FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's very dirty and Watergate-ish. Ordering the investigation of the opposition's Candidate for President is a very dangerous egregious attack on our Democracy. Those who ordered it, should be held accountable.

Then why didn't you object when Trump did it?

Trump promised that should he be elected, he would have the attorney general prosecute Hillary Clinton.

Or is your memory too short to remember?
hunarcy, post: 16845130
No, released hacked e-mails are what they are being investigated for...but WHY did they hack the Democrats? To get back at Hillary.

Not just that. Breitbart, Infowars and Russian Times are being investigated. Conspiracy Theory Rags. Banning is tied in there.
It's very dirty and Watergate-ish. Ordering the investigation of the opposition's Candidate for President is a very dangerous egregious attack on our Democracy. Those who ordered it, should be held accountable.

Then why didn't you object when Trump did it?

Trump promised that should he be elected, he would have the attorney general prosecute Hillary Clinton.

Or is your memory too short to remember?

What the Democrats did, is unprecedented and incredibly dirty. It's an awful abuse of power. Comey admitted they've been 'investigating' Trump Campaign officials for awhile. The whole thing stinks of Watergate. But it's so much worse.
It's very dirty and Watergate-ish. Ordering the investigation of the opposition's Candidate for President is a very dangerous egregious attack on our Democracy. Those who ordered it, should be held accountable.

Then why didn't you object when Trump did it?

Donald Trump said at a debate last month that he would appoint a special prosecutor to examine Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state and remarked that she would “be in jail” if he were president.

Donald Trump could actually take steps to try to jail Hillary Clinton
What the Democrats did, is unprecedented and incredibly dirty. It's an awful abuse of power. Comey admitted they've been 'investigating' Trump Campaign officials for awhile. The whole thing stinks of Watergate. But it's so much worse.

The democrats haven't done anything. Trump promised to put Hillary in jail if he won. We have the transcripts, and it happened on live tv. Where was your outrage?
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


I don't know if Trump was wiretapped. Given that the NSA was wiretapping the entire planet, that doesn't seem too far fetched.

But either way I don't know, and I'm not sure that I personally care.

However... I find it funny that you cite the Director of the FBI, in finding out if the FBI wiretapped a presidential candidate.

You don't see the inherent problem with that? When the cigarette companies say cigarettes don't cause cancer, I assume you find those statements equally credible?

Again, I think the US government should wiretap every politician in government. But most people don't.

The FBI knows this. You thinking the Director of the FBI would stand up and say "Yeah we wiretapped Trump on the day he announced his bid!", is the equivalent of you expected the CEO of British American Tobacco to stand up and say "Yeah, our product kills people every day!".

You people are honestly, pathetic. Every time you don't like something, you grasp that you can't assume their statements are true. But the moment it fits your idiocracy, you magically assume they are divine statements of unquestionable fact.

However... I find it funny that you cite the Director of the FBI, in finding out if the FBI wiretapped a presidential candidate.
You don't see the inherent problem with that? When the cigarette companies say cigarettes don't cause cancer, I assume you find those statements equally credible?

There are only a few agencies who would be involved in wiretaping anybody. FBI, CIA, NSA, and even the British GCHQ. And they all denied they did it, including testifying to it under oath.
What the Democrats did, is unprecedented and incredibly dirty. It's an awful abuse of power. Comey admitted they've been 'investigating' Trump Campaign officials for awhile. The whole thing stinks of Watergate. But it's so much worse.

The democrats haven't done anything. Trump promised to put Hillary in jail if he won. We have the transcripts, and it happened on live tv. Where was your outrage?

Deflection. Ordering 'Investigations' and surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, is an egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Those who ordered it should be punished.
If that is all there is......then Trump is in the clear
We just need to sort out his interactions with the Russians

What Russia did for Trump: Released hacked emails

What Trump did for Russia: Removed military aid to Ukraine from GOP platform. Offered to ease sanctions. Defended Russia from criticism

Now...IF there is a connection, we have an impeachable offense


You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment

Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?

My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered
The FBI knows this. You thinking the Director of the FBI would stand up and say "Yeah we wiretapped Trump on the day he announced his bid!", is the equivalent of you expected the CEO of British American Tobacco to stand up and say "Yeah, our product kills people every day!"..

The tobacco CEO's when put under oath didn't refute the cancer link, but merely said they had no hard evidence of it. Akin to how republicans view the link between the trump campaign and the russians.
Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

When did you stop taking Trump at his word? He said he would look into changing americas position when it came to Crimea.

Saying you will look into something is not a commitment to change, you're trying to put words in Trumps mouth just like the left wing hate site did. Also if you're not going to include my quotes in complete context, stop quoting me.
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


I don't know if Trump was wiretapped. Given that the NSA was wiretapping the entire planet, that doesn't seem too far fetched.

But either way I don't know, and I'm not sure that I personally care.

However... I find it funny that you cite the Director of the FBI, in finding out if the FBI wiretapped a presidential candidate.

You don't see the inherent problem with that? When the cigarette companies say cigarettes don't cause cancer, I assume you find those statements equally credible?

Again, I think the US government should wiretap every politician in government. But most people don't.

The FBI knows this. You thinking the Director of the FBI would stand up and say "Yeah we wiretapped Trump on the day he announced his bid!", is the equivalent of you expected the CEO of British American Tobacco to stand up and say "Yeah, our product kills people every day!".

You people are honestly, pathetic. Every time you don't like something, you grasp that you can't assume their statements are true. But the moment it fits your idiocracy, you magically assume they are divine statements of unquestionable fact.

It's like asking Hillary Clinton and her staff to go through their emails and clean them up of anything they didn't think was important to the investigation on THEM.

Yah, Comey actually let them do that, and let them delete 30,000 emails, because imo he was helping them destroy evidence, so that when he actually looked at the server, he'd have a hard time finding evidence of a criminal act.

Even then he still found violations, so how stupid was Clinton?
Deflection. Ordering 'Investigations' and surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, is an egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Those who ordered it should be punished.

Then why did you sit back, while Trump promised to do just that.
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


I don't know if Trump was wiretapped. Given that the NSA was wiretapping the entire planet, that doesn't seem too far fetched.

But either way I don't know, and I'm not sure that I personally care.

However... I find it funny that you cite the Director of the FBI, in finding out if the FBI wiretapped a presidential candidate.

You don't see the inherent problem with that? When the cigarette companies say cigarettes don't cause cancer, I assume you find those statements equally credible?

Again, I think the US government should wiretap every politician in government. But most people don't.

The FBI knows this. You thinking the Director of the FBI would stand up and say "Yeah we wiretapped Trump on the day he announced his bid!", is the equivalent of you expected the CEO of British American Tobacco to stand up and say "Yeah, our product kills people every day!".

You people are honestly, pathetic. Every time you don't like something, you grasp that you can't assume their statements are true. But the moment it fits your idiocracy, you magically assume they are divine statements of unquestionable fact.


It doesn't work like that

You just don't wiretap anyone you fucking feel like. You need to get formal approval to wiretap. The President does not have that authority. No approval was requested or granted
Saying you will look into something is not a commitment to change, you're trying to put words in Trumps mouth just like the left wing hate site did. .

So you agree Trump was just bullshitting when he said he was going to change the tax code. I'm glad we can agree on something.
you mean like "the peemeister" and his baseless tweets.


You have no information that supports the thread title.
You have no information that supports the thread title.

FBI Director James Comey: 'No information' supporting Trump's wiretapping claim

FBI Director James Comey: 'No information' supporting Trump's wiretapping claim - CNNPolitics.com

View attachment 117628

Someone should ask Comey and Rodgers where the transcript came from that forced Flynn to resign...THAT was illegal.

They didn't invoke Flynn's name but they were asked about the leaks and they said they are investigating with an eye on prosecuting the leakers. That is a paraphrase, not a quote.

That changes nothing with respect to the other investigation.

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