FBI calls our President a LIAR"

Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
How much contact did Team Hillary have with the Russians? How much did they get paid to help Russia while they were in power?

Report: Russia's Biggest Bank Paid Podesta Group to Fight U.S. Sanctions

We know that Hillary didn't hide her contacts with the Russians. As Sec of State she made the meetings as open and public as possible, Which is why republicans knew every detail of the "reset" button incident.

LOL! So, that makes "Team Hillary" pure?
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


No, impeachment is just a pipe dream of the Hillarybots. And even if he does get impeached, Hillary doesn't become President, Mike Pence does and he'd be worse.

We have two confirmable sets of action by Trump and Russia

If it is just coincidence ......we get on with our lives
If there is any correlation...we have an impeachable offense

Yes, Pence would become President
If he were not involved
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea
The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


No, impeachment is just a pipe dream of the Hillarybots. And even if he does get impeached, Hillary doesn't become President, Mike Pence does and he'd be worse.

We have two confirmable sets of action by Trump and Russia

If it is just coincidence ......we get on with our lives
If there is any correlation...we have an impeachable offense

Yes, Pence would become President
If he were not involved

Let's say he was and he gets impeached...then you get Paul Ryan. And, before you ask, if you were to get rid of Ryan, then it's Mitch McConnell. There's NO upside to wasting time on all this, especially when after all this time, there's no evidence of collusion.
The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?
Let's say he was and he gets impeached...then you get Paul Ryan. And, before you ask, if you were to get rid of Ryan, then it's Mitch McConnell. There's NO upside to wasting time on all this, especially when after all this time, there's no evidence of collusion.

I believe the quote is there is no HARD evidence of collusion. There is a ton of circumstancial evidence.
Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Isn't that what Michael Flynn talked to the Russian ambassador about? During the conversation he denied having, only to be proven they talked, so Flynn then denied they talked about sanctions. Only to be proven they talked about sanctions
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment
You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.

Did you read the classified transcript of Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador?
Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Isn't that what Michael Flynn talked to the Russian ambassador about? During the conversation he denied having, only to be proven they talked, so Flynn then denied they talked about sanctions. Only to be proven they talked about sanctions

There is no evidence of an offer to ease sanctions.
The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment

Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?
Putin despised Clinton and wanted her to lose. That's a no-brainer. But that wasn't a valid justification to 'investigate' the Trump Campaign.

It's very dirty and Watergate-ish. Ordering the investigation of the opposition's Candidate for President is a very dangerous egregious attack on our Democracy. Those who ordered it, should be held accountable.
Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

When did you stop taking Trump at his word? He said he would look into changing americas position when it came to Crimea.
Of course you have a link for that quote, right? Or are you just assuming that was said?

It's on a top secret NSA server. Before I could quote it to you, i'd have to promise the DNI to kill you right afterward,.

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