FBI calls our President a LIAR"

New names for things:

Testifying in front of congress for 11 hours straight - An all night session

Not answering truthfully and completely under oath - Pulling a Jeff Sessions.

Enuf said.

Maybe you should go back to the one that was actually held in contempt of congress, that would be Holder.
I have always been amused by the people who parrot, "keep your doctor", as being a prime example of Obama lying. First of all, nobody makes you go to a particular doctor. Every doctor will see you if you pay cash, and that is what you would have to do if you had no insurance. Second, I don't know anyone who had to change doctors, myself.

The biggest lie was the ones being told by Republicans at the time

You will be forced to take Obamacare
You will have a doctor assigned to you

Obama was responding to the fear mongering by Republicans and he was correct in saying "You can keep your Doctor" in 90% of the cases......Republican claims were 100% wrong

Really, what was the mandate all about?
And they were lucky to find a doctor that would take the crap.
I think I'm going to need my hip waders, it's really getting deep round here.

Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

You lie worse than most regressives, you were forced to have qualifying insurance, just any insurance wouldn't do.
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets

How did you come to the conclusion that that statement means he called your president a "liar"?
Glad you asked

When Trump accused Obama bad/sick of listening to his phone conversations at Trump Tower he was either:
1. A liar
2. Fucking Stupid

But when Trump was informed by Congress, his Justice department and Obama that there was no listening by Obama and he STILL CONTINUES the accusations......Fucking Stupid is removed as an option...he now knows better

So LIAR is the only remaining option

Now we find not only were they listening to his associates, but Trump as well and disseminating those conversations unmasked in intel reports.
The biggest lie was the ones being told by Republicans at the time

You will be forced to take Obamacare
You will have a doctor assigned to you

Obama was responding to the fear mongering by Republicans and he was correct in saying "You can keep your Doctor" in 90% of the cases......Republican claims were 100% wrong

Really, what was the mandate all about?
And they were lucky to find a doctor that would take the crap.
I think I'm going to need my hip waders, it's really getting deep round here.

Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

You lie worse than most regressives, you were forced to have qualifying insurance, just any insurance wouldn't do.

That is true. It is based on the same principle as making immigrants demonstrate that if they are admitted to the country, they will not become a burden on the rest of society, by showing that they have a job, a place to live, a skill, or at least are not sick or disabled and unable to work.
Trump read in Breitbart that he had been bugged. He believed it, and told everyone it was true. That is where the whole thing started, and it is too late to confess that he gets his intelligence from a right wing blog.
Really, what was the mandate all about?
And they were lucky to find a doctor that would take the crap.
I think I'm going to need my hip waders, it's really getting deep round here.

Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

You lie worse than most regressives, you were forced to have qualifying insurance, just any insurance wouldn't do.

That is true. It is based on the same principle as making immigrants demonstrate that if they are admitted to the country, they will not become a burden on the rest of society, by showing that they have a job, a place to live, a skill, or at least are not sick or disabled and unable to work.

If you think that was the dear leaders standard you're delusional.
Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

You lie worse than most regressives, you were forced to have qualifying insurance, just any insurance wouldn't do.

That is true. It is based on the same principle as making immigrants demonstrate that if they are admitted to the country, they will not become a burden on the rest of society, by showing that they have a job, a place to live, a skill, or at least are not sick or disabled and unable to work.

If you think that was the dear leaders standard you're delusional.

Not at all delusional. The last health insurance job I held was working for Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where nobody has insurance. the hospital was forced to bill 78% of their revenue from federal and state grants, including Medicaid, as well as other programs for the uninsured. They never reopened after Katrina.
When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

You lie worse than most regressives, you were forced to have qualifying insurance, just any insurance wouldn't do.

That is true. It is based on the same principle as making immigrants demonstrate that if they are admitted to the country, they will not become a burden on the rest of society, by showing that they have a job, a place to live, a skill, or at least are not sick or disabled and unable to work.

If you think that was the dear leaders standard you're delusional.

Not at all delusional. The last health insurance job I held was working for Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where nobody has insurance. the hospital was forced to bill 78% of their revenue from federal and state grants, including Medicaid, as well as other programs for the uninsured. They never reopened after Katrina.

I wasn't talking about insurance, I was talking about the standards for immigrants you laid out. Maobama wasn't interested in independent people, they aren't reliable commiecrat voters.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

You lie worse than most regressives, you were forced to have qualifying insurance, just any insurance wouldn't do.

That is true. It is based on the same principle as making immigrants demonstrate that if they are admitted to the country, they will not become a burden on the rest of society, by showing that they have a job, a place to live, a skill, or at least are not sick or disabled and unable to work.

If you think that was the dear leaders standard you're delusional.

Not at all delusional. The last health insurance job I held was working for Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where nobody has insurance. the hospital was forced to bill 78% of their revenue from federal and state grants, including Medicaid, as well as other programs for the uninsured. They never reopened after Katrina.

I wasn't talking about insurance, I was talking about the standards for immigrants you laid out. Maobama wasn't interested in independent people, they aren't reliable commiecrat voters.

You're right, Tex. It is all a conspiracy~!
Trump read in Breitbart that he had been bugged. He believed it, and told everyone it was true. That is where the whole thing started, and it is too late to confess that he gets his intelligence from a right wing blog.

...and I rest my case:

Trump's wiretap claim: How a conspiracy theory got its start

I hope it's not resting easy, we know for a fact that there was an investigation which was started in Jul 16, before the nomination. Tell the rest of the class if surveillance is a normal part of FBI investigations and how they usually go about any surveillance.
Guess what sports fans, just because you have no information that something happened does NOT mean that you have any information that it didn't.
hunarcy, post: 16859745
You lie again. There is no exception in the law for people having a "high national security clearance

If no exception, how did this happen?

In the waning days of the Obama administration, James R. Clapper Jr., who was the director of national intelligence, and John Brennan, the CIA director at the time, shared Yates’s concerns and concurred with her recommendation to inform the Trump White House. They feared that “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position” and thought that Pence had a right to know that he had been misled, according to one of the officials, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

A senior Trump administration official said before Flynn’s resignation that the White House was aware of the matter, adding that “we’ve been working on this for weeks.”

The current and former officials said that although they believed that Pence was misled about the contents of Flynn’s communications with the Russian ambassador, they couldn’t rule out that Flynn was acting with the knowledge of others in the transition.

Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say

They informed Trump - what they heard on the Flynn calls with the Russian Ambassador. Because Flynn lied in the public about the monitored calls.

If the government has to ignore and hide what they learned why didn't Trump stick with Flynn and hold Clapper and Brennon accountable for a crime?

Good grief, informing the White House is not the same as releasing it to the public and you know it. I can't tell if you are really that stupid or are just a blind partisan and that's not a good thing. Nor does it lead me to want to continue reading your RIDICULOUS posts in the future.
The biggest lie was the ones being told by Republicans at the time

You will be forced to take Obamacare
You will have a doctor assigned to you

Obama was responding to the fear mongering by Republicans and he was correct in saying "You can keep your Doctor" in 90% of the cases......Republican claims were 100% wrong

Really, what was the mandate all about?
And they were lucky to find a doctor that would take the crap.
I think I'm going to need my hip waders, it's really getting deep round here.

Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

Obamacare IS about insurance. That's my big problem with it...it does nothing to improve patient care, just makes them have insurance.

Same problem I have with the Republican's plans. A truly Progressive plan would improve health care, not focus on who pays the rich doctors.
Everyone is afraid of taking on the insurance companies

I would threaten them with single payer.....and mean it
Really, what was the mandate all about?
And they were lucky to find a doctor that would take the crap.
I think I'm going to need my hip waders, it's really getting deep round here.

Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

Obamacare IS about insurance. That's my big problem with it...it does nothing to improve patient care, just makes them have insurance.

Same problem I have with the Republican's plans. A truly Progressive plan would improve health care, not focus on who pays the rich doctors.
Everyone is afraid of taking on the insurance companies

I would threaten them with single payer.....and mean it

The last time that government tried to take on paying for health care was in the 1930's. The Great Depression represented a challenge to hospitals and, decades before the term “safety net” came about, the public hospital began to play such a role on a de facto basis. Municipal hospitals were particularly busy during the 1930s. But, just like the VA system today, the government did not timely increase funding for public hospitals. As the appropriate funding was not forthcoming, in part because urban flight eroded tax bases in the large cities in which many public hospitals were located, concentrations of poor and unemployed in their precincts, began to receive substandard care. If we are to depend on single payer, Government must be forced to fund health care fully every single year.
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets

How did you come to the conclusion that that statement means he called your president a "liar"?
Glad you asked

When Trump accused Obama bad/sick of listening to his phone conversations at Trump Tower he was either:
1. A liar
2. Fucking Stupid

But when Trump was informed by Congress, his Justice department and Obama that there was no listening by Obama and he STILL CONTINUES the accusations......Fucking Stupid is removed as an option...he now knows better

So LIAR is the only remaining option

Or he's telling the truth.
Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

Obamacare IS about insurance. That's my big problem with it...it does nothing to improve patient care, just makes them have insurance.

Same problem I have with the Republican's plans. A truly Progressive plan would improve health care, not focus on who pays the rich doctors.
Everyone is afraid of taking on the insurance companies

I would threaten them with single payer.....and mean it

The last time that government tried to take on paying for health care was in the 1930's. The Great Depression represented a challenge to hospitals and, decades before the term “safety net” came about, the public hospital began to play such a role on a de facto basis. Municipal hospitals were particularly busy during the 1930s. But, just like the VA system today, the government did not timely increase funding for public hospitals. As the appropriate funding was not forthcoming, in part because urban flight eroded tax bases in the large cities in which many public hospitals were located, concentrations of poor and unemployed in their precincts, began to receive substandard care. If we are to depend on single payer, Government must be forced to fund health care fully every single year.
Sit back and watch the GOP Over Reach. RYAN-TRUMP CARE TO THE RESCUE~
Really, what was the mandate all about?
And they were lucky to find a doctor that would take the crap.
I think I'm going to need my hip waders, it's really getting deep round here.

Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

Obamacare IS about insurance. That's my big problem with it...it does nothing to improve patient care, just makes them have insurance.

Same problem I have with the Republican's plans. A truly Progressive plan would improve health care, not focus on who pays the rich doctors.
Everyone is afraid of taking on the insurance companies

I would threaten them with single payer.....and mean it

No, we're not afraid of taking on the insurance companies.

We just don't see them as being this grand evil, that you do. All left-wing ideology is built on finding someone to blame, and demonize, and then attack. We're not motivated by greed, and envy the way you are.

What we are afriad of, is massive wait time, lists of dead people waiting for VA treatment, becoming the norm for all citizens due to idiotic warped socialists pushing a system that has failed the world over.
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Mandate says you have to have insurance....It does not force you to take Obamacare

I don't have Obamacare....Do you?

When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

Obamacare IS about insurance. That's my big problem with it...it does nothing to improve patient care, just makes them have insurance.

Same problem I have with the Republican's plans. A truly Progressive plan would improve health care, not focus on who pays the rich doctors.
Everyone is afraid of taking on the insurance companies

I would threaten them with single payer.....and mean it

No, we're not afraid of taking on the insurance companies.

We just don't see them as being this grand evil, that you do.

What we are afriad of, is massive wait time, lists of dead people waiting for VA treatment, becoming the norm for all citizens due to idiotic warped socialists pushing a system that has failed the world over.
Socialist programs blended and coordinated into capitalist systems have worked well in countries all over the world, including the USA.
When penalties are attached it's force and yes I have qualified health care as you do.
Nobody is forced to have Obamacare....only insurance

Obamacare IS about insurance. That's my big problem with it...it does nothing to improve patient care, just makes them have insurance.

Same problem I have with the Republican's plans. A truly Progressive plan would improve health care, not focus on who pays the rich doctors.
Everyone is afraid of taking on the insurance companies

I would threaten them with single payer.....and mean it

No, we're not afraid of taking on the insurance companies.

We just don't see them as being this grand evil, that you do.

What we are afriad of, is massive wait time, lists of dead people waiting for VA treatment, becoming the norm for all citizens due to idiotic warped socialists pushing a system that has failed the world over.
Socialist programs blended and coordinated into capitalist systems have worked well in countries all over the world, including the USA.

You are factually incorrect.

All of the problems in our society today, are almost universally caused by those social programs.

Same is true around the world.

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