FBI calls our President a LIAR"

You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

No, a person is a liar when their statement is refuted by the evidence, and the level of evidence needed depends on the forum in question.
Want the evidence of about 10,000 lies of the liar in chief?

Kind of like "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?
Anyone see the story about Bush walking away from the inauguration and saying loud enough for people to hear him:::" THATS SOME CRAZY SHIT."
True dat.

Ok? So? Trump is still president isn't he? Yup. So what difference did that quote make? Nothing. So why are you posting something irrelevant?

Because you don't have anything else to say. Got it.
Trump is mentally incompetent and should be removed from office ASAP!

Good luck with that, it's not going to happen.

You loons should try a little realism

The Russia Scandal Has Reached the Trump Family


"were looking into"

We are looking into something, is not the same as we found X evidence. Unlike the Hillary scandals where we have actual concrete evidence, you have nothing on Trump... yet. Maybe you will, and I'll be the first to support the impeachment if you find something really bad.

The problem is, your blind partisan nonsense has driven you to scream and yell about nothing. You have nothing. Nothing. Zero.

"calling out"

He didn't call him out. He said he had no evidence of his claim. That's not the same as calling him out. I have no evidence that you have a brain. That doesn't mean you don't. It just means I have no evidence you do based on what I've seen thus far.

"Paul Manafort, Trump’s erstwhile campaign manager, had signed a $10 million-a-year contract with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to “influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and former Soviet republics to benefit President Vladimir Putin’s government.”"

We already knew about, completely legal, and a routine thing. Many companies hire lobbyists, to influence politics around the world. He's one of hundreds that have lobbied for Russian companies.

"Perhaps there is an innocent explanation for all of these contacts between Trumpites and Putinites"

Only documented one. A connection between a Trump supporter, and a company based in Russia, and a connection between a Trump and Putin, is not the same thing.
Andylusion, post: 16922530
Before the Bush tax cuts, tax revenue was falling. No tax cut, tax revenue going down.
After the Bush tax cuts, tax revenue was increasing. Tax cuts, tax revenue going up.

The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass. Just recession and an unpaid for unnecessary Iraq War adding to the debt.

Revenue would have been higher in 2003 had Bush left taxes at the Clinton rates while engaging in a war that Iraq's oil was supposed to fund.

Clinton had tax increases and jobs and revenue skyrocketed to the point that we had two years of budget surpluses that Bush inherited.

You forget the impact 9/11 had on the economy as well.
The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass. Just recession and an unpaid for unnecessary Iraq War adding to the debt.

Revenue would have been higher in 2003 had Bush left taxes at the Clinton rates while engaging in a war that Iraq's oil was supposed to fund.

Clinton had tax increases and jobs and revenue skyrocketed to the point that we had two years of budget surpluses that Bush inherited.

You forget the impact 9/11 had on the economy as well.

Really! You know... for a fact... that not one single person in this entire country... not one.... that got a tax cut, hired a single employee?

That's what you are saying. You are telling me, that your infinite knowledge of the workings of every single company, or business in this entire country, is so universal and complete.......... that you, and you alone above all other people in this world, knows for a fact:

Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to hiring a new employee.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to giving a raise.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to investment into the US.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to building a new home, buying a car, or fixing some property, that provided people with jobs.

You know all that? You know where every single dollar that was not collected in taxes went? Throughout the entire country?


If you do, why the heck are you here. You should know enough about the inner workings of every single business in the country, that you could be a trillionaire by the end of the week, buying and selling stocks in all the companies you know are about to make billion dollar business deals.

You people are so full of crap....
Andylusion, post: 16926367
Unlike the Hillary scandals where we have actual concrete evidence, you have nothing on Trump... yet

You had absolutely no evidence against Hillary. That is a bogus lie.

You have the right to be ignorant and wrong. The evidence of Hillary's endless corruption has been around for literally decades, and is all over the internet.

It's not a debatable topic. It's like debating if the sun creates light. If you so blind, stupid, or intentionally ignorant, that you don't know this... then it's not worth my time to try and education you. I simply won't even debate this with you. You are just partisan and stupid, and I'm going to let you stay that way. Your ignorance is no skin off my back.
Andylusion, post: 16927737
You have the right to be ignorant and wrong. The evidence of Hillary's endless corruption has been around for literally decades, and is all over the internet.

What corruption?

Oh the internet makes it true.

Name your best internet evidence.

You can't debate because you have no evidence.

So run away. I know why.
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Really! You know... for a fact... that not one single person in this entire country... not one.... that got a tax cut, hired a single employee?

That's what you are saying. You are telling me, that your infinite knowledge of the workings of every single company, or business in this entire country, is so universal and complete.......... that you, and you alone above all other people in this world, knows for a fact:

Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to hiring a new employee.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to giving a raise.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to investment into the US.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to building a new home, buying a car, or fixing some property, that provided people with jobs.

You know all that? You know where every single dollar that was not collected in taxes went? Throughout the entire country?


If you do, why the heck are you here. You should know enough about the inner workings of every single business in the country, that you could be a trillionaire by the end of the week, buying and selling stocks in all the companies you know are about to make billion dollar business deals.

You people are so full of crap....

Moron. That is not what I wrote.

Here is what I wrote.

"The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass. Just recession and an unpaid for unnecessary Iraq War adding to the debt."

The tax cuts accomplished nothing. You think a few years of weak and low paying job creation was worth the loss revenue needed to pay for a war?

It ended in 2007 in the biggest recession since the Great Depression.

Do you deny any jobs created by a tax cut for the rich were not wiped out by the end of Bush's along with millions more.

What long term accomplishment did cutting taxes for the rich, while borrowing money to fight a needless war, do you believe were realized?
Andylusion, post: 16927737
You have the right to be ignorant and wrong. The evidence of Hillary's endless corruption has been around for literally decades, and is all over the internet.

What corruption?

Oh the internet makes it true.

Name your best internet evidence.

You can't debate because you have no evidence.

So run away. I know why.

Yes, remain ignorant and stupid. I'm not helping you out on this one. If you actually care enough to learn, there are hundreds of sources you could read. The reason you don't, is because you like being dumb. Makes you feel better about yourself to remain ignorant.

Continue. I'm not playing with a toddler here. Adults only.
Really! You know... for a fact... that not one single person in this entire country... not one.... that got a tax cut, hired a single employee?

That's what you are saying. You are telling me, that your infinite knowledge of the workings of every single company, or business in this entire country, is so universal and complete.......... that you, and you alone above all other people in this world, knows for a fact:

Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to hiring a new employee.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to giving a raise.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to investment into the US.
Not one single dollar that would have gone to taxes, went to building a new home, buying a car, or fixing some property, that provided people with jobs.

You know all that? You know where every single dollar that was not collected in taxes went? Throughout the entire country?


If you do, why the heck are you here. You should know enough about the inner workings of every single business in the country, that you could be a trillionaire by the end of the week, buying and selling stocks in all the companies you know are about to make billion dollar business deals.

You people are so full of crap....

Moron. That is not what I wrote.

Here is what I wrote.

"The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass. Just recession and an unpaid for unnecessary Iraq War adding to the debt."

The tax cuts accomplished nothing. You think a few years of weak and low paying job creation was worth the loss revenue needed to pay for a war?

It ended in 2007 in the biggest recession since the Great Depression.

Do you deny any jobs created by a tax cut for the rich were not wiped out by the end of Bush's along with millions more.

What long term accomplishment did cutting taxes for the rich, while borrowing money to fight a needless war, do you believe were realized?

The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass.



Prove that absolutely not one single dollar of money, that was saved by the tax cuts, produced a single raise, job, or investment of any kind.


Children these days.... where are the parents? Why do parents not teach their kids how to own up to what they say?
The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass.



The proof is in the form of the question you refuse to answer.

NotfooledbyW, post: 1692817
Do you deny any jobs created by a tax cut for the rich were not wiped out by the end of Bush's along with millions more.

You don't deny it because you know jobs created in 2004 - 2006 were absolutely wiped out by the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

Obama left office with seven years of positive job growth. Bush left office with a mere pittance of net job growth to show for his full term

Since January, 2010 Obama's economic policy, including letting the Bush upper tax cuts expire, has produced more than 14 million jobs. Payrolls increased by 5.7 million than the level just prior to the recession at the end of 2007.

Now how many jobs did Bush create?

Bush averaged 20,000 new jobs per month. That's less than 2 million. Tax cuts for the rich,

Obama created 6 million new jobs net over eight years. Tax cuts for the rich expired.

Now tell me Tax cuts for the rich by Bush was such a great success.
Andylusion, post: 16928195
Prove that absolutely not one single dollar of money, that was saved by the tax cuts, produced a single raise, job, or investment of any kind.

Why must I prove what I did not write.

Bush's tax cuts during war time resulted in nothing good. You can't say that they did.
Andylusion, post: 16928195
Prove that absolutely not one single dollar of money, that was saved by the tax cuts, produced a single raise, job, or investment of any kind.

Why must I prove what I did not write.

Bush's tax cuts during war time resulted in nothing good. You can't say that they did.

You did say that. You can't prove it. That's why you are constantly trying to deny what you yourself said.

"The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass"

Prove it, or accept you are a liar. I'll keep repeating this until you own up to your incompetent statement, or go away.
Donald Trump (2006) said he was hoping for a crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy,"

Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash ... made more money in bad markets than in good markets.".

Andylusion, post: 16929779
You did say that. You can't prove it. That's why you are constantly trying to deny what you yourself said.

"The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass"

Prove it, or accept you are a liar. I'll keep repeating this until you own up to your incompetent statement, or go away.

It has been proven. If you go just six months into Obama's Presidency until the Great Bush recession began to bottom out Bush's tax cut for the rich during wartime produced negative job growth for working class Americans.

That is Bush produced zero jobs during his term. Even worse negative job growth.

If you think that is an accomplishment to be proud of you are quite simply delusional.

No wonder you threaten to keep repeating the same delusional falsehood.

Tell us what a great accomplishment the Bush tax cuts produced.

Now Trump wants to give himself and the rest of his never suffering never sacrificing never forgotten class another big tax cut. For what?

A year or two of GDP and job growth and then the collapse.

You know the kind of collapse that Trump types crkebrate.

Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks - CNNPolitics.com
CNN.com › 2016/05/19 › politics › dona...
AMP - May 19, 2016 - (CNN)Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University ...

You are such a sucker. You ought to buy a degree from Trump U. I'm sure the Donald would take money from a sucker born every minute.

Not one penny of my 401K is a n the stock market. I got out before the two Bush crashes.

Enron and the Goldman Sachs mortgage bundling scam.

My wife and I have our home in the D.C. Area and a rental property owned outright with no mortgage. I'm working and collecting $2300/mo social security. My job pays too well to retire.

ThecTrump Crash can't hurt us. And my wife works for the DOD.

We should survive Trump just fine.

Trump voters will be the hardest hit if Trump actual ever can win something. I hope he is blocked for the good of the middle class and less privileged folks in this country.

Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash - NBC News
NBC News › politics › 2016-election › tr...
AMP - May 23, 2016 - Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash ... made more money in bad markets than in good markets.".
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Donald Trump (2006) said he was hoping for a crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy,"

Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash ... made more money in bad markets than in good markets.".

Andylusion, post: 16929779
You did say that. You can't prove it. That's why you are constantly trying to deny what you yourself said.

"The tax cuts "long term" accomplished nothing. No trickle down. No good jobs for the middleclass"

Prove it, or accept you are a liar. I'll keep repeating this until you own up to your incompetent statement, or go away.

It has been proven. If you go just six months into Obama's Presidency until the Great Bush recession began to bottom out Bush's tax cut for the rich during wartime produced negative job growth for working class Americans.

That is Bush produced zero jobs during his term. Even worse negative job growth.

If you think that is an accomplishment to be proud of you are quite simply delusional.

No wonder you threaten to keep repeating the same delusional falsehood.

Tell us what a great accomplishment the Bush tax cuts produced.

Now Trump wants to give himself and the rest of his never suffering never sacrificing never forgotten class another big tax cut. For what?

A year or two of GDP and job growth and then the collapse.

You know the kind of collapse that Trump types crkebrate.

Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks - CNNPolitics.com
CNN.com › 2016/05/19 › politics › dona...
AMP - May 19, 2016 - (CNN)Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University ...

You are such a sucker. You ought to buy a degree from Trump U. I'm sure the Donald would take money from a sucker born every minute.

Not one penny of my 401K is a n the stock market. I got out before the two Bush crashes.

Enron and the Goldman Sachs mortgage bundling scam.

My wife and I have our home in the D.C. Area and a rental property owned outright with no mortgage. I'm working and collecting $2300/mo social security. My job pays too well to retire.

ThecTrump Crash can't hurt us. And my wife works for the DOD.

We should survive Trump just fine.

Trump voters will be the hardest hit if Trump actual ever can win something. I hope he is blocked for the good of the middle class and less privileged folks in this country.

Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash - NBC News
NBC News › politics › 2016-election › tr...
AMP - May 23, 2016 - Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash ... made more money in bad markets than in good markets.".

Why are you posting stuff about Trump? I don't care about Trump. What does that have to do with anything? Did Trump in 1997 push for sub-prime loans? Was he suing banks to make bad loans?

Every realestate investor in the entire country hopes for a crash. It makes buying investment property really cheap.

Come on man... you are spouting off stuff like it's a news flash. Your tiny little brain can't figure that out?

If you are in the business of Iron ore, the one thing you are hoping for is a crash in Iron ore mines... because then you can swoop in and buy up the mines of your competitors.

Simple stuff man.

It has been proven. If you go just six months into Obama's Presidency until the Great Bush recession began to bottom out Bush's tax cut for the rich during wartime produced negative job growth for working class Americans.

Again..... PROVE IT. You have said it a hundred times. But there is zero evidence supporting that claim.

Median wages at all levels, increased following the 2003 tax cut, until 2007. Between the economic policy and the sub-prime bubble crash, that started in 1997, the real median wages across all income classes went.... UP.

Additionally, unemployment went from 6.3% before the tax, and fell year over year until it reached 4.4% in 2007.

So unemployment countrywide went up for 3 years until the tax cuts, and then fell.
Real Median wages fell for 2 years, until the tax cuts, and then went up across all income ranges.

So based on fact... not your opinion.... there is evidence that the tax cuts had a positive effect, and anyone with half a brain cell working, would automatically assume.
Andylusion, post: 16933246
So based on fact... not your opinion.... there is evidence that the tax cuts had a positive effect, and anyone with half a brain cell working, would automatically assume.

The job killing recession of 2008 was a positive effect? Like I said you are nuts.
Andylusion, post: 16933246
Additionally, unemployment went from 6.3% before the tax, and fell year over year until it reached 4.4% in 2007.

Obama let the tax cuts on the wealthy expire and unemployment dropped as dramatically as that after that. And better yet we are not falling into a recession. Longer lasting job creation is a plus right?

So why cut Trump and freind's taxes now. Leave it freakin be as Bush should have done.

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