FBI calls our President a LIAR"

No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Information that was publicly available. Wow, you got any more impressive information for us? LMAO
Publicaly available after Russia leaked it

Trump using the information showed he was benefitting from it. Otherwise he would not have jumped on each leak as it was released

Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win
I don't recall seeing any Russians at the voting booth where I cast my vote for Trump. But that's probably just me.
No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Information that was publicly available. Wow, you got any more impressive information for us? LMAO
Publicaly available after Russia leaked it

Trump using the information showed he was benefitting from it. Otherwise he would not have jumped on each leak as it was released

Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

And that differs from your use of information provided by traitors to bash Trump, HOW??????
Does anybody really think oblamer would have used legal channels if he wanted to undermine the Trump campaign?

Obama knew that the Trump campaign was under investigation by the FBI. Obama had information the russians were in communications with members of the Trump campaign. Yet Obama kept his mouth shut.

The idea Obama had Trump Tower wiretaped by someone other than the British, the FBI, the CIA, or the NSA leaves nobody else who could have done it.
Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.

I'm not sure of that. Akin to how many doctors and scientists refused to use the Joseph Mengele medical experiment data because of what he did to get it.

I think you're over estimating the ethics of the DNC and the hildabitch machine, no, I'm quite sure your totally full of shit.
The Russians helped Trump win

Can't be proven in any way shape, form, or fashion.

Roger Stone got inside information from his communications with Guccifer 2.0. He knew Podestas e-mails were going to be released, days before it happened. Stone is either another Nostradamus or another Benedict Arnold.

That in no ways proves that anything the Russians did changed the outcome of the election.
Well, if the Russians provided the information and Trump used it repeatedly in his campaign.......then they are influencing the election

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost.

An example of how even a small change in the right place, can produce a huge difference in outcomes.

Once again, what did they provide to Trump ?
The Russians helped Trump win

Can't be proven in any way shape, form, or fashion.

Roger Stone got inside information from his communications with Guccifer 2.0. He knew Podestas e-mails were going to be released, days before it happened. Stone is either another Nostradamus or another Benedict Arnold.

Well I'm communicating with you that I'm going to take a dump in the morning, does that mean you're colluding with my bowel movement?
I have to wonder if Comey had info if he would admit to it.

Let's face it Comey is a weasel

True, but Trump still hasn't released ANY evidence whatsoever yet. If you make a claim as the president you better be able to support it...especially if it's as serious as the one he made.
Nobody asked the traitors to find the information. Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillarys e-mails.

But they hacked the DNC.

That too.[/QUOTE
Nobody asked the traitors to find the information. Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillarys e-mails.

But they hacked the DNC.

That too.

Yes, they did.

And it cost Debbie Wazzerbutt Shultz her overpaid job.

You didn't hear Bernie supporters whining about Wikileaks then.
And that differs from your use of information provided by traitors to bash Trump, HOW??????

Nobody asked the traitors to find the information. Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillarys e-mails.

At this point you don't know who was asked to do what or if they just did it on their own, but the investigation is ongoing and hopefully some people will go to jail for a long long time. The FBI had her server in their possession and it had already been wiped when he ask the Russians if they could FIND the 33,000 deleted emails. You're just another regressive hack pushing your parties conspiracy theories.
Sun Devil 92, post: 1684138
And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion

They don't need to be linked to the outcome.

The Russians attempt at interference in our election is an act of political war.

That you don't mind an attack on our democratic institutions by a foreign power tells us a lot about you.
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