Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump


It's hilarious when right wingers put up this picture.
As a young girl, Hillary's family wasn't rich. Trump got a million dollars to play with, never served this country and inherited $40,000,000.00

But right wingers think Trump understands them. The guy who stiffs workers JUST LIKE THEM?
How do they explain that?

That picture of Hillary is not Hillary as a young girl----it is her as an adult during which time she managed to parlay the fact
that her husband was president into a HUGE PERSONAL FORTUNE------ps----not salary

Well to be honest it may have been when they were "dead broke" .....lol

yeah right-----she was upper middle class and billy was
"white trash"----uhm.....born on the left side of the bed.
Neither was actually ever DEAD BROKE and now she has
LOTS OF MONEY from -----god-knows-where
--------I agree that trump should have ignored him
Exactly my point. Instead, Trump makes himself look both silly and narcissistic putting himself on the same level as the grieving parent of a US military hero.
well yeah, but he had employees, and that's just like slavery
It is when you refuse to pay them.
trump just did that so they would know the slave like conditions he was under by having employees

It's hilarious when right wingers put up this picture.
As a young girl, Hillary's family wasn't rich. Trump got a million dollars to play with, never served this country and inherited $40,000,000.00

But right wingers think Trump understands them. The guy who stiffs workers JUST LIKE THEM?
How do they explain that?

That picture of Hillary is not Hillary as a young girl----it is her as an adult during which time she managed to parlay the fact
that her husband was president into a HUGE PERSONAL FORTUNE------ps----not salary

Well to be honest it may have been when they were "dead broke" .....lol

yeah right-----she was upper middle class and billy was
"white trash"----uhm.....born on the left side of the bed.
Neither was actually ever DEAD BROKE and now she has
LOTS OF MONEY from -----god-knows-where

The Russian uranium deal certainly added to the coffers...millions. But the left doesn't want to discuss that
--------I agree that trump should have ignored him
Exactly my point. Instead, Trump makes himself look both silly and narcissistic putting himself on the same level as the grieving parent of a US military hero.
well yeah, but he had employees, and that's just like slavery
It is when you refuse to pay them.
trump just did that so they would know the slave like conditions he was under by having employees

you are clueless. He is rich and being sued. Your use of the term "same level" is very quaint--

It's hilarious when right wingers put up this picture.
As a young girl, Hillary's family wasn't rich. Trump got a million dollars to play with, never served this country and inherited $40,000,000.00

But right wingers think Trump understands them. The guy who stiffs workers JUST LIKE THEM?
How do they explain that?

Because he does und er stand us better.....that's how bad liberals are......unpatriotic, unchristian, con artists is all the left are
--------I agree that trump should have ignored him
Exactly my point. Instead, Trump makes himself look both silly and narcissistic putting himself on the same level as the grieving parent of a US military hero.
well yeah, but he had employees, and that's just like slavery
It is when you refuse to pay them.
trump just did that so they would know the slave like conditions he was under by having employees

you are clueless. He is rich and being sued. Your use of the term "same level" is very quaint--
That's what he offered as the 'sacrifice' he has made - having employees. you seem to think that 'sacrifice' is like slavery.

nobody in their right mind considers that a sacrifice
In order to repent I would need to feel sorry for my opinion. I dont. I've told you before that your emotional feelings about me are not any of my business.
Agreed, which is why I wrote you were an "unrepentant misogynistic, anti-American racist."
That and $2 will get you nothing.
$2 buys a lot of things. Understandable why you don't get it.

You must have low self esteem. Now youre mad because I agreed you should put me on ignore. Get out of your emotions and debate. Dont be a pussy all of your life.
Another great example of your hatred for women. No doubt you love to smack them around a bit to feel like a man.
Exactly my point. Instead, Trump makes himself look both silly and narcissistic putting himself on the same level as the grieving parent of a US military hero.
well yeah, but he had employees, and that's just like slavery
It is when you refuse to pay them.
trump just did that so they would know the slave like conditions he was under by having employees

you are clueless. He is rich and being sued. Your use of the term "same level" is very quaint--
That's what he offered as the 'sacrifice' he has made - having employees. you seem to think that 'sacrifice' is like slavery.

nobody in their right mind considers that a sacrifice

It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS and he considers his work beneficial to lots of people in that it creates jobs---generates salaries and even taxes-------and he is right. He did not answer well----he should have made sure that Mr Khan faced a few thousand
parents who are victims of Islamic terrorism. He might have mentioned a FELLOW PAKISTANI-----Nafsheen Malik----nice
educated girl------immigrant to the USA ----she did not need "saving" either. Turkish Christians need to be saved----in fact Pakistani Christians need to be saved ---as well as Sikhs from the Punjab Province-----the part controlled by pakistan
In order to repent I would need to feel sorry for my opinion. I dont. I've told you before that your emotional feelings about me are not any of my business.
Agreed, which is why I wrote you were an "unrepentant misogynistic, anti-American racist."
That and $2 will get you nothing.
$2 buys a lot of things. Understandable why you don't get it.

You must have low self esteem. Now youre mad because I agreed you should put me on ignore. Get out of your emotions and debate. Dont be a pussy all of your life.
Another great example of your hatred for women. No doubt you love to smack them around a bit to feel like a man.
Maybe on your low income budget. Dont bother telling me all the things $2 will buy. It would just be depressing.

I love women so I dont understand why you feel I hate them. However thats your cross to bear.
You all fully realize that just because someone is in the U.S. army does not mean that they support its interests, right? Mr. Kahn supports a terrorist organization called Islam. Islam is not a religion. It is a geo political totalitarian system of submission. Its modis operandi is you WILL covert or be killed. Pretty simple and straight forward. Is there something else to discuss or jerk off to?
You all fully realize that just because someone is in the U.S. army does not mean that they support its interests, right? Mr. Kahn supports a terrorist organization called Islam. Islam is not a religion. It is a geo political totalitarian system of submission. Its modis operandi is you WILL covert or be killed. Pretty simple and straight forward. Is there something else to discuss or jerk off to?

be fair-----with all this BROUHAHA----no one has looked into
the actual ideology of the complaining Mr Khan. He's got other sons-----no one has looked into their ideological leanings. We know nothing about the KHANS other than the fact that one of the sons died in the US military from what seems to have been a muslim in a car bomb
well yeah, but he had employees, and that's just like slavery
It is when you refuse to pay them.
trump just did that so they would know the slave like conditions he was under by having employees

you are clueless. He is rich and being sued. Your use of the term "same level" is very quaint--
That's what he offered as the 'sacrifice' he has made - having employees. you seem to think that 'sacrifice' is like slavery.

nobody in their right mind considers that a sacrifice

It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others
You all fully realize that just because someone is in the U.S. army does not mean that they support its interests, right? Mr. Kahn supports a terrorist organization called Islam. Islam is not a religion. It is a geo political totalitarian system of submission. Its modis operandi is you WILL covert or be killed. Pretty simple and straight forward. Is there something else to discuss or jerk off to?

be fair-----with all this BROUHAHA----no one has looked into
the actual ideology of the complaining Mr Khan. He's got other sons-----no one has looked into their ideological leanings. We know nothing about the KHANS other than the fact that one of the sons died in the US military from what seems to have been a muslim in a car bomb

PS----I have a feeling STUFF is going to COME OUT---about
Mr. Khan and his propensities-------Trump is no fool
It is when you refuse to pay them.
trump just did that so they would know the slave like conditions he was under by having employees

you are clueless. He is rich and being sued. Your use of the term "same level" is very quaint--
That's what he offered as the 'sacrifice' he has made - having employees. you seem to think that 'sacrifice' is like slavery.

nobody in their right mind considers that a sacrifice

It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan

another point for this idiot discussion----the CAR BOMB idea
that killed the KHAN boy is very much utilized for the BENEFIT OF ISLAAAAM--------the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was done with CAR BOMBS in the underground
parking lot-------. Lots of car bombs have been used to BENEFIT ISLAAAAM
Khan’s remarks at the DNC were perfectly appropriate, a justified and warranted response to Trump’s bigotry and hate, where Trump advocates that Muslims be ‘banned’ from coming to the United States.

Trump has only himself to blame.
It doesn't matter whether or not you're a member of the military, the modern GOP will even hate the father of a soldier who died for them if they're the wrong skin color.
No he is just putting the blame in the wrong place as Trump neither made his son join the military nor did Trump order him into a combat zone.
You didn't see the speech did you? The father wasn't blaming anyone for his son's brave sacrifice.
It doesn't matter whether or not you're a member of the military, the modern GOP will even hate the father of a soldier who died for them if they're the wrong skin color.
No he is just putting the blame in the wrong place as Trump neither made his son join the military nor did Trump order him into a combat zone.
You didn't see the speech did you? The father wasn't blaming anyone for his son's brave sacrifice.
I saw the father's speech and it was clear he was being ignorant. His son did die for the country no doubt his son is a hero but to try to shove that up someone else's ass or down their throats won't work. Maybe you do not see subversive message in what he said I do.

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