FBI calls our President a LIAR"

You think the left should give Trump a pass on this one?

YES...that's just what I said.

Boy are you stupid.
Move along...nothing to see here

From the party that impeached over a blow job

And lied to Congress.

"I never had sex with THAT woman"

He didn't. A blowjob is not sex. You cannot get pregnant from a blowjob. A person giving a blowjob can still be a virgin because she hasn't had sex

Good luck with that. I imagine wives all over America have a different opinion

Look up "sexual intercourse"
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

I kept my doctor.
The 2.5 k only applied to adopting the proposed plan at that time. it wasn't

Those are not lies. Making a projection of a future event that does not come to be is not a lie

Claiming a former President broke the law without a shred of proof IS a lie


You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

I kept my doctor.
The 2.5 k only applied to adopting the proposed plan at that time. it wasn't

Those are not lies. Making a projection of a future event that does not come to be is not a lie

Claiming a former President broke the law without a shred of proof IS a lie


LOL (I win because mine was in CAPS)
Geaux4it Trying to defend TrumpNyetCare by the. BBBbbbbuutttttBbut Obama - is one hopeless RWNJ cause.

Geaux4it, post: 16848027
You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year?

That's nothing compared to Trump promising better than the ACA, beautiful coverage for everybody, and then champions a replacement that reduces the insured by tens of millions that will increase out of pocket costs for working class 50 to 60 year olds who don't have employer based coverage and are not eligibile for Medicare.

What Obama said affected mostly people who owned shit cheap plans only good for a year. A relatively small percentage of them had to pay more due to the ACA. Not many had to give up their doctor.

Trump's lie promising universal healthcare and his rapid shift to harming the poor and older Americans in the tens and tens of millions is indefensible. On top of that Trump is cutting taxes in TrumpNyetCare for the members of his very own wealthy class.

You are quite bold and thoughtless to bring up what Obama said way back when.

Anyway the Supreme Court decision to let states opt out and Republican obstructionist Governors hampered the ACA from better serving more Americans.
Last edited:
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

I kept my doctor.
The 2.5 k only applied to adopting the proposed plan at that time. it wasn't

Those are not lies. Making a projection of a future event that does not come to be is not a lie

Claiming a former President broke the law without a shred of proof IS a lie

Your equivocation is without limit.

Tool does not even begin to describe you.
Dschrute3, post: 16845807
Comey admitted they've been 'investigating' Trump Campaign officials for awhile.

Is there a law against investigating foreign interference in our presidential elections? Do we have no defense? Seriously, will you answer this?
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

I kept my doctor.
The 2.5 k only applied to adopting the proposed plan at that time. it wasn't

Those are not lies. Making a projection of a future event that does not come to be is not a lie

Claiming a former President broke the law without a shred of proof IS a lie

Your equivocation is without limit.

Tool does not even begin to describe you.
Is that really the best you can come up with?

The only reason the FBI called trump a liar is because trump is a liar. Everyone knows he is a liar. World leaders have called him a liar. Most of America acknowledges he is a liar. The guy lies every day. He can not talk to the public, press, or even tweet without lying. He is a pathological liar. The guy has a mental deformity or affliction that makes him lie.
The only reason the FBI called trump a liar is because trump is a liar. Everyone knows he is a liar. World leaders have called him a liar. Most of America acknowledges he is a liar. The guy lies every day. He can not talk to the public, press, or even tweet without lying. He is a pathological liar. The guy has a mental deformity or affliction that makes him lie.

Wake up- The machine is in the tank for the status quo. Pubs and Dems want to restore dysfunctional disorder

Sun Devil 92, post: 16848780
Your equivocation is without limit.

If Trump was telling the truth about the Obama wiretap why hasn't he given Comey the hard evidence that enabled Trump to send the Tweetstorm ten days ago.

If Trump didn't have evidence ten days ago - and none since - he was lying and is a liar. That is a very simple and clear fact.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16848780
Your equivocation is without limit.

If Trump was telling the truth about the Obama wiretap why hasn't he given Comey the hard evidence that enabled Trump to send the Tweetstorm ten days ago.

If Trump didn't have evidence ten days ago - and none since - he was lying and is a liar. That is a very simple and clear fact.

Obama supporters calling someone a liar...

Talking about the kettle calling the pot black

Geaux4it, post: 16849192
Obama supporters calling someone a liar.

We are not 'calling' Trump a liar. The wiretap tweetstorm was a lie. There is no alternative explanation other than Trump lied because he had and has no evidence.
I've got a long memory. I remember when Trump started his campaign with the promise that he would deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, and ended his campaign with the promise that he would have a special prosecutor appointed to see that Hillary was thrown in prison, and that he was not going to be a president who was always out playing golf.

Now that I think about it, i remember when he said that he would release his tax returns when the IRS finished their audit.
I have not had cable in years, so I don't see Spicer tap dancing every week, but, I have to admit that it is tempting to resubscribe just to watch him squirm and lie. The man simply has to be a masochist to take that job. The clips that I have seen are downright surreal, the way he rolls out those pathetic arguments about Trump's lies. He has been reduced to "The dog ate Trump's homework", level of lies.
Comey saying "no evidence to support Trump tweets" does not mean that there won't be evidence after it is investigated and the information is collated. A large portion of the hearing dealt directly with the fact that there was illegality (felony) mishandling of FISA NSA "unmasked" data pertaining to the warrant opened up on Trump. Comey can't give an affirmative answer on Trump's claims until the leak is found and the investigation has been drawn together. Try to look deeper than MSM and Dem. talking points. There is hard evidence out there so logically y'all should realize that the Trump FISA warrant was botched and there will be Comey or another head of an agency with egg on their face explaining what was discovered.
Comey saying "no evidence to support Trump tweets" does not mean that there won't be evidence after it is investigated and the information is collated. A large portion of the hearing dealt directly with the fact that there was illegality (felony) mishandling of FISA NSA "unmasked" data pertaining to the warrant opened up on Trump. Comey can't give an affirmative answer on Trump's claims until the leak is found and the investigation has been drawn together. Try to look deeper than MSM and Dem. talking points. There is hard evidence out there so logically y'all should realize that the Trump FISA warrant was botched and there will be Comey or another head of an agency with egg on their face explaining what was discovered.
Our President made the accusations in no uncertain terms
He must have had some evidence before he made such outlandish accusations
Where is it?
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

You mean like if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor? Including saving 2.5K a year? You mean lying like that? Or perhaps a video igniting Benghazi? You mean lying like that?

I kept my doctor.
The 2.5 k only applied to adopting the proposed plan at that time. it wasn't

Those are not lies. Making a projection of a future event that does not come to be is not a lie

Claiming a former President broke the law without a shred of proof IS a lie

Your equivocation is without limit.

Tool does not even begin to describe you.
Is that really the best you can come up with?


That's so funny coming from you.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16848780
Your equivocation is without limit.

If Trump was telling the truth about the Obama wiretap why hasn't he given Comey the hard evidence that enabled Trump to send the Tweetstorm ten days ago.

If Trump didn't have evidence ten days ago - and none since - he was lying and is a liar. That is a very simple and clear fact.

Was this exchanger about wiretapping ?

Answer: No.
Getting curious now as Team Trump circles the wagons in anticipation of an FBI investigation

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