FBI calls our President a LIAR"

Compared to the press the last couple of years, Trump is a saint. Thing is, that just makes two wrongs.
False equivalency. The free press is our only Wall between Trump and a pure dictatorship. He has you brainwashed making the press the enemy.
Compared to the press the last couple of years, Trump is a saint. Thing is, that just makes two wrongs.
False equivalency. The free press is our only Wall between Trump and a pure dictatorship. He has you brainwashed making the press the enemy.

Many view the MSM as the enemy...given some of the shit they've pulled it's rightly so
The FBI is politicized and controlled by democrats.
You're an idiot. The FBI are lifers who have served both Dem and republican presidents. They are patriots and nonpartisan.
Bullshit. They are politicized and probably vote Democrat to the last one of them.

This is the democrat plan to use against any republican running for president or elected president.
The FBI is politicized and controlled by democrats.
You're an idiot. The FBI are lifers who have served both Dem and republican presidents. They are patriots and nonpartisan.

Seems you only hold that opinion when they do or say something that favors regressives. What did you say when Comey informed Congress that he was reopening the investigation into the hildabitch?
Press is immaterial, while Trump is president.

He lied, deliberately, and now it is out in the open. Pence, Mattis, Tillerson, and McMaster have to control him, or the admin is in great peril.

Trump is certainly helping the press destroy himself.
The FBI is politicized and controlled by democrats.
You're an idiot. The FBI are lifers who have served both Dem and republican presidents. They are patriots and nonpartisan.
Bullshit. They are politicized and probably vote Democrat to the last one of them.

This is the democrat plan to use against any republican running for president or elected president.
You're lying again. Trump would be proud of you. They're neither democrat or republican. They're patriots which is why you're suspect of them. All you know is to try to cover the Liar in chief's ass.
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Comey may not of had info on a wiretap.
That's right. Maybe uncle vlad tapped donald's phone. But then why would obama be a sick or bad guy?

or we were tapping vlad when viola! vlad kept calling trump tower over and over again.

now we're sitting on tons of intel while watching shameless liars lie and scramble. :eusa_clap:

Michael Flynn, Trump's national security adviser, resigns over Russia lies

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath
Press is immaterial, while Trump is president.

He lied, deliberately, and now it is out in the open. Pence, Mattis, Tillerson, and McMaster have to control him, or the admin is in great peril.

Trump is certainly helping the press destroy himself.
Just accidentally spill your coffee on his phone. Repeat as soon as he gets a new one. Simple.
why would flynn and session lie if they weren't covering up illicit collusion with russia? :eusa_think:
So you can't defend the crazy pathological liar.

I have no desire to defend you.

It's amazing you're still trying after hundreds of his lies but this one accusing Obama of a felony was more bat shit crazy than usual.... and the whole world sees it PLUS it has steamrolled into bad relations with our two closest allies.

You are what is known as a "hack." While there is literally no value in what you post, you still see it as your duty to your Fuhrer.
The FBI is politicized and controlled by democrats.
You're an idiot. The FBI are lifers who have served both Dem and republican presidents. They are patriots and nonpartisan.

Seems you only hold that opinion when they do or say something that favors regressives. What did you say when Comey informed Congress that he was reopening the investigation into the hildabitch?
There never was an investigation a week before the election and that was made very clear way too late for most voters.

Trump lied his ass off about Obama with no evidence whatsoever and he has embarrassed himself, the country and our allies or as you see it... just another day for this administration.
Unless if Trump apologizes to Obama and the country..he will never get past this..

SUCH A PITY traitor trump "I LOVE WIKILEAKS" is now outraged boo hoo over leaks which are part of our intelligence agency mechanism designed to protect the best interest of our country from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC.

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