FBI calls our President a LIAR"

So, what can we say about President Trump*?

1. He was assisted by Russian Spies
2. A last minute accusation by Comey turned the election
3 He lost the popular vote
4. Evidence is mounting that he colluded with Russsia for information

No evidence he was "assisted by Russian Spies". However, Hillary and the DNC were hurt by revelations from hackers which presented the TRUTH about her.

The "accusation" by Comey never happened...He reported that the investigation into her behavior had been re-opened the investigation into her e-mail due to some being found on Weiner's computer, but that only makes sense. Without the overwhelming anti-Trump vote in California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote. You're delusion about collusion is sad.
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Link please.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

Assisting can also be simply releasing information he can use or more simply, assisting him by damaging his opponent. It in no way implies that Trump was involved.
You was going along pretty good there and then you had to lie. I haven't seen ANY evidence anyone offered to ease sanctions.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment

Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?

My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered

Wow, another noncommittal statement, you regressives are really getting desperate to be picking out single words and trying to build a narrative. He's been in office two months, so exactly what has changed in US policy on Russia?
Saying you will look into something is not a commitment to change, you're trying to put words in Trumps mouth just like the left wing hate site did. .

So you agree Trump was just bullshitting when he said he was going to change the tax code. I'm glad we can agree on something.

Now you're trying to put word in my mouth, fuck off hack.
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment

Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?

My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered

Wow, another noncommittal statement, you regressives are really getting desperate to be picking out single words and trying to build a narrative. He's been in office two months, so exactly what has changed in US policy on Russia?

What is noncommittal about posting what Trump said?

Of course Trump can't do anything about Russia.........His balls are tied
Both the CIA and FBI as well as 15 other intelligence agencies report the Putin assisted Trump in an attempt to hurt Hillary

Candidate Trump used this hacked information on a weekly basis

Link please.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
A distinction without a difference.
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


And that is saying he lied.

The bonehead left wing idiots continue their march over a cliff.

When Trump made his accusations against Obama, it is now clear there were two possible reasons:
1. He lied
2. He is stupid

We have no way of knowing for sure which was true at the time of the tweet. But given the immediate reaction to his tweet from Obama, Congress, The Justice Department, the FBI ......Trump continuing the accusation when he knows there are no facts to support it constitutes....A LIE

If a call from Trump Tower is made and transcript is released outlining what was said in that call, would it not stand to reason that the call was recorded? Perhaps you can explain to us how could happen without a wire tap?

The receiving end was tapped.
Let's say he was and he gets impeached...then you get Paul Ryan. And, before you ask, if you were to get rid of Ryan, then it's Mitch McConnell. There's NO upside to wasting time on all this, especially when after all this time, there's no evidence of collusion.

I believe the quote is there is no HARD evidence of collusion. There is a ton of circumstancial evidence.

I'm not interested in your beliefs. Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

How much contact did Team Hillary have with the Russians? How much did they get paid to help Russia while they were in power?

Report: Russia's Biggest Bank Paid Podesta Group to Fight U.S. Sanctions
So which is it?

Was Clinton buddies with the Russians and greased the wheels for cash?


Did the Russians hate her and the hack was payback?
Since I didn't see every Trump campaign event I'm sure you have a quote for that statement, right?

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment

Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?

My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered

Wow, another noncommittal statement, you regressives are really getting desperate to be picking out single words and trying to build a narrative. He's been in office two months, so exactly what has changed in US policy on Russia?

What is noncommittal about posting what Trump said?

Of course Trump can't do anything about Russia.........His balls are tied

Funny, I didn't see any quotation marks.
And the Trump Band of Rubes Play on

Trump Claimed to Have Met Putin 9 Times

CNN: “Since 2013 — when Trump’s Miss Universe pageant was held in Moscow — Trump has at least nine times claimed to have spoken to, met, or made contact with Putin. But as the 2016 campaign wore on and his statements on Putin began to attract more scrutiny, Trump changed course, denying having ever met the Russian president.”:badgrin:
Publicaly available after Russia leaked it

Trump using the information showed he was benefitting from it. Otherwise he would not have jumped on each leak as it was released

Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.

I'm confused.
A few posts ago, you were on about how corrupt and in bed with the Russians the Clinton camp was.

Do you even know what you're saying?
Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

That is right around the time of the GOP convention. A time when Manafort and Flynn was contacting Russian agents

If a connection is proven...there will be grounds for impeachment

Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?

My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered

Wow, another noncommittal statement, you regressives are really getting desperate to be picking out single words and trying to build a narrative. He's been in office two months, so exactly what has changed in US policy on Russia?

What is noncommittal about posting what Trump said?

Of course Trump can't do anything about Russia.........His balls are tied

Funny, I didn't see any quotation marks.
What are quotation marks?

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
A distinction without a difference.

Wrong. Come back when you understand the difference between intent and coincidence. If YOU'D been running against Hillary, the Russians still would have hacked and released the e-mails. Hillary brought the hack and it's consequences on herself.
No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

How much contact did Team Hillary have with the Russians? How much did they get paid to help Russia while they were in power?

Report: Russia's Biggest Bank Paid Podesta Group to Fight U.S. Sanctions
So which is it?

Was Clinton buddies with the Russians and greased the wheels for cash?


Did the Russians hate her and the hack was payback?

Both. TEAM Hillary, led by John Podesta, were buddies with the Russians. Putin and the Russians hated Hillary.
Sure he used it, just as the hildabitch would if the situation was reversed. Don't try to play holier than thou on this one your fucking hack. You regressives had NO PROBLEM using illegally leaked information against Trump, so feel free to go fuck your hypocrite self.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.

I'm confused.
A few posts ago, you were on about how corrupt and in bed with the Russians the Clinton camp was.

Do you even know what you're saying?

I know this is tough for a binary thinker like you. You should go take a nap. If you are going to atatck "Team Trump", then you have to take the same good look at "Team Hillary".
Typical left wing hit piece, putting words in Trumps mouth he never said. From your link:
when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia
Trump said he “would be looking into that”

The only direct quote in the hit piece consisted of 5 words and was very noncommittal. You got something else?

My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered

Wow, another noncommittal statement, you regressives are really getting desperate to be picking out single words and trying to build a narrative. He's been in office two months, so exactly what has changed in US policy on Russia?

What is noncommittal about posting what Trump said?

Of course Trump can't do anything about Russia.........His balls are tied

Funny, I didn't see any quotation marks.
What are quotation marks?

quo·ta·tion mark
  1. each of a set of punctuation marks, single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”), used either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage or to indicate that a word or phrase is regarded as slang or jargon or is being discussed rather than used within the sentence.
And the Trump Band of Rubes Play on

Trump Claimed to Have Met Putin 9 Times

CNN: “Since 2013 — when Trump’s Miss Universe pageant was held in Moscow — Trump has at least nine times claimed to have spoken to, met, or made contact with Putin. But as the 2016 campaign wore on and his statements on Putin began to attract more scrutiny, Trump changed course, denying having ever met the Russian president.”:badgrin:
Reverse Fake News Do Si Do :badgrin:

“I am not trying to get ‘top level security clearance’ for my children. This was a typically false news story.”

— President-elect Donald Trump, quoted by Politico, on November 16, 2016.

“Ivanka Trump to get top security clearance and office, White House official says”

CNN headline, March 21, 2017.
Last edited:

No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
A distinction without a difference.

Wrong. Come back when you understand the difference between intent and coincidence. If YOU'D been running against Hillary, the Russians still would have hacked and released the e-mails. Hillary brought the hack and it's consequences on herself.

You don't get it both ways dude.

You can't say she was corrupt with the Russians at the same time you say she pissed them off.

Just like you can't say that Russia hurt Clinton without helping Trump.

You're making no sense in your attempts to put it all on Clinton. It's not her people getting caught lying about meeting Russian officials.
My quote:
Trump said it in his campaign
He also said he would consider recognizing Russias right to Crimea

Significant because no other candidate from either party ever said it would even be considered

Wow, another noncommittal statement, you regressives are really getting desperate to be picking out single words and trying to build a narrative. He's been in office two months, so exactly what has changed in US policy on Russia?

What is noncommittal about posting what Trump said?

Of course Trump can't do anything about Russia.........His balls are tied

Funny, I didn't see any quotation marks.
What are quotation marks?

quo·ta·tion mark
  1. each of a set of punctuation marks, single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”), used either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage or to indicate that a word or phrase is regarded as slang or jargon or is being discussed rather than used within the sentence.

Oh....Those things

Trump said they signify that you did not really say what you said

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