FBI calls our President a LIAR"

someone ought to start a repository for all trump administration lies.

we're gonna need a bigger board! :lol:

Your concern about Trump's lies would have a lot more merit if you had held your own "leaders" accountable when they (even as lawyers) were lying while under Oath.

"I want you to listen to me. . . I did not have sex with that woman!"
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Your concern about Trump's lies would have a lot more merit if you had held your own "leaders" accountable when they (even as lawyers) were lying while under Oath.

"I want you to listen to me. . . I did not have sex with that woman!"

he said sexual relations which, in his old-school mind, meant he didn't fuck her.

typical weasel lawyer answer and he paid a hefty price.

now where's your outrage over our attorney general lying to cover-up collusion, as if he is above the law...??

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath
I think this entire thread and title is a Lie, since it was very misleading, and so was Comey. If you have to lie to accuse others of lying, you are a Liar yourself.​
NOBODY in the entire Justice Department. TRUMPs Justice Department has any information supporting Trumps wild assertions

Congress has nothing, FBI and Justice Department has nothing

Our President LIED to us and accused a former President of a felony

Yes and thanks to your post a few posts back... we all know how much the TRUTH matters to you.

Got anything else?
<sob>. But...but....What about ABORTION?

The blood is on your hands for defending it.

What about it?
Oh dear.......Think about the CHILDREN?
How can you discuss Trump while babies are being aborted

I'm sure Trump has taken many of his floozies for abortions in his lifetime

I have several friends and family members who have had abortions.

So. . .

Your point about that is...

You must be a ball of fun at Thanksgiving
I think this entire thread and title is a Lie, since it was very misleading, and so was Comey. If you have to lie to accuse others of lying, you are a Liar yourself.​

Trump LIED
Comey confirmed it and nobody is defending our President
Yes and thanks to your post a few posts back... we all know how much the TRUTH matters to you.

Got anything else?
<sob>. But...but....What about ABORTION?

The blood is on your hands for defending it.

What about it?
Oh dear.......Think about the CHILDREN?
How can you discuss Trump while babies are being aborted

I'm sure Trump has taken many of his floozies for abortions in his lifetime

I have several friends and family members who have had abortions.

So. . .

Your point about that is...

You must be a ball of fun at Thanksgiving


You think it's all about me.

That's cute.
OKTexas, post: 16836299
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Do you actually think Comey's testimony vouches for Trump's lie that Obama committed a felony against him? You are way too far gone to be rehabilitated.

No he simply said the FBI or DOJ didn't have information that it was true. He phrased it very carefully to make it clear he was only speaking for the FBI and DOJ. That statement doesn't support the title of the OP. If you think it does, you're the one beyond rehabilitation.
Your concern about Trump's lies would have a lot more merit if you had held your own "leaders" accountable when they (even as lawyers) were lying while under Oath.

"I want you to listen to me. . . I did not have sex with that woman!"

he said sexual relations which, in his old-school mind, meant he didn't fuck her.

typical weasel lawyer answer and he paid a hefty price.

now where's your outrage over our attorney general lying to cover-up collusion, as if he is above the law...??

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Any lawyer who lies under oath should do time in JAIL.

Did you demand that Blubba do time in jail for his lies? Yes or no?
RW didn't wake up this morning deciding to choose a new path like honesty and truth.

I live by Truth, Justice and the American Way

The truth is that more than 50 million children have been denied their Constitutional rights and have been slaughtered by abortions... (supported and defended by libtardz in denial like you) but do go on with your cute little story about how much you care about TRUTH.

I'm enjoying the irony of it all.
The GOP have both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Why haven't they gotten rid of legal abortion?

Ummmm because it also takes the Supreme Court.


But don't worry, we will soon have a majority there too. Soon enough.
No...it takes the Legislature to write law and the president to sign it. Why has nothing been done........besides the obvious "you've been had"?
i love rhetorical questions from the losing left. so much winning.
Bald-faced lies are the new normal under President Trump
Bald-faced lies are the new reality under President Trump

This is how I feel after seven months of nothing.
"FBI calls our President a LIAR"
I watched the whole thing and didn't hear that....
of course you didn't. it's what the left heard. you know the zits for brains that have a hard on for the ruskies. that group of pretendland political turds.
On Jan. 23, 2017, Trump launched a renewed “Big Lie” campaign on alleged massive voter fraud in a White House meeting with top Democratic and Republican leaders. He named undocumented immigrants as one of the great “Enemies of the People” and our democracy. They allegedly stole the election.

“As part of the conversation, Mr. Trump asserted that three to five million unauthorized immigrants voted for Mrs. Clinton.”

The “Big Lie” grows as the evidence remains non-existent. The formerly faceless enemy of illegal voters has been replaced by the faces of dark-skinned undocumented immigrants.

Given the level of threat alleged by the “Big Lie,” Trumpism requires new attacks. On January 26, 2017, Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, laid out the line of attack:

“We have to understand where the problem exists, how deep it is, and then suggest some remedies…It’s a belief that he (Trump) has maintained for a while, a concern that he has about voter fraud. And that’s based on information that’s provided.”

The National Association of Secretaries of State politely countered with the following: “We are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims of President Trump, but we are open to learning more about the administration’s concerns.” In short, show us the evidence.

Let’s call out Trump administration’s big lies | The Stand

Trump was confronted by David Muir of ABC News who repeatedly demanded verifiable proof of Trump’s claim on millions of illegal voters stealing the popular vote.

Trump’s response:

“You know what is important. Millions of people agree with me when I say that.” :lol:

In essence, belief in the his unverified “Big Lie” is what is important. The truth is not important. This is the annihilation of truth coupled with attacks on our so-called enemies in an alleged defense of our country. They have no evidence yet they will persist in their attacks.

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