Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump

Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

There is obviously a great deal you don't understand.

He was killed 12 years ago.

He was an American. God bless him.

Then they trot his parents out on stage to marginalize his sacrifice.

Total low life scumwad left wing crap.

so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?
I love those jackass Moon Bats at the Moon Bat Convention chanting "no more war".

All of those assholes voted for Obama who has been at war every day of his administration and who called the Iraq War a success.

How many Americans have died in Iraq this year?

I think there has been one.

However when that shithead Obama sent my son and the men of the 1st Heavy Combat Brigade, 1st Armored Division to Iraq (even though Iraq had nothing to do with 911) there were six men killed and dozens more wounded. Then the sonofofabitch had the gall to call the Iraq War a success. Dumb mutherfucker!
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

There is obviously a great deal you don't understand.

He was killed 12 years ago.

He was an American. God bless him.

Then they trot his parents out on stage to marginalize his sacrifice.

Total low life scumwad left wing crap.

so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
PS----the title of this thread is a DISGUSTING LIE-----trump did not attack the parents who lost a son in war ---to wit ---
Mr and Mrs Khan------THEY ATTACKED HIM
PS----the title of this thread is a DISGUSTING LIE-----trump did not attack the parents who lost a son in war ---to wit ---
Mr and Mrs Khan------THEY ATTACKED HIM
no, he absolutely attacked them. don't lie.

really?-----he called them from the crowd and threw accusations at them? Have you ever been standing before a crowd of millions and been told----by some stranger "I SUFFER MORE THAN YOU SUFFER-----YOU NEVER SUFFERED----BUT I DO-----LICK MY SHIT" considering what he faced----Trump did not do all that badly----I might have said "GO FUCK YOURSELF". It would have been better if he had answered ----" we all bear burdens"
There is obviously a great deal you don't understand.

He was killed 12 years ago.

He was an American. God bless him.

Then they trot his parents out on stage to marginalize his sacrifice.

Total low life scumwad left wing crap.

so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?
PS----the title of this thread is a DISGUSTING LIE-----trump did not attack the parents who lost a son in war ---to wit ---
Mr and Mrs Khan------THEY ATTACKED HIM
no, he absolutely attacked them. don't lie.

really?-----he called them from the crowd and threw accusations at them? Have you ever been standing before a crowd of millions and been told----by some stranger "I SUFFER MORE THAN YOU SUFFER-----YOU NEVER SUFFERED----BUT I DO-----LICK MY SHIT" considering what he faced----Trump did not do all that badly----I might have said "GO FUCK YOURSELF". It would have been better if he had answered ----" we all bear burdens"
lol. did you miss where he pretended the mother wasn't allowed to speak?
so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?
The Khans ought to denounce Trump. Americans ought to reject the racist, sexist Mountebank Trump. Never Trump. James Trump.
so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?

the Khans were living in a UAE country-----that means----an OIL RICH ARAB LAND where the only people who have rights are MUSLIMS -------"guest workers" who are non muslims are gleaned from THE MOST impoverished lands---paid next to nothing---and treated like slaves------it has been documented many cannot ESCAPE. -----women (and most likely boys) are regularly raped. My own kid----when in the Navy NOTICED
something when his ship docked in one of the emirates ------all the work was being done by HINDOOOS. My little snowflake--engaged one of the workers in conversation-----the man was DELIGHTED to tell his story--------not a pleasant one---you would not care.
so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?
if the Khans had been kept out of the states their spawn would have been killed blowing up a bus load of kids instead of fighting in our military. either way, allah wanted him.
so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?
The Khans ought to denounce Trump. Americans ought to reject the racist, sexist Mountebank Trump. Never Trump. James Trump.

"denounce him" sounds like you imagine the USA is some kind of fascist totalitarian shit hole-------"denounce as a CAPITALIST"---denounce as GULENIST (that's turkey)
denounce as a KAFFIR (shariah cesspits) ---of course then
there was Mc Carthy with his "denounce of communist" thing------we got over that sickness.
In order to repent I would need to feel sorry for my opinion. I dont. I've told you before that your emotional feelings about me are not any of my business.
Agreed, which is why I wrote you were an "unrepentant misogynistic, anti-American racist."
so now gold star parents are scum?

any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?

the Khans were living in a UAE country-----that means----an OIL RICH ARAB LAND where the only people who have rights are MUSLIMS -------"guest workers" who are non muslims are gleaned from THE MOST impoverished lands---paid next to nothing---and treated like slaves------it has been documented many cannot ESCAPE. -----women (and most likely boys) are regularly raped. My own kid----when in the Navy NOTICED
something when his ship docked in one of the emirates ------all the work was being done by HINDOOOS. My little snowflake--engaged one of the workers in conversation-----the man was DELIGHTED to tell his story--------not a pleasant one---you would not care.
you win the irrelevant rant award.
any parent who EXPLOITS the death of a child in the vulgar manner that the KHANS did------is scum.
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?

the Khans were living in a UAE country-----that means----an OIL RICH ARAB LAND where the only people who have rights are MUSLIMS -------"guest workers" who are non muslims are gleaned from THE MOST impoverished lands---paid next to nothing---and treated like slaves------it has been documented many cannot ESCAPE. -----women (and most likely boys) are regularly raped. My own kid----when in the Navy NOTICED
something when his ship docked in one of the emirates ------all the work was being done by HINDOOOS. My little snowflake--engaged one of the workers in conversation-----the man was DELIGHTED to tell his story--------not a pleasant one---you would not care.
you win the irrelevant rant award.

you win the CLUELESS award-----I have addressed the
***) CENTERPIECE (*** of the current and ongoing
WORLD WAR (as in number 3)

....dim as he seems---even da POOOP
alluded to it in a kind of left-
handed manner
vulgar manner? what was vulgar about it?

very vulgar-------it was a disgustingly vulgar accusation made
in a very public venue and TELEVISED (no less)
" YOU have never sacrificed....." That lump of shit
does not live in Donald Trump's undies------he could have
no idea what has been the turmoil of his life or anyone else's.
Time to put Khan up before the cameras have him face a crowd of parents who lost their kids to ALLAHUAKBAR farting animals
so now gold star parents are lumps of shit?

trump hasn't sacrificed anything. what he has done is put forth a proposal that would have kept the khans out of the united states. why shouldnt they speak against him?

the Khans were living in a UAE country-----that means----an OIL RICH ARAB LAND where the only people who have rights are MUSLIMS -------"guest workers" who are non muslims are gleaned from THE MOST impoverished lands---paid next to nothing---and treated like slaves------it has been documented many cannot ESCAPE. -----women (and most likely boys) are regularly raped. My own kid----when in the Navy NOTICED
something when his ship docked in one of the emirates ------all the work was being done by HINDOOOS. My little snowflake--engaged one of the workers in conversation-----the man was DELIGHTED to tell his story--------not a pleasant one---you would not care.
you win the irrelevant rant award.

you win the CLUELESS award-----I have addressed the
***) CENTERPIECE (*** of the current and ongoing
WORLD WAR (as in number 3)

....dim as he seems---even da POOOP
alluded to it in a kind of left-
handed manner
so your opinion is that because the khans immigrated to the uae and then to the united states where their son volunteered for the army and died for his adopted country tbat somehow they are responsible for other wvils in the world?

you know what your real and sole problem with the khans is? they are muslim and they dared to speak out. that's the only thing you care about.
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

rdean is a dedicated troll. For over 10 years, if not more, he has authored thread after thread of deep political insights as this.

This is emblematic of leftist thinking. The RNC hosts a parent of a person killed directly because of Hillary's decisions as Secretary of State. In addition, Clinton lied about the reasons and circumstances surrounding their son's death. The reaction? A YAWN.

Then the DNC hosts parents of a son killed in a war that Senator Hillary Clinton voted for, and which Trump had nothing to do with. In fact, Trump never supported the Iraq war. The reaction. Something akin to rdean's laughable attempt at politicizing the deaths of soldiers, something he hypocritically lambasted Bush for.
Trump to father of slain soldier: 'I think I've made a lot of sacrifices'

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back on Democratic convention speaker Khazir Khan's claim that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

Trump also questioned whether Khan's wife Ghazala, who appeared on stage with him during the speech, was allowed to speak, seemingly questioning whether the family's Muslim faith restricted her role.

Khan's son, a U.S. soldier, was killed in Iraq in 2004.


Mrs. Khan said she didn't speak because she cries when she talks about her son or sees his picture.

And how did Trump respond when Khan said Trump has made no sacrifice? Trump said he made jobs.

We know Trump's business practices. Stiffing his workers. How many links have been posted showing Trump stiffs his employees. In fact, Trump has even talked about it himself. He believes it's "good business". Trump has had 3,500 lawsuits against him and 168 federal suits.

Hell, he's going to court on Nov 28th. 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering.

He's being investigated for bribing Florida's Attorney General and using illegally obtained funds from a charity, the Trump Foundation, for paying the bribe.

Why these right wingers think he isn't stiffing them when he stiffs everyone else, I'll never understand..

If the man uses his tragic situation politically, he is fair game for criticism.
you do not have to understand-----it is very rude for ANY person to ANNOUNCE publically-----"I SUFFER MORE THAN
. Mr Khan was very very out of order. I am not all that sure that Trump acted dishonestly in business----any person who manages as many businesses as he does will have lawsuits.
Funny that you castigate Khan for that but not Trump.

Rude or not, losing a child to fighting our nation's war is a suffering loss. Working hard to make money is not. Trump fucked up even by replying to this issue much less trying to compare his "sacrifices" to the Khan family's.

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