FBI calls our President a LIAR"

You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
You're out of your mind. Do you even know what thread you're in?
In addition to 45 lying that Obama wiretapped him here's an abbreviated list of just some of his proven lies:

1. Mexico is going to pay for the wall
2. I know more about ISIS than our own generals
3. I will eradicate ISIS in 30 days
4. I knew nothing about Flynn's communication with Russia
5. I inherited a mess from Obama
6. I am the least racist person you will ever meet
7. My Cabinet is running like a well oiled machine
8. I bought jobs here from Sprint and Intel
9. I saved Connair jobs from going to Mexico
10. I will release my taxes
11. I will drain the swamp
12. My Cabinet is great
13. Our allies love me
14. I've never met Putin
15. My healthcare plan will cover everyone.
1. Mexico is going to pay for the wall- There is no wall yet.
2. I know more about ISIS than our own generals - I wouldn't know what Trump knows
3. I will eradicate ISIS in 30 days- it has been thirty days. - Can it be that he was just wrong?
4. I knew nothing about Flynn's communication with Russia - It's not a lie to not know things
5. I inherited a mess from Obama - truer words were never spoke
6. I am the least racist person you will ever meet - His history shows he to be an equal opportunity employer
7. My Cabinet is running like a well oiled machine- Do we know it's not?
8. I bought jobs here from Sprint and Intel - Who knows?
9. I saved Connair jobs from going to Mexico - Who knows?
10. I will release my taxes when did e say that?
11. I will drain the swamp- He didn't say how long it would take did he?
12. My Cabinet is great - it is
13. Our allies love me - they fear him also
14. I've never met Putin - prove he did
15. My healthcare plan will cover everyone - What health care plane?
its official you are clearly out of your mind.
You're so uniformed all you can meekly say is " Who knows? " lmao
Here's another bald faced lie: I will repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE of my presidency.
Is is past day one yet genius?
What if he believe he is not lying because he is not mentally all there!?!

Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it
So Far....Trump has been called a liar by:

The House
The Senate
President Obama

Has ANYONE come forward to support the LIAR in Chief?

What if he believe he is not lying because he is not mentally all there!?!

Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

Trump lied or is stupid

Which is it?
Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it
I guess you never found the BENGHAAAAAAAZZZI investigations tiresome. Lol
Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Four months?
Republicans kept Whitewater open for seven years and Benghazi open for four
Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.
And when the inevitable crisis happens like it does under every presidency no one will believe a word the pathological liar says. Our allies nor Americans won't.

Don't worry. Trump will blame any failure in Korea as being Obama's fault. Claiming it was a crisis that Obama left for him.
Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Four months?
Republicans kept Whitewater open for seven years and Benghazi open for four

There is nothing there loon.

The dems just couldn't handle nor believe Cankles got beat so they created a narrative...after calling for recounts, voter fraud and anything else they could dream up
Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.

Nothing there except more talk with no proof. Time to move on, Sparky
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.

Nothing there except more talk with no proof. Time to move on, Sparky

You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.

Nothing there except more talk with no proof. Time to move on, Sparky
Proof is buiding up
Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Four months?
Republicans kept Whitewater open for seven years and Benghazi open for four

So this is all nothing more than tit for tat paybacks for things like the Benghazi investigations.

Thanks for the affirmation.

Typical libtard thought process...

Mile wide and inch deep.
You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.

Nothing there except more talk with no proof. Time to move on, Sparky
Proof is buiding up

Let's see it....so far? Nuthin...not even a smidgen

Think hard :).
The FBI is politicized and controlled by democrats.
You're an idiot. The FBI are lifers who have served both Dem and republican presidents. They are patriots and nonpartisan.

Seems you only hold that opinion when they do or say something that favors regressives. What did you say when Comey informed Congress that he was reopening the investigation into the hildabitch?
There never was an investigation a week before the election and that was made very clear way too late for most voters.

Trump lied his ass off about Obama with no evidence whatsoever and he has embarrassed himself, the country and our allies or as you see it... just another day for this administration.

So are you saying the FBI isn't really nonpartisan or what? And I guess all those wiretap data stories in the press were a fabrication too.
You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.

Nothing there except more talk with no proof. Time to move on, Sparky


Clear, concise and spot on ^^^ - a fool she is and a nasty one at that!
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...

Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Four months?
Republicans kept Whitewater open for seven years and Benghazi open for four

So this is all nothing more than tit for tat paybacks for things like the Benghazi investigations.

Thanks for the affirmation.

Typical libtard thought process...

Mile wide and inch deep.
Republicans have established precedent

There were eight hearings on Benghazi. We have yet to have one on Trumps Russia connections
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR

Comey represents one of how many intel agencies? I'm very sure there is a lot of information he may not have.

Texas, he is the head of the FBI and in order to get to the very bottom of the claims , he needs 100% all of the facts...

Now onto the #RussiaGate

Yet if you watch his statement, he spoke only for the FBI and DOJ and was very careful to phrase it that way. Also these folks your praising today have already said there is no there there in your fabricated Russiagate.

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