FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It didn't for me or anyone I know. Our minds were made up the day the hildabitch announced.

the day Hillary announced you were probably a Cruz voter. Yet you changed your mind.

You're right, I voted for Cruz in the primary, but he didn't get the nomination. From the start my primary reason for voting was to make sure the bitch would never nominate anyone to the supreme court. If you doubt me, you're more than welcome to research my posting history. I'm not totally happy with Trump, but he's better than the alternative.
Sun Devil 92, post: 1684138
And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion

They don't need to be linked to the outcome.

The Russians attempt at interference in our election is an act of political war.

That you don't mind an attack on our democratic institutions by a foreign power tell us a lot about you.

Here, let me tell you something else.

Sun Devil 92, post: 1684138
And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion

They don't need to be linked to the outcome.

The Russians attempt at interference in our election is an act of political war.

That you don't mind an attack on our democratic institutions by a foreign power tell us a lot about you.

Oh, and yes they do. You keep saying they "helped" Trump. They didn't.

They posted a bunch of stuff.

Or are you planning on prosecuting Billy Bush ?
It didn't for me or anyone I know. Our minds were made up the day the hildabitch announced.

the day Hillary announced you were probably a Cruz voter. Yet you changed your mind.

You're right, I voted for Cruz in the primary, but he didn't get the nomination. From the start my primary reason for voting was to make sure the bitch would never nominate anyone to the supreme court. If you doubt me, you're more than welcome to research my posting history. I'm not totally happy with Trump, but he's better than the alternative.

We are on the same page there.

But, Trump won and they can suck on it.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16841767
Oh, and yes they do. You keep saying they "helped" Trump. They didn't.

I haven't said they helped Trump. Do you have a Trump brain? It's like attempted murder is still a crime - even though the target lived.
The FBI is politicized and controlled by democrats.

If so, why didn't Comey let the voters know last October that the FBI was investigating Russian interference and some Trump campaign officials for possible links or collusion.

I'd surely like to know why Comey did reveal ten days before the election that the Clinton email investigation was reopened just to say a week later that nothing was found.

Comey could have been non-partisan by revealing neither or by revealing both. If Comey is controlled by Dems this pre-election Comey stunt sure as hell blows a gaping hole in your conspiracy theory.
What is so disturbing about Trump is that he lies about EVERYTHING. He doesn't pick his battles. He will lie about the weather. He has no boundaries whatever. Even worse, he has no conception of the harm that it does to his own credibility. Even his own supporters have had to admit that you, "...should not take everything he says literally". His detractors agree, but take it to the logical conclusion that you can not believe ANYTHING he says.

But you know what is refreshing? It's that folks and the media KNOW he is lying.

See, the thing is, for us folks with superior critical thinking skills and media analysis, Trump isn't any different than any other president.

The REAL difference in this case, is that the media are no longer complicit, and the population no longer play along. Other than that, there really is no difference. Simmer down, nothing has changed.

Trump is exactly the same as every president that has come before him.

What a load of crap
Every other president lied too....is not realistic

NO OTHER PRESIDENT lied with the frequency and magnitude that Trump does.
Even his own staff tells us not to take him literally


Trump lies about his height, his weight, his health, the weather, his education, the size of his penis, his wife's breasts, his hair, the size of his victory, people in his crowds, his wealth, his taxes...

And that is just the small stuff
Did he lie about the Electoral College?

Yes he did

He lied about having the biggest Electoral College win since Reagan....not even close
So, what can we say about President Trump*?

1. He was assisted by Russian Spies
2. A last minute accusation by Comey turned the election
3 He lost the popular vote
4. Evidence is mounting that he colluded with Russsia for information

No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Link please.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity
So, what can we say about President Trump*?

1. He was assisted by Russian Spies
2. A last minute accusation by Comey turned the election
3 He lost the popular vote
4. Evidence is mounting that he colluded with Russsia for information

No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Was the information false? No. It's never been denied. Do I think the Russians hacked and released it? Yes. Was it to help Trump? No. I think it was to pay Hillary and the Democrats back for what he considered interference in the last Russian elections.

Why Putin hates Hillary
No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Information that was publicly available. Wow, you got any more impressive information for us? LMAO
Publicaly available after Russia leaked it

Trump using the information showed he was benefitting from it. Otherwise he would not have jumped on each leak as it was released

Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

No, the Russians GLEEFULLY screwed Hillary over to pay her back for screwing with them.
No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Link please.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
So, what can we say about President Trump*?

1. He was assisted by Russian Spies
2. A last minute accusation by Comey turned the election
3 He lost the popular vote
4. Evidence is mounting that he colluded with Russsia for information

No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Was the information false? No. It's never been denied. Do I think the Russians hacked and released it? Yes. Was it to help Trump? No. I think it was to pay Hillary and the Democrats back for what he considered interference in the last Russian elections.

Why Putin hates Hillary
Hurting one candidate helps the other
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


And that is saying he lied.

The bonehead left wing idiots continue their march over a cliff.

When Trump made his accusations against Obama, it is now clear there were two possible reasons:
1. He lied
2. He is stupid

We have no way of knowing for sure which was true at the time of the tweet. But given the immediate reaction to his tweet from Obama, Congress, The Justice Department, the FBI ......Trump continuing the accusation when he knows there are no facts to support it constitutes....A LIE

If a call from Trump Tower is made and transcript is released outlining what was said in that call, would it not stand to reason that the call was recorded? Perhaps you can explain to us how could happen without a wire tap?
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Link please.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians
No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Information that was publicly available. Wow, you got any more impressive information for us? LMAO
Publicaly available after Russia leaked it

Trump using the information showed he was benefitting from it. Otherwise he would not have jumped on each leak as it was released

Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
And that differs from your use of information provided by traitors to bash Trump, HOW??????

Nobody asked the traitors to find the information. Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillarys e-mails.

That's stupid. If you go back and listen, Trump said that he thought they'd ALREADY hacked her private server and had the e-mails already. He just suggested the press would pay the Russians for the e-mails they'd already obtained.
Sun Devil 92, post: 1684138
And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion

They don't need to be linked to the outcome.

The Russians attempt at interference in our election is an act of political war.

That you don't mind an attack on our democratic institutions by a foreign power tells us a lot about you.

Just as Hillary's perceived interference in Russian politics was an act of political war. Guess Hillary lost the war.

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