Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump

Iraq War. Isn't that the war that Obama fought for three years, declared it a success, lost it by incompetence and now has more troops over there now?

Was that also the war that Crooked Hillary supported?

I think so.

Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

Trump is clearly mentally defective - which is why his "poorly educated" supporters love him.

It's hilarious you calling anyone poorly educated
Funny thing is.....not in your case. Truely. Ok....Ironic which is a form of humor.

Get lost you mentally confused creature
Funny thing is....you don't like being called on your mindless devotion for the Drumpf. What WILL you do in November when he goes down in flames?
OP undoubtedly taking two words out of context. The desperation mounts:

Nothing smells more like desperation than using a small fraction of voters in polls you claim to be the truth...

Nope. That's what polls look like when they're not made up. That's what results look like when ballot boxes aren't stuffed. Nobody's excited about Clinton.
you must be, it's all you want to talk about..yet I do not recognize any polls that don't have at least 300 millions votes...
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

you do not have to understand-----it is very rude for ANY person to ANNOUNCE publically-----"I SUFFER MORE THAN
DO YOU". Mr Khan was very very out of order. I am not all that sure that Trump acted dishonestly in business----any person who manages as many businesses as he does will have lawsuits.

For stealing, racketeering and bribery?
OP undoubtedly taking two words out of context. The desperation mounts:

Nothing smells more like desperation than using a small fraction of voters in polls you claim to be the truth...

Nope. That's what polls look like when they're not made up. That's what results look like when ballot boxes aren't stuffed. Nobody's excited about Clinton.
you must be, it's all you want to talk about..yet I do not recognize any polls that don't have at least 300 millions votes...

we don't have 300 million voters in this country-----asshole
OP undoubtedly taking two words out of context. The desperation mounts:

Nothing smells more like desperation than using a small fraction of voters in polls you claim to be the truth...

Nope. That's what polls look like when they're not made up. That's what results look like when ballot boxes aren't stuffed. Nobody's excited about Clinton.
you must be, it's all you want to talk about..yet I do not recognize any polls that don't have at least 300 millions votes...

we don't have 300 million voters in this country-----asshole
Sure you do, many may be illegals, but they can vote...
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

you do not have to understand-----it is very rude for ANY person to ANNOUNCE publically-----"I SUFFER MORE THAN
DO YOU". Mr Khan was very very out of order. I am not all that sure that Trump acted dishonestly in business----any person who manages as many businesses as he does will have lawsuits.

For stealing, racketeering and bribery?

has he lost those law suits already? sad to say in the course of my life-----some lawyers taught me a bit of
***LAW*** -----one of the first lessons is----ANYONE CAN SUE---FOR ANYTHING
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

I see you will milk this muslim soldier killed in iraq thing for all it's worth, like one guy makes up for all the violence and murder the muslims have been causing us. We cannot have a secure and safe country if we let people from a whacky and violent and anti christian religion run amuck.
Yeah, we have plenty of religious nutzies in this nation without importing them....

Yeah, we have plenty of religious nutzies in this nation without importing them....

Especially nutzies subject to sudden jihad syndrome.
Trump just should have said, well i'm sacrificing now.

It's a huge sacrifice he's making, volunteering to clean up this mess.
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

I see you will milk this muslim soldier killed in iraq thing for all it's worth, like one guy makes up for all the violence and murder the muslims have been causing us. We cannot have a secure and safe country if we let people from a whacky and violent and anti christian religion run amuck.
Yeah, we have plenty of religious nutzies in this nation without importing them....

Yeah, we have plenty of religious nutzies in this nation without importing them....

Especially nutzies subject to sudden jihad syndrome.
We used to cal that having a wild hair up your ass, but times change...
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

Wow, you speak at the Democrat convention and attack Trump and who would possibly think he might criticize you back? Unheard of.

What a moron you are, Dean. And a hypocrite too. You never started a thread like this for Joe The Plumber and what the Democrats did to him

Yes...she voted for Iraq. She's learned from that mistake......have RWrs?

Seems like everything the stupid bitch does is a mistake, doesn't it? When is she going to pull her head out of her fat ass? Never. Everything she does it either incompetent, wrong, dishonest or corrupt.

Trump condemned the Iraq war back in 2004 when Crooked Hillary was still supporting it. That makes him smarter than the Hilldog, doesn't it?

Trump is calling for less interventionism and stop fighting other people's wars for them. Between the two Crooked Hillary is the war monger.

Answer this question Moon Bat.

Why did that asshole Obama and that bitch Crooked Hillary send my son and the men of the 1st Heavy Combat Brigade, 1st Armored Divisions over to Iraq in 2010 when Iraq had nothing to do with 911? Was he stupid or something?
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

I will not be voting for Trump but Trump has made as many sacrifices as Bill and Hillary Clinton have, and seeing Hillary did vote for the Iraq resolution it make me wonder why on Earth you would vote for her?

I know the real reason is because you're a partisan whore but you will deny this and write how her vote was based on lies to her and also seeing she supported the idea of invading Iraq before it became unpopular make me wonder why Chelsea did not join the Military to fight in the war?

I mean what Sacrifices have Hillary Clinton ever made?


So as you bash the Douche Nozzle named Trump just tell the entire site what Hillary Clinton has Sacrifice and her being a female is not a free pass in today world!
Oh noes Trump is surely finished now...for the 1,054th time
Funny thing is....you support him....all the way.

Funny thing is....I support him over Cankles, anyone with an ounce of sense does. Now go make another strawman thread and get shellacked again, Hairy Back....and get past any thinking person takes you serious. You lie for starters....that's just sad

Wow...after what he said about John McCain? I thought you were disgusted by his comments about a war hero? Guess it's okay now?

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