Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump

It doesn't matter whether or not you're a member of the military, the modern GOP will even hate the father of a soldier who died for them if they're the wrong skin color.
No he is just putting the blame in the wrong place as Trump neither made his son join the military nor did Trump order him into a combat zone.
He didnt blame Trump for his son dying. He just rightfully said Trump was a dumbass for trying to ban muslims.
And thus made himself a target of legitimate reprisal. The Left guessed they could parade a "gold star parent" who could hurl insults and use his dead, raghead son as a shield against riposte. They guessed wrong.
Well here you are proving to be a disgusting shitstain of a "Christian" again. No point in talking to this guy Asclepias, he's drowning in hate and doesn't have a decent bone in his body.
That's what he offered as the 'sacrifice' he has made - having employees. you seem to think that 'sacrifice' is like slavery.

nobody in their right mind considers that a sacrifice

It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan

another point for this idiot discussion----the CAR BOMB idea
that killed the KHAN boy is very much utilized for the BENEFIT OF ISLAAAAM--------the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was done with CAR BOMBS in the underground
parking lot-------. Lots of car bombs have been used to BENEFIT ISLAAAAM
You are the worst kind of trash.

is that the best you can do? I did not kill the khan boy--------shit like you did
Trash like you are the only terrorists around here.
It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan

another point for this idiot discussion----the CAR BOMB idea
that killed the KHAN boy is very much utilized for the BENEFIT OF ISLAAAAM--------the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was done with CAR BOMBS in the underground
parking lot-------. Lots of car bombs have been used to BENEFIT ISLAAAAM
You are the worst kind of trash.

is that the best you can do? I did not kill the khan boy--------shit like you did
Trash like you are the only terrorists around here.

around "here" -------where is "here" to you-----I am in my own apartment. I never killed anyone but I have been involved in the care of some of the victims of the car bombs for allah that you endorse.
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan

another point for this idiot discussion----the CAR BOMB idea
that killed the KHAN boy is very much utilized for the BENEFIT OF ISLAAAAM--------the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was done with CAR BOMBS in the underground
parking lot-------. Lots of car bombs have been used to BENEFIT ISLAAAAM
You are the worst kind of trash.

is that the best you can do? I did not kill the khan boy--------shit like you did
Trash like you are the only terrorists around here.

around "here" -------where is "here" to you-----I am in my own apartment. I never killed anyone but I have been involved in the care of some of the victims of the car bombs for allah that you endorse.

In fact-----come to think of it-----I have probably cared for people knocked around by the same kind of bomb that killed the Khan boy------but right here in the USA (ps---I am located in the USA----we are very vigilant about your car bombs)
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan

another point for this idiot discussion----the CAR BOMB idea
that killed the KHAN boy is very much utilized for the BENEFIT OF ISLAAAAM--------the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was done with CAR BOMBS in the underground
parking lot-------. Lots of car bombs have been used to BENEFIT ISLAAAAM
You are the worst kind of trash.

is that the best you can do? I did not kill the khan boy--------shit like you did
Trash like you are the only terrorists around here.

around "here" -------where is "here" to you-----I am in my own apartment. I never killed anyone but I have been involved in the care of some of the victims of the car bombs for allah that you endorse.
Where ever you are....that's where the dumbest fucking terrorist on the planet lives.
That's what he offered as the 'sacrifice' he has made - having employees. you seem to think that 'sacrifice' is like slavery.

nobody in their right mind considers that a sacrifice

It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
What's the compensation for losing a son who defends a country of people who hate him? Any ideas on that......you fucking ****.
You Trump followers are all disgusting cowards. You evidently have few reasons to continue living. Do yourselves and everyone else on earth a favor and just kill yourselves.....find a tall building or bridge or something and jump.
yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan

another point for this idiot discussion----the CAR BOMB idea
that killed the KHAN boy is very much utilized for the BENEFIT OF ISLAAAAM--------the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was done with CAR BOMBS in the underground
parking lot-------. Lots of car bombs have been used to BENEFIT ISLAAAAM
You are the worst kind of trash.

is that the best you can do? I did not kill the khan boy--------shit like you did
Trash like you are the only terrorists around here.

around "here" -------where is "here" to you-----I am in my own apartment. I never killed anyone but I have been involved in the care of some of the victims of the car bombs for allah that you endorse.

In fact-----come to think of it-----I have probably cared for people knocked around by the same kind of bomb that killed the Khan boy------but right here in the USA (ps---I am located in the USA----we are very vigilant about your car bombs)
There's a surprise - irosie claims to have intimate inside knowledge
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
so it is your assertion that military service does not require sacrifice and that gold star families have not sacrificed anything.

oh----you are playing Goebbels-----repeat the same lie over and over and over-----
so what were you saying if not that khan's family did not sacrifice (since they didn't serve) ans that he didn't sacrifice since he was also getting some compensation

and we all know it's killing you not to call khan's mother a slut
It was my impression that he was alluding to the fact that he works LOTS
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
What's the compensation for losing a son who defends a country of people who hate him? Any ideas on that......you fucking ****.

when I was in the navy---the life insurance was $100,000. I have no idea what it was when the Khan boy was killed. What makes you imagine that everyone hated the Khan boy? Did he act like
the schmuck his father is. I doubt it-----seems his fellows liked him a lot
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's criticism about the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier has generated -- once again -- a backlash within his own party.

Just 100 days from the election, Trump has responded in his standard fashion -- dig in, claim he's being treated unfairly and attack back.
But the swift condemnation of Trump's response raises questions about whether this controversy is different from the ones that came before it.
This time, attacks from the Republican presidential nominee on the parents of a soldier who died defending America have put new pressure on GOP leaders to decide whether they will continue to stand by him. Already, the party's leaders in the House and the Senate have distanced themselves from Trump's remarks, and other Republican figures are attacking their nominee forcefully.

Trump faces backlash over attacks on family of slain Muslim US soldier - CNNPolitics.com
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's criticism about the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier has generated -- once again -- a backlash within his own party.

Just 100 days from the election, Trump has responded in his standard fashion -- dig in, claim he's being treated unfairly and attack back.
But the swift condemnation of Trump's response raises questions about whether this controversy is different from the ones that came before it.
This time, attacks from the Republican presidential nominee on the parents of a soldier who died defending America have put new pressure on GOP leaders to decide whether they will continue to stand by him. Already, the party's leaders in the House and the Senate have distanced themselves from Trump's remarks, and other Republican figures are attacking their nominee forcefully.

Trump faces backlash over attacks on family of slain Muslim US soldier - CNNPolitics.com
What leaders??? The very Establishment CONSERVATIVES loathe?? LMAO We don't give a fuck.. no one does but you liberals..
yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
so it is your assertion that military service does not require sacrifice and that gold star families have not sacrificed anything.

oh----you are playing Goebbels-----repeat the same lie over and over and over-----
so what were you saying if not that khan's family did not sacrifice (since they didn't serve) ans that he didn't sacrifice since he was also getting some compensation

and we all know it's killing you not to call khan's mother a slut
Wow, what kind of a fucking whore would say something like that.
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
What's the compensation for losing a son who defends a country of people who hate him? Any ideas on that......you fucking ****.

when I was in the navy---the life insurance was $100,000. I have no idea what it was when the Khan boy was killed. What makes you imagine that everyone hated the Khan boy? Did he act like
the schmuck his father is. I doubt it-----seems his fellows liked him a lot
You are a very stupid and dishonest little person. There is not one shred of any kind of morality anywhere within your disgusting self.
yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
so it is your assertion that military service does not require sacrifice and that gold star families have not sacrificed anything.

oh----you are playing Goebbels-----repeat the same lie over and over and over-----
so what were you saying if not that khan's family did not sacrifice (since they didn't serve) ans that he didn't sacrifice since he was also getting some compensation

and we all know it's killing you not to call khan's mother a slut

Khan's mother did not speak------except later on to
express the fact that she cries when she thinks about her dead son-------that is a natural thing---does not make her a slut----but neither her or her husband should USE that tragedy in the manner that they are using it-------as "WE SUFFER MORE THAN DO YOU........" In fact----if they are Shiite muslims and lived in Pakistan----they had been suffering all their lives. But neither I nor my fellow USA people did that to them either
yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
What's the compensation for losing a son who defends a country of people who hate him? Any ideas on that......you fucking ****.

when I was in the navy---the life insurance was $100,000. I have no idea what it was when the Khan boy was killed. What makes you imagine that everyone hated the Khan boy? Did he act like
the schmuck his father is. I doubt it-----seems his fellows liked him a lot
You are a very stupid and dishonest little person. There is not one shred of any kind of morality anywhere within your disgusting self.

OH?? you have so decided. I am SOO impressed
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive
so it is your assertion that military service does not require sacrifice and that gold star families have not sacrificed anything.

oh----you are playing Goebbels-----repeat the same lie over and over and over-----
so what were you saying if not that khan's family did not sacrifice (since they didn't serve) ans that he didn't sacrifice since he was also getting some compensation

and we all know it's killing you not to call khan's mother a slut

Khan's mother did not speak------except later on to
express the fact that she cries when she thinks about her dead son-------that is a natural thing---does not make her a slut----but neither her or her husband should USE that tragedy in the manner that they are using it-------as "WE SUFFER MORE THAN DO YOU........" In fact----if they are Shiite muslims and lived in Pakistan----they had been suffering all their lives. But neither I nor my fellow USA people did that to them either
Yes you did. You approve of endless wars to fight terrorists created by our own policies. In fact, you are responsible for his death, and he was clearly a far better person than you could ever hope to be.
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..
Shameless political exploiting of a family that lost its son.

On the speaker's podium at the Democratic National Convention.

In the post facto follow-up pissing and moaning and faux hand-wringing by LibTards pushing their agenda.
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

Trump is clearly mentally defective - which is why his "poorly educated" supporters love him.
Don't try to be clever, Shitting Bull, you're not equipped for it, and will surely blow a circuit, and singe your feathers...

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