FBI calls our President a LIAR"

You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

Comey represents one of how many intel agencies? I'm very sure there is a lot of information he may not have.

Texas, he is the head of the FBI and in order to get to the very bottom of the claims , he needs 100% all of the facts...

Now onto the #RussiaGate
It's time to demand Donald Trump apologize to President Barack Obama not only for the lies about wiretapping but also a nationally televised apology for all the years of his "birther lies as well...Americans won’t be led by a man who works through manipulation and falsehood. #RunningOutofLies#EnoughIsEnough
Comey may not of had info on a wiretap.
That's right. Maybe uncle vlad tapped donald's phone. But then why would obama be a sick or bad guy?

or we were tapping vlad when viola! vlad kept calling trump tower over and over again.

now we're sitting on tons of intel while watching shameless liars lie and scramble. :eusa_clap:

Michael Flynn, Trump's national security adviser, resigns over Russia lies

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

allow me to repeat myself ... "reasonable people believe where there's smoke there's fire"

add Manafort to Flynn and Sessions, add a heaping helping of RussianWinger denial, and the WH fills up with smoke, if fact, its boiling out of the windows.

RussianLovers arent smart enough to get out of a burning building.
If Trump were a smart, articulate, legally trained human (it's a big IF, I know), he would have answered the questions about his accusation with a quick summary of all of the information that led him to conclude that HIS CAMPAIGN was unethically and possibly illegally surveilled, both before and after his election win. This information was published a few days before the infamous TWEET by none other than Mark Levin, Esq., on his syndicated talk show.

The publication of detailed information about communications of his campaign staff and operatives logically leads to his conclusion.

In legal terms, he needed to lay out a "prima facia case" for his accusation. He could have, but he didn't.

Clearly, Democrats have real problems with the definitions of words. They use the Lewis Carroll system: "Words mean exactly what I want them to mean - no more and no less." Their definition of the word, "lie" is particularly problematic. Bush43 "lied" when he took action based on the intelligence findings of every major Western intelligence agency, namely that Saddam HAD caches of WMD's. Trump "lied" when he accused Obama or his operatives of "wiretapping" his offices and campaign.

But Barry Soetoro did NOT "lie" when he told Americans that their family health insurance cost would be reduced by $2,500/year under "Obamacare," even though he knew that this promise was total bullshit.

It is a puzzlement.
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
You're out of your mind. Do you even know what thread you're in?
In addition to 45 lying that Obama wiretapped him here's an abbreviated list of just some of his proven lies:

1. Mexico is going to pay for the wall
2. I know more about ISIS than our own generals
3. I will eradicate ISIS in 30 days
4. I knew nothing about Flynn's communication with Russia
5. I inherited a mess from Obama
6. I am the least racist person you will ever meet
7. My Cabinet is running like a well oiled machine
8. I bought jobs here from Sprint and Intel
9. I saved Connair jobs from going to Mexico
10. I will release my taxes
11. I will drain the swamp
12. My Cabinet is great
13. Our allies love me
14. I've never met Putin
15. My healthcare plan will cover everyone.
Comey already said he was going to defend The FBI at all costs.
Funny that he used a transcript of Flynn's wire tap to exonerate Flynn, and you knew he was going to come out and deny that there was any wiretapping at all.
Just like he said Hillary Clinton broke just about every Espionage Law possible but was too Stupid To Go To Jail so he wasn't going to bring her up on charges even though she was guilty as Hell.
And to put icing on the cake, he gave Hillary's Private Hacker\IT Contractor Immunity....before even questioning him on anything....and then let him plead The 5th 256 CONVENIENT TIMES.

Hell, Comey gave Clinton's entire staff Immunity? What kind of phucking investigation is that? The he sealed their testimony.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

By Law she was not even allowed to run for office. She is also by law not even allowed to run for Mayor or Dog Catcher anywhere in The US.

Last edited:
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

Comey represents one of how many intel agencies? I'm very sure there is a lot of information he may not have.
You don't think Comey didn't ask them?
Your excuses for the head case trump just keep getting more ludicrous by the day..

Did you not watch the video, Comey said he spoke only for the FBI and DOJ, so I'm guessing he didn't ask.
So Far....Trump has been called a liar by:

The House
The Senate
President Obama

Has ANYONE come forward to support the LIAR in Chief?

What if he believe he is not lying because he is not mentally all there!?!

Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying
How bout the Russian collusion, who gets blamed for those 16 weeks of lies.
So if both sides lied can we stop talking about Russians, we got real problems in North Korea.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
Let's not forget he started lying on day one with his " I've had the largest Inauguration crowd in history."
It only took the press about an hour to show the Liar in chief's crowd was less than half of Obama's by using PHOTOGRAPHS of both. I'm sure you saw them but you just can't stop sucking Trump's tiny dick. You're addicted..
How bout the Russian collusion, who gets blamed for those 16 weeks of lies.
So if both sides lied can we stop talking about Russians, we got real problems in North Korea.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And when the inevitable crisis happens like it does under every presidency no one will believe a word the pathological liar says. Our allies nor Americans won't.
Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
Let's not forget he started lying on day one with his " I've had the largest Inauguration crowd in history."
It only took the press about an hour to show the Liar in chief's crowd was less than half of Obama's by using PHOTOGRAPHS of both. I'm sure you saw them but you just can't stop sucking Trump's tiny dick. You're addicted..
Shown in full living color Liar.
So Far....Trump has been called a liar by:

The House
The Senate
President Obama

Has ANYONE come forward to support the LIAR in Chief?

What if he believe he is not lying because he is not mentally all there!?!

Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard
1. Mexico is going to pay for the wall- There is no wall yet.
2. I know more about ISIS than our own generals - I wouldn't know what Trump knows
3. I will eradicate ISIS in 30 days- it has been thirty days. - Can it be that he was just wrong?
4. I knew nothing about Flynn's communication with Russia - It's not a lie to not know things
5. I inherited a mess from Obama - truer words were never spoke
6. I am the least racist person you will ever meet - His history shows he to be an equal opportunity employer
7. My Cabinet is running like a well oiled machine- Do we know it's not?
8. I bought jobs here from Sprint and Intel - Who knows?
9. I saved Connair jobs from going to Mexico - Who knows?
10. I will release my taxes when did he say that?
11. I will drain the swamp- He didn't say how long it would take did he?
12. My Cabinet is great - it is
13. Our allies love me - they fear him also
14. I've never met Putin - prove he did
15. My healthcare plan will cover everyone - What health care plan?
So Far....Trump has been called a liar by:

The House
The Senate
President Obama

Has ANYONE come forward to support the LIAR in Chief?

What if he believe he is not lying because he is not mentally all there!?!

Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...
Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
Let's not forget he started lying on day one with his " I've had the largest Inauguration crowd in history."
It only took the press about an hour to show the Liar in chief's crowd was less than half of Obama's by using PHOTOGRAPHS of both. I'm sure you saw them but you just can't stop sucking Trump's tiny dick. You're addicted..

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