals move weapons to Mexican cartels if it would help justify new firearms restrictions.

4. ...Dennis Burke, a longtime anti-gun policy person, was made U.S. Attorney in mid-2009 ... the same month (sic) that Fast and Furious begins," said Mike Vanderboegh, a gun-rights blogger. "They picked precisely the right guy to run a clandestine program." (The operation began a month after Burke's appointment was confirmed.)

5. ...Burke became a scapegoat to protect higher officials in the Justice Department or White House...protecting higher-ups in the Justice Department.

6. ...he began working on gun control. DeConcini said Burke helped draft the Anti-Drug Assault Weapons Limitation Act of 1989. A five-year battle ensued, ending with President Bill Clinton signing the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which made it a federal offense to possess certain semiautomatic rifles manufactured after the law's passage....Burke continued handling firearm issues, discussing whether executive orders could be used to extend the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act requirement for background checks.

7. ...under U.S. Attorney Janet Napolitano, getting firsthand experience with Mexican syndicates that were smuggling narcotics and firearms. In an interview that year with the Arizona Business Gazette, he identified earlier gun-regulation efforts as the most fulfilling professional assignment he'd undertaken....he served as a chief deputy to Napolitano ... where he again dealt with gun-running into Mexico.

8. ...President Obama named Burke as his nominee for U.S. attorney... blaming liberal U.S. gun laws for arming the cartels. The assault-weapons law had expired in 2004. Restoration of the statute had been on Obama's platform, and Burke was among the public adherents.

a. ...smugglers moved as many as 1,400 weapons across the border. The problem: Those AK-47s and .50-caliber rifles were being used for mayhem in Mexico, and U.S. investigators had not devised a successful way to track them....the ATF strategy knowingly let guns into Mexico,...he knew exactly what was going on.

9. In early messages to DOJ superiors, he incorrectly claimed weapons found at the murder scene were purchased before Fast and Furious started. Later, he clarified that although Fast and Furious was under way, the buyer was not being surveilled at the time he bought them....Holder has since acknowledged that the senator's assertions were true, and that Fast and Furious was a flawed operation

10. Critics say the constellation of facts points to Burke as a ramrod behind Fast and Furious, working to provide political powder for more firearm regulations.

a. "Looking at Burke's background and his attitude towards gun rights and those who support them, I see this as even further confirmation that the intent of Operation Fast and Furious from the very beginning was to build support for another so-called assault-weapons ban."
Burke of Fast and Furious had anti-gun history
Nice bit of research PoliticalChic - Burke is a poster boy for squelching 2A rights - as are Obama, Holder, Clinton and rest of these liberal scumbags who realize that as long as Americans have the right to bear arms - complete tyranny and individual control of the populace will NEVER be possible. They got caught with their hands in the "cookie jar" -and are now squirming and wiggling any which way to try and deny their actions and intent. It is really painful to watch, actually - an absolute DISGRACE and embarrassment for all freedom-loving Americans.

Without the Second Amendment - the rest of the Bill of Rights - indeed the Decl. of Indep. and the entire Constitution - are utterly meaningless.

"From My Cold, Dead Hands...!"
Nice bit of research PoliticalChic - Burke is a poster boy for squelching 2A rights - as are Obama, Holder, Clinton and rest of these liberal scumbags who realize that as long as Americans have the right to bear arms - complete tyranny and individual control of the populace will NEVER be possible. They got caught with their hands in the "cookie jar" -and are now squirming and wiggling any which way to try and deny their actions and intent. It is really painful to watch, actually - an absolute DISGRACE and embarrassment for all freedom-loving Americans.

Without the Second Amendment - the rest of the Bill of Rights - indeed the Decl. of Indep. and the entire Constitution - are utterly meaningless.

"From My Cold, Dead Hands...!"

These folks will use any methods, Constitution-be-damned, such as a U.N. treaty....

"“There has been a decree by the administration by the president and the secretary of state saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons,” Boykin warned. “That means the United Nations, an international body will decide how you and I as Americans can buy and sell our weapons, how we control those weapons, who is authorized to have those weapons and where they are. This is a dangerous trend.”

Now some 130 lawmakers, consisting of mostly Republicans, but also including Democrats such as Reps. Jason Altmire, Sanford Bishop, Jerry Costello, Danny Davis and Peter DeFazio sent off a letter to the Obama administration opposing the treaty.

The ATT would specifically require signatories to identify and trace, in “a timely and reliable manner,” illicit small arms and light weapons. The information would be required to be submitted to the United Nations.

The treaty was opposed by the Bush administration, but President Obama’s administration reversed direction on the treaty. U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said the United States would support talks towards ratifying the treaty."
Obama told to back off U.N. gun treaty
These folks will use any methods, Constitution-be-damned, such as a U.N. treaty....

"“There has been a decree by the administration by the president and the secretary of state saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons,” Boykin warned. “That means the United Nations, an international body will decide how you and I as Americans can buy and sell our weapons, how we control those weapons, who is authorized to have those weapons and where they are. This is a dangerous trend.”

Now some 130 lawmakers, consisting of mostly Republicans, but also including Democrats such as Reps. Jason Altmire, Sanford Bishop, Jerry Costello, Danny Davis and Peter DeFazio sent off a letter to the Obama administration opposing the treaty.

The ATT would specifically require signatories to identify and trace, in “a timely and reliable manner,” illicit small arms and light weapons. The information would be required to be submitted to the United Nations.

The treaty was opposed by the Bush administration, but President Obama’s administration reversed direction on the treaty. U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said the United States would support talks towards ratifying the treaty."

And much do we hear about this (or anything else that could be construed as a negative against the Obama admin - case in point...Agenda 21 and its progeny) from our constitutionally-protected "free press?"

Although...I am much more concerned with the "Enemy Within" right now than with foreign attempts at encroachment on our liberty...

These hacks "don't need no stinkin' Congress...," or treaty, or other overt policy statement or initiative - they have their clear agenda to undermine individual liberty, and have come frighteningly far in a mere 3 1/2 years...
Nice bit of research PoliticalChic - Burke is a poster boy for squelching 2A rights - as are Obama, Holder, Clinton and rest of these liberal scumbags who realize that as long as Americans have the right to bear arms - complete tyranny and individual control of the populace will NEVER be possible. They got caught with their hands in the "cookie jar" -and are now squirming and wiggling any which way to try and deny their actions and intent. It is really painful to watch, actually - an absolute DISGRACE and embarrassment for all freedom-loving Americans.

Without the Second Amendment - the rest of the Bill of Rights - indeed the Decl. of Indep. and the entire Constitution - are utterly meaningless.

"From My Cold, Dead Hands...!"

These folks will use any methods, Constitution-be-damned, such as a U.N. treaty....

"“There has been a decree by the administration by the president and the secretary of state saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons,” Boykin warned. “That means the United Nations, an international body will decide how you and I as Americans can buy and sell our weapons, how we control those weapons, who is authorized to have those weapons and where they are. This is a dangerous trend.”

Now some 130 lawmakers, consisting of mostly Republicans, but also including Democrats such as Reps. Jason Altmire, Sanford Bishop, Jerry Costello, Danny Davis and Peter DeFazio sent off a letter to the Obama administration opposing the treaty.

The ATT would specifically require signatories to identify and trace, in “a timely and reliable manner,” illicit small arms and light weapons. The information would be required to be submitted to the United Nations.

The treaty was opposed by the Bush administration, but President Obama’s administration reversed direction on the treaty. U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said the United States would support talks towards ratifying the treaty."
Obama told to back off U.N. gun treaty
They're not supporting politicians who will KO Amendment 2, are they? What will happen to people who value their privacy, the right to keep and bear arms against predators, etc.

I do not like the President signing treaties without a thought for this particular country's history and a retaking of Washington, D.C. in a warlike way for giving away one of our freedoms, that we earned through a bitter Revolutionary War.

It's disgraceful how the Obama administration is cheating the American people out of their inherited freedoms the founders INTENTIONALLY procured to prevent ever being indentured as slaves to a foreign country with no representation whatever to a merciless sovereign monarch.

I don't want an oligarchy forming in America that would debilitate even a part of one of our Constitutional privileges.
Nice bit of research PoliticalChic - Burke is a poster boy for squelching 2A rights - as are Obama, Holder, Clinton and rest of these liberal scumbags who realize that as long as Americans have the right to bear arms - complete tyranny and individual control of the populace will NEVER be possible. They got caught with their hands in the "cookie jar" -and are now squirming and wiggling any which way to try and deny their actions and intent. It is really painful to watch, actually - an absolute DISGRACE and embarrassment for all freedom-loving Americans.

Without the Second Amendment - the rest of the Bill of Rights - indeed the Decl. of Indep. and the entire Constitution - are utterly meaningless.

"From My Cold, Dead Hands...!"

These folks will use any methods, Constitution-be-damned, such as a U.N. treaty....

"“There has been a decree by the administration by the president and the secretary of state saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons,” Boykin warned. “That means the United Nations, an international body will decide how you and I as Americans can buy and sell our weapons, how we control those weapons, who is authorized to have those weapons and where they are. This is a dangerous trend.”

Now some 130 lawmakers, consisting of mostly Republicans, but also including Democrats such as Reps. Jason Altmire, Sanford Bishop, Jerry Costello, Danny Davis and Peter DeFazio sent off a letter to the Obama administration opposing the treaty.

The ATT would specifically require signatories to identify and trace, in “a timely and reliable manner,” illicit small arms and light weapons. The information would be required to be submitted to the United Nations.

The treaty was opposed by the Bush administration, but President Obama’s administration reversed direction on the treaty. U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said the United States would support talks towards ratifying the treaty."
Obama told to back off U.N. gun treaty
They're not supporting politicians who will KO Amendment 2, are they? What will happen to people who value their privacy, the right to keep and bear arms against predators, etc.

I do not like the President signing treaties without a thought for this particular country's history and a retaking of Washington, D.C. in a warlike way for giving away one of our freedoms, that we earned through a bitter Revolutionary War.

It's disgraceful how the Obama administration is cheating the American people out of their inherited freedoms the founders INTENTIONALLY procured to prevent ever being indentured as slaves to a foreign country with no representation whatever to a merciless sovereign monarch.

I don't want an oligarchy forming in America that would debilitate even a part of one of our Constitutional privileges.

And not just because of our history and Constitution....

Have you seen this?

"why the gun is civilization.

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that's it.

When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force. The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gangbanger, and a single gay guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.

...People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that's the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.

.... The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weightlifter....

When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I'm looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation...and that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act."

why the gun is civilization. « the munchkin wrangler.
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There's a reason why Right to Bear Arms and Free Speech are the first two Amendments.

Attempts to take your 1st Amendment Rights will be stopped by your 2nd Amendment Rights.
I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know I too, have made a significant contribution to gun control just yesterday.

I introduced my grandson to handgun preparation and safety. He fired all of the different caliber automatics. At 9 it was still too early for the hand cannons. He handled the AMT backup exceptionally well.

A couple of adages come to mind......

How do you like me now?

Come get some..............
There's a reason why Right to Bear Arms and Free Speech are the first two Amendments.

Attempts to take your 1st Amendment Rights will be stopped by your 2nd Amendment Rights.

"Twelve years of additional experience and mountains of data confirm the empirical truth – more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens mean less crime.

“I would ask gun control advocates one question: name a single place in the entire world where murder rates fell after gun control laws were passed.”

That is the powerful challenge from economist Dr. John Lott, Jr., who was kind enough to discuss with CFIF the third edition release of his tectonic book More Guns, Less Crime."
John Lott: More Guns, Still Less Crime

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