FBI calls our President a LIAR"

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

How much contact did Team Hillary have with the Russians? How much did they get paid to help Russia while they were in power?

Report: Russia's Biggest Bank Paid Podesta Group to Fight U.S. Sanctions
So which is it?

Was Clinton buddies with the Russians and greased the wheels for cash?


Did the Russians hate her and the hack was payback?

Both. TEAM Hillary, led by John Podesta, were buddies with the Russians. Putin and the Russians hated Hillary.

Convoluted logic.
Thanks.......that is what I have been saying

The Russians helped Trump win

The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.

I'm confused.
A few posts ago, you were on about how corrupt and in bed with the Russians the Clinton camp was.

Do you even know what you're saying?

I know this is tough for a binary thinker like you. You should go take a nap. If you are going to atatck "Team Trump", then you have to take the same good look at "Team Hillary".

Not at all.
No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
A distinction without a difference.

Wrong. Come back when you understand the difference between intent and coincidence. If YOU'D been running against Hillary, the Russians still would have hacked and released the e-mails. Hillary brought the hack and it's consequences on herself.

You don't get it both ways dude.

You can't say she was corrupt with the Russians at the same time you say she pissed them off.

Just like you can't say that Russia hurt Clinton without helping Trump.

You're making no sense in your attempts to put it all on Clinton. It's not her people getting caught lying about meeting Russian officials.

I make perfect sense, you've just so invested in the partisan witchhunt you can't see that she created the situation that brought her down. If you intend to investigate "Team Trump", you also have to look at "Team Hillary" because then you find out that the people around both groups had ties to Russia. The reason they targeted her was her own actions.
They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

How much contact did Team Hillary have with the Russians? How much did they get paid to help Russia while they were in power?

Report: Russia's Biggest Bank Paid Podesta Group to Fight U.S. Sanctions
So which is it?

Was Clinton buddies with the Russians and greased the wheels for cash?


Did the Russians hate her and the hack was payback?

Both. TEAM Hillary, led by John Podesta, were buddies with the Russians. Putin and the Russians hated Hillary.

Convoluted logic.

Only for people blinded by their partisan hate...you know, people like you and your troll allies.
The difference is intent...the Russians didn't care about Trump winning, they just wanted to ensure that Hillary lost. Do you think the leaks would not have happened if Jeb Bush had been running against Hillary? Remember, it was done to pay Hillary back.

Russian Meddling Had More To Do With Hillary Than Trump, Comey Implies
The unchallenged fact is Russians helped Ttump beat Hillary
Not something to brag about but it is politics

The question becomes...... What were key Trump officials talking to Russians about?

Manafort is starting to look dirty and Trump is almost claiming he never heard of the guy

The fact is challenged because it wasn't to help Trump. If you'd run against Hillary, the same things would have happened. Why? Because the were AGAINST Hillary and paying her back for her interference in their elections and the rioting she supposedly encouraged.

I'm confused.
A few posts ago, you were on about how corrupt and in bed with the Russians the Clinton camp was.

Do you even know what you're saying?

I know this is tough for a binary thinker like you. You should go take a nap. If you are going to atatck "Team Trump", then you have to take the same good look at "Team Hillary".

Not at all.

And you prove yourself to be exactly the partisan hack I accused you of being. Now, I'm done wasting time on this. When EVIDENCE is produced by the authorities, I'll look at this again and if you can say, "I told you so", then I encourage you to do so. But, all you're doing now is wasting time that's better spent on helping people get the best healthcare possible.
We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
A distinction without a difference.

Wrong. Come back when you understand the difference between intent and coincidence. If YOU'D been running against Hillary, the Russians still would have hacked and released the e-mails. Hillary brought the hack and it's consequences on herself.

You don't get it both ways dude.

You can't say she was corrupt with the Russians at the same time you say she pissed them off.

Just like you can't say that Russia hurt Clinton without helping Trump.

You're making no sense in your attempts to put it all on Clinton. It's not her people getting caught lying about meeting Russian officials.

I make perfect sense, you've just so invested in the partisan witchhunt you can't see that she created the situation that brought her down. If you intend to investigate "Team Trump", you also have to look at "Team Hillary" because then you find out that the people around both groups had ties to Russia. The reason they targeted her was her own actions.

The truth is no one knows the reason Russia acted.

The logic of the circumstances indicate it was meant to help Trump. It has been the Trump camp that has not been truthful about communicating with the Russians.
It is the Trump people who knew about WL releases before they happened.
It is the Trump campaign and it's members that are under investigation.

To assert that Clinton people had somehow organized an effort against her own campaign is just dumb.
They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.
A distinction without a difference.

Wrong. Come back when you understand the difference between intent and coincidence. If YOU'D been running against Hillary, the Russians still would have hacked and released the e-mails. Hillary brought the hack and it's consequences on herself.

You don't get it both ways dude.

You can't say she was corrupt with the Russians at the same time you say she pissed them off.

Just like you can't say that Russia hurt Clinton without helping Trump.

You're making no sense in your attempts to put it all on Clinton. It's not her people getting caught lying about meeting Russian officials.

I make perfect sense, you've just so invested in the partisan witchhunt you can't see that she created the situation that brought her down. If you intend to investigate "Team Trump", you also have to look at "Team Hillary" because then you find out that the people around both groups had ties to Russia. The reason they targeted her was her own actions.

The truth is no one knows the reason Russia acted.

The logic of the circumstances indicate it was meant to help Trump. It has been the Trump camp that has not been truthful about communicating with the Russians.
It is the Trump people who knew about WL releases before they happened.
It is the Trump campaign and it's members that are under investigation.

To assert that Clinton people had somehow organized an effort against her own campaign is just dumb.

And to claim that I asserted that the Clinton people organized an effort against her campaign is stupid or dishonest. You must be one or the other...either way, you're unworthy of receiving the courtesy of further responses.
A distinction without a difference.

Wrong. Come back when you understand the difference between intent and coincidence. If YOU'D been running against Hillary, the Russians still would have hacked and released the e-mails. Hillary brought the hack and it's consequences on herself.

You don't get it both ways dude.

You can't say she was corrupt with the Russians at the same time you say she pissed them off.

Just like you can't say that Russia hurt Clinton without helping Trump.

You're making no sense in your attempts to put it all on Clinton. It's not her people getting caught lying about meeting Russian officials.

I make perfect sense, you've just so invested in the partisan witchhunt you can't see that she created the situation that brought her down. If you intend to investigate "Team Trump", you also have to look at "Team Hillary" because then you find out that the people around both groups had ties to Russia. The reason they targeted her was her own actions.

The truth is no one knows the reason Russia acted.

The logic of the circumstances indicate it was meant to help Trump. It has been the Trump camp that has not been truthful about communicating with the Russians.
It is the Trump people who knew about WL releases before they happened.
It is the Trump campaign and it's members that are under investigation.

To assert that Clinton people had somehow organized an effort against her own campaign is just dumb.

And to claim that I asserted that the Clinton people organized an effort against her campaign is stupid or dishonest. You must be one or the other...either way, you're unworthy of receiving the courtesy of further responses.

Except that's what they would have had to do. Why would the Russians look to hurt her if she and her people are benefiting them?

You call me partisan yet it is you who put this entirely on Clinton without even a mention of the facts surrounding the Trump camp.
No, you lying asshole. Your link says nothing about them "assisting" Trump which implies he colluded with them.

You really are one low life owlturd.

And the fact that they might have done this still cannot be linked to the outcome of the election. You have no way of proving that in an absolute fashion.

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

No it isn't....not the way you and the rest of the lyingleft present it.

I am fairly certain Trump did something wrong. He's a liar and a cheat. I don't like him.

But I like the left wing even less. They are bigger liars and bigger cheaters and they do it all the while thinking they are somehow above reproach.

Shove your innuendo and the way it is has trashed this country's political system.

Lessons from Ted Kennedy (the liar of the senate) on how to smear someone in advance so you get what you want because you think are always right.......
You think the left should give Trump a pass on this one?

YES...that's just what I said.

Boy are you stupid.
But you know what is refreshing? It's that folks and the media KNOW he is lying.

See, the thing is, for us folks with superior critical thinking skills and media analysis, Trump isn't any different than any other president.

The REAL difference in this case, is that the media are no longer complicit, and the population no longer play along. Other than that, there really is no difference. Simmer down, nothing has changed.

Trump is exactly the same as every president that has come before him.

What a load of crap
Every other president lied too....is not realistic

NO OTHER PRESIDENT lied with the frequency and magnitude that Trump does.
Even his own staff tells us not to take him literally


Trump lies about his height, his weight, his health, the weather, his education, the size of his penis, his wife's breasts, his hair, the size of his victory, people in his crowds, his wealth, his taxes...

And that is just the small stuff
Did he lie about the Electoral College?

Yes he did

He lied about having the biggest Electoral College win since Reagan....not even close
For a Republican...he did.
hunarcy, post: 16839983
Someone should ask Comey and Rodgers where the transcript came from that forced Flynn to resign...THAT was illegal

The transcript was legal. They were listening to the Russian Ambassador when Flynn talked about sanctions with him. Then Flynn lied in public that sanctions were not discussed.
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

We already know they assisted. You can receive assistance without asking for it
The second question of collusion will take longer to answer

We already know that Flynn, Sessions and Manafort had contact with Russian agents. Contact that they initially denied
Now they expect us to believe them when they say the contact had nothing to do with the Trump campaign...even though they were all active in the campaign at the time

Lets let the FBI do its work. See if they can get some underling of the three stooges to squeal in return for immunity

They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

No it isn't....not the way you and the rest of the lyingleft present it.

I am fairly certain Trump did something wrong. He's a liar and a cheat. I don't like him.

But I like the left wing even less. They are bigger liars and bigger cheaters and they do it all the while thinking they are somehow above reproach.

Shove your innuendo and the way it is has trashed this country's political system.

Lessons from Ted Kennedy (the liar of the senate) on how to smear someone in advance so you get what you want because you think are always right.......
You think the left should give Trump a pass on this one?

YES...that's just what I said.

Boy are you stupid.
Move along...nothing to see here

From the party that impeached over a blow job
They didn't "assist". They leaked information that they had gotten off DNC computers. When you provide information, not speculation, that assistance was requested, you might be taken seriously. For now, you have nothing but wind.

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

No it isn't....not the way you and the rest of the lyingleft present it.

I am fairly certain Trump did something wrong. He's a liar and a cheat. I don't like him.

But I like the left wing even less. They are bigger liars and bigger cheaters and they do it all the while thinking they are somehow above reproach.

Shove your innuendo and the way it is has trashed this country's political system.

Lessons from Ted Kennedy (the liar of the senate) on how to smear someone in advance so you get what you want because you think are always right.......
You think the left should give Trump a pass on this one?

YES...that's just what I said.

Boy are you stupid.
Move along...nothing to see here

From the party that impeached over a blow job

And lied to Congress.

"I never had sex with THAT woman"

Assistance with or without a request is still an assist

We shall see what contact Team Trump had with the Russians

No it isn't....not the way you and the rest of the lyingleft present it.

I am fairly certain Trump did something wrong. He's a liar and a cheat. I don't like him.

But I like the left wing even less. They are bigger liars and bigger cheaters and they do it all the while thinking they are somehow above reproach.

Shove your innuendo and the way it is has trashed this country's political system.

Lessons from Ted Kennedy (the liar of the senate) on how to smear someone in advance so you get what you want because you think are always right.......
You think the left should give Trump a pass on this one?

YES...that's just what I said.

Boy are you stupid.
Move along...nothing to see here

From the party that impeached over a blow job

And lied to Congress.

"I never had sex with THAT woman"

He didn't. A blowjob is not sex. You cannot get pregnant from a blowjob. A person giving a blowjob can still be a virgin because she hasn't had sex
No it isn't....not the way you and the rest of the lyingleft present it.

I am fairly certain Trump did something wrong. He's a liar and a cheat. I don't like him.

But I like the left wing even less. They are bigger liars and bigger cheaters and they do it all the while thinking they are somehow above reproach.

Shove your innuendo and the way it is has trashed this country's political system.

Lessons from Ted Kennedy (the liar of the senate) on how to smear someone in advance so you get what you want because you think are always right.......
You think the left should give Trump a pass on this one?

YES...that's just what I said.

Boy are you stupid.
Move along...nothing to see here

From the party that impeached over a blow job

And lied to Congress.

"I never had sex with THAT woman"

He didn't. A blowjob is not sex. You cannot get pregnant from a blowjob. A person giving a blowjob can still be a virgin because she hasn't had sex

Good luck with that. I imagine wives all over America have a different opinion

You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

I kept my doctor.
The 2.5 k only applied to adopting the proposed plan at that time. it wasn't

Those are not lies. Making a projection of a future event that does not come to be is not a lie

Claiming a former President broke the law without a shred of proof IS a lie

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