FBI calls our President a LIAR"

You lie again. There is no exception in the law for people having a "high national security clearance.

There is an exception, at least by a ruling of the FISA court, that high ranking government officials can be unmasked in order to provide the proper context, to understand the conversation.

And your lies continue. The FISA court ruling did not allow the unmasking of American citizens to the general public. It allowed unmasking to NSA personnel or another agency with which NSA is sharing the information, like the FBI.
And NO the courts have no constitutional authority to alter the intended operation of law, if it fails to address an new circumstance it's up to the legislature that wrote it to update it. The court has NO legislative authority, no matter what you regressives think.

The constitution gives no authority for the President to be commanader-in-chief of the US air force. Yet the president has authority over the airforce under the war powers act. Which by your interpretation would be a violation of the constitution as a non-enumerated power.
He was found guilty in the AR court on lesser charges resulting from a plea bargain. No one else would have been allowed that deal. And the settlement was part of the same case and it was more than 800,000.

Clinton Will Pay $850,000 to End Paula Jones Suit

Bill Clinton was not found GUILTY of anything. There are no such judicial declarations from any court. What you saw was an offer and settlement, without a declaration of guilt. Please remove that bit of "fake news" from the conversation.
The constitution gives no authority for the President to be commanader-in-chief of the US air force. Yet the president has authority over the airforce under the war powers act. Which by your interpretation would be a violation of the constitution as a non-enumerated power.

You recited that retarded talking point from the hates sites before, and I corrected you . Article II places ALL military forces under the President.

You repeat this because you have never read the Constitution. The Constitution on you fascists is like salt on a slug.
Bill Clinton was not found GUILTY of anything. There are no such judicial declarations from any court. What you saw was an offer and settlement, without a declaration of guilt. Please remove that bit of "fake news" from the conversation.

I realize that you are but a drone, perhaps software, and artificial stupidity routine released by the hate sites to hack our political system on behalf of your Fuhrer, BUT;

(From radical left Snopes)

On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

Shortly after Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended Clinton from presenting cases in front of the highest court (which he had never done) and gave him 40 days to contest his disbarment (which Clinton did not do). Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court bar:

Former President Clinton, facing the possibility of being barred from practicing law before the U.S. Supreme Court because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has resigned instead, his lawyer said.

“Former President Clinton hereby respectfully requests to resign from the bar of this court,” his lawyer, David Kendall, said in a two-page letter to the high court’s clerk. Kendall did not elaborate on why Clinton decided to resign.

Clinton’s resignation from the Supreme Court bar will have little practical impact. Clinton has not practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to argue any cases in the future.

He also paid a $25,000 fine over the Lewinsky incident.

In addition to agreeing to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license, Clinton accepted a $25,000 fine:

Mr. Clinton paid the fine with a personal check on March 21, said Marie-Bernarde Miller, the lawyer who handled a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

“The case is completed,” Ms. Miller said.

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Try a different lie.
You recited that retarded talking point from the hates sites before, and I corrected you . Article II places ALL military forces under the President.

You repeat this because you have never read the Constitution. The Constitution on you fascists is like salt on a slug.

Read the constitution, it makes the president commander in chief of the army and navy, and the national guard when called up to serve in war or insurrection. Under strict construction all items no enumerated are excluded. If the framers meant to put the president in charge of the military they would have said military, instead of limiting his powers.
Bill Clinton was not found GUILTY of anything. There are no such judicial declarations from any court. What you saw was an offer and settlement, without a declaration of guilt. Please remove that bit of "fake news" from the conversation.

I realize that you are but a drone, perhaps software, and artificial stupidity routine released by the hate sites to hack our political system on behalf of your Fuhrer, BUT;

(From radical left Snopes)

On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

Shortly after Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended Clinton from presenting cases in front of the highest court (which he had never done) and gave him 40 days to contest his disbarment (which Clinton did not do). Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court bar:

Former President Clinton, facing the possibility of being barred from practicing law before the U.S. Supreme Court because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has resigned instead, his lawyer said.

“Former President Clinton hereby respectfully requests to resign from the bar of this court,” his lawyer, David Kendall, said in a two-page letter to the high court’s clerk. Kendall did not elaborate on why Clinton decided to resign.

Clinton’s resignation from the Supreme Court bar will have little practical impact. Clinton has not practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to argue any cases in the future.

He also paid a $25,000 fine over the Lewinsky incident.

Try a different lie.
According to everything you just posted, it shows Clinton not found guilty of anything, not being charged with any crime in Arkansas, and that he resigned instead of being disbarred.

You are the one claiming alternative facts.
You recited that retarded talking point from the hates sites before, and I corrected you . Article II places ALL military forces under the President.

You repeat this because you have never read the Constitution. The Constitution on you fascists is like salt on a slug.

Read the constitution, it makes the president commander in chief of the army and navy, and the national guard when called up to serve in war or insurrection. Under strict construction all items no enumerated are excluded. If the framers meant to put the president in charge of the military they would have said military, instead of limiting his powers.

The Air Force is derivative of the Army, and was in fact the Army into the 1950's. You are reciting talking points idiocy that some moron fascist over at ThinkHatred thought was clever, which you lack the wits to critically examine.
Bill Clinton was not found GUILTY of anything. There are no such judicial declarations from any court. What you saw was an offer and settlement, without a declaration of guilt. Please remove that bit of "fake news" from the conversation.

I realize that you are but a drone, perhaps software, and artificial stupidity routine released by the hate sites to hack our political system on behalf of your Fuhrer, BUT;

(From radical left Snopes)

On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

Shortly after Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended Clinton from presenting cases in front of the highest court (which he had never done) and gave him 40 days to contest his disbarment (which Clinton did not do). Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court bar:

Former President Clinton, facing the possibility of being barred from practicing law before the U.S. Supreme Court because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has resigned instead, his lawyer said.

“Former President Clinton hereby respectfully requests to resign from the bar of this court,” his lawyer, David Kendall, said in a two-page letter to the high court’s clerk. Kendall did not elaborate on why Clinton decided to resign.

Clinton’s resignation from the Supreme Court bar will have little practical impact. Clinton has not practiced before the Supreme Court and was not expected to argue any cases in the future.

He also paid a $25,000 fine over the Lewinsky incident.

Try a different lie.
According to everything you just posted, it shows Clinton not found guilty of anything, not being charged with any crime in Arkansas, and that he resigned instead of being disbarred.

You are the one claiming alternative facts.

Learn to read Brown Shirt, Clinton plead no contest, was fined and disbarred.

Good god, you fascists lie even when PROVEN, by LEFTIST sources to be lying.

You are either insane, or you are software. Either way, you clearly lack the capacity to reason.
You're lying. Clinton pleaded no contest, was fined and disbarred.

Your own citation: On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

In addition to agreeing to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license, Clinton accepted a $25,000 fine:

Mr. Clinton paid the fine with a personal check on March 21, said Marie-Bernarde Miller, the lawyer who handled a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

As you can see, there was no finding of GUILT, there was a settlement, and Clinton was never disbarred. As I said, FACTS, stick to them, and no more alternative facts.
The Air Force is derivative of the Army, and was in fact the Army into the 1950's. You are reciting talking points idiocy that some moron fascist over at ThinkHatred thought was clever, which you lack the wits to critically examine.

And a machine gun is the derivative of a flint action rifle.
Yet the GCA can bar people from buying a machine gun, but not a flintlock. Being a derivative carries no legal weight when items are enumerated
And NO the courts have no constitutional authority to alter the intended operation of law, if it fails to address an new circumstance it's up to the legislature that wrote it to update it. The court has NO legislative authority, no matter what you regressives think.

The constitution gives no authority for the President to be commanader-in-chief of the US air force. Yet the president has authority over the airforce under the war powers act. Which by your interpretation would be a violation of the constitution as a non-enumerated power.

And that alters the operation of Article 2, HOW? Note, Article 2 doesn't mention the Marines or Coast Guard either, but they originated as part of the Army and Navy, except the Coast Guard, it was originally part of the Dept of Transportation.
You're lying. Clinton pleaded no contest, was fined and disbarred.

Your own citation: On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

In addition to agreeing to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license, Clinton accepted a $25,000 fine:

Mr. Clinton paid the fine with a personal check on March 21, said Marie-Bernarde Miller, the lawyer who handled a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

As you can see, there was no finding of GUILT, there was a settlement, and Clinton was never disbarred. As I said, FACTS, stick to them, and no more alternative facts.

Agreed though a plea of no contest, do you really have ZERO knowledge of how the law works?

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