FBI calls our President a LIAR"

Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.
there are? hmmmmm why do they keep saying there isn't? why do you keep up the nonsense since it's been debunked for seven months now? why stay with it? are you promoting double standards? yes you are. are you a hypocrite? yes you are. Are you dishonest? yes you are.
Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota
it's actually been seven.
Compared to the press the last couple of years, Trump is a saint. Thing is, that just makes two wrongs.
False equivalency. The free press is our only Wall between Trump and a pure dictatorship. He has you brainwashed making the press the enemy.

You are clearly the brainwashed/damaged individual here. There is no free press that unbiasly reports at this point. I didn't excuse Trump or the press you moron lying asswipe.
I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

You were never given concrete proof that Iraq had WMD's. Everything they showed to the UN were fabrications, speculations, and outright lies. Yet you probably swallowed them whole, and didn't even chew. Or the proof that Iraq threw babies out of incubators, or the aluminum tubes were for centrifuges, or that Iraq was within 6 months of making a nuclear weapon?
I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.
there are? hmmmmm why do they keep saying there isn't? why do you keep up the nonsense since it's been debunked for seven months now? why stay with it? are you promoting double standards? yes you are. are you a hypocrite? yes you are. Are you dishonest? yes you are.

Who is saying there aren't recordings of communications between the Russians and members of the Trump campaign? They have Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador, Sessions meeting with the Russian ambassador, Roger Stone tweeting the Russian hacker responsible for hacking the DNC server and Podesta e-mails.
Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..
Four months?
Republicans kept Whitewater open for seven years and Benghazi open for four

So this is all nothing more than tit for tat paybacks for things like the Benghazi investigations.

Thanks for the affirmation.

Typical libtard thought process...

Mile wide and inch deep.
Republicans have established precedent

There were eight hearings on Benghazi. We have yet to have one on Trumps Russia connections

Yeah because all scandals are exactly the same in every respect...


So, how many are you claiming have been killed by these ALLEGED Russian connections?

Like I said "mile wide and only an inch deep!"

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing
And when the inevitable crisis happens like it does under every presidency no one will believe a word the pathological liar says. Our allies nor Americans won't.

Don't worry. Trump will blame any failure in Korea as being Obama's fault. Claiming it was a crisis that Obama left for him.

Clinton fucked up on N Korea, Bush and maobama just let them slide.

Lefty was all over The Leaked Transcript of President Trump and Mexico's President Wiretapped Conversations.

He Applauded It!

He was also giddy with delirium over The leaked Transcript of Flynn's Wire Tapped congratulatory call with a Russian Ambassador.

Again, He Applauded It!

And when some Obama\Clinton mole inside The Intelligence Community exposed our "Surveillance Methods"

Again he applauded it.

Snowden was a Democrat.
So was Chelsea Manning.

I have to ask why is there a consistent pattern and theme with these so called "leakers"?

Now all of a sudden he wants to deny The Wire Tapping took place at all?

After leaping for joy at each leak he thought could help his cause?

I have to ask why?

It's very suspicious to me.
Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

As with much of Trumps agenda....his good intentions get sidetracked by his uncontrollable desire to tweet

Remember all his promises of what he would accomplish on "Day 1"?
He spent most of Day 1 arguing about the size of his inauguration crowd
So this is all nothing more than tit for tat paybacks for things like the Benghazi investigations.

Thanks for the affirmation.

Typical libtard thought process...

Mile wide and inch deep.
Republicans have established precedent

There were eight hearings on Benghazi. We have yet to have one on Trumps Russia connections

Yeah because all scandals are exactly the same in every respect...


So, how many are you claiming have been killed by these ALLEGED Russian connections?

Like I said "mile wide and only an inch deep!"

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.
Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

Pretty simple here, of course ANY communications with Russia are monitored. If there was actionable intel, there would be arrests by now. So no smoking gun, you guys are flat out wrong.

Trump was listened to as well, difference there is he should have more important things to work on right now. Let it drop and govern.
So this is all nothing more than tit for tat paybacks for things like the Benghazi investigations.

Thanks for the affirmation.

Typical libtard thought process...

Mile wide and inch deep.
Republicans have established precedent

There were eight hearings on Benghazi. We have yet to have one on Trumps Russia connections

Yeah because all scandals are exactly the same in every respect...


So, how many are you claiming have been killed by these ALLEGED Russian connections?

Like I said "mile wide and only an inch deep!"

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

Thanks for showing how petty all of this is by your trying to put these allegations against Trump on par with 9/11 and Benghazi.
Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

Pretty simple here, of course ANY communications with Russia are monitored. If there was actionable intel, there would be arrests by now. So no smoking gun, you guys are flat out wrong.

Trump was listened to as well, difference there is he should have more important things to work on right now. Let it drop and govern.


He is an international business man.

When ever the press says that Trump or folks in his administration had dealings, "with the Russians" they are being disingenuous, if not flat out liars.

His people are international business people, they deal with folks of all nationalities. I'm pretty sure they weren't dealing with the actual Russian government. The MSM would like Americans to believe that what we are talking about here, is the actual Russian government, not Russian banks and businesses.

So when we get conflicting statements from Trump and his organization from different media that he says on this day that yes, he deals with 'Russians' or that no, he has never spoken with 'the Russians' it is a very confusing mess of propaganda and spin by the MSM. It is a matter of semantics and a matter of what and whom we are talking about.

It is not a crime to conduct international business after all.
I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.
there are? hmmmmm why do they keep saying there isn't? why do you keep up the nonsense since it's been debunked for seven months now? why stay with it? are you promoting double standards? yes you are. are you a hypocrite? yes you are. Are you dishonest? yes you are.

Who is saying there aren't recordings of communications between the Russians and members of the Trump campaign? They have Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador, Sessions meeting with the Russian ambassador, Roger Stone tweeting the Russian hacker responsible for hacking the DNC server and Podesta e-mails.
no they don't, they have a recording of sessions doing his job during a transition period. It was a communication that was expected he do. What you don't have is proof of a collusion. So please submit that or sht the fk up. (STFU)
Grow up already, you loons and this Russian narrative is getting tiresome, four months and not one iota of proof. Hell even dem leadership is backing off of it

Are you watching the hearing at all?

The "Russian narrative" is very real and the premise for very real investigations.

Nothing there except more talk with no proof. Time to move on, Sparky
Proof is buiding up

Let's see it....so far? Nuthin...not even a smidgen

Think hard :).
Well......let's see
We know Russia hacked DNC servers
We know Trump used that information in his campaign
We know the Trump campaign altered the GOP platform to benefit Russia
We know Trump has defended Russia
We know Manafort, Flynn and Sessions had contact with Russia and lied about it

Is that a smidgen?

We know the Trump campaign altered the GOP platform to benefit Russia
The very next day after the RNC convention ended, the first dump by WL started.
Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..
well there is Michael Flynn and everyone knows about Michael Flynn. Anyone can tell any story on that, however, it shows Michael Flynn was spied on, through a wire tap at Trump Tower. So the POTUS is fking spot on.

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