FBI calls our President a LIAR"

So are you saying the FBI isn't really nonpartisan or what? And I guess all those wiretap data stories in the press were a fabrication too.

The wiretaps were real. Your interpretation of who was wiretapped is the 'fake news' The New York Times said that Flynn was picked up on a wiretap, without indicating it's top secret source being intercepts of Russian embassy conversations. The right flew with the confirmation that Flynn was picked up on a wiretap as meaning Flynn was the subject of the wiretap, and that it could only have occurred by taping into the phones in Trump Tower.

So you're cool with them releasing classified information, just not the methods of collection. The methods couldn't have been very TOP SECRET if you know about them. I wonder if the NYTimes is prepared to go to jail when they are asked for their source. You know the feds don't have a press shield law and the Times printed national security information.
Republicans have established precedent

There were eight hearings on Benghazi. We have yet to have one on Trumps Russia connections

Yeah because all scandals are exactly the same in every respect...


So, how many are you claiming have been killed by these ALLEGED Russian connections?

Like I said "mile wide and only an inch deep!"

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

Pretty simple here, of course ANY communications with Russia are monitored. If there was actionable intel, there would be arrests by now. So no smoking gun, you guys are flat out wrong.

Trump was listened to as well, difference there is he should have more important things to work on right now. Let it drop and govern.


He is an international business man.

When ever the press says that Trump or folks in his administration had dealings, "with the Russians" they are being disingenuous, if not flat out liars.

His people are international business people, they deal with folks of all nationalities. I'm pretty sure they weren't dealing with the actual Russian government. The MSM would like Americans to believe that what we are talking about here, is the actual Russian government, not Russian banks and businesses.

So when we get conflicting statements from Trump and his organization from different media that he says on this day that yes, he deals with 'Russians' or that no, he has never spoken with 'the Russians' it is a very confusing mess of propaganda and spin by the MSM. It is a matter of semantics and a matter of what and whom we are talking about.

It is not a crime to conduct international business after all.
all made up in pretendland and still we are in pretendland. It is the location of choice by the left. spit!!!!!
Yeah because all scandals are exactly the same in every respect...


So, how many are you claiming have been killed by these ALLEGED Russian connections?

Like I said "mile wide and only an inch deep!"

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
33K of deleted emails. hmmmmmmm why?
Lefty was all over The Leaked Transcript of President Trump and Mexico's President Wiretapped Conversations.

He Applauded It!

He was also giddy with delirium over The leaked Transcript of Flynn's Wire Tapped congratulatory call with a Russian Ambassador.

Again, He Applauded It!

And when some Obama\Clinton mole inside The Intelligence Community exposed our "Surveillance Methods"

Again he applauded it.

Snowden was a Democrat.
So was Chelsea Manning.

I have to ask why is there a consistent pattern and theme with these so called "leakers"?

Now all of a sudden he wants to deny The Wire Tapping took place at all?

After leaping for joy at each leak he thought could help his cause?

I have to ask why?

It's very suspicious to me.
Lefty was all over The Leaked Transcript of President Trump and Mexico's President Wiretapped Conversations.

Those weren't "wiretaps", dope.
Presidential calls to foreign leaders are always recorded.
Yeah because all scandals are exactly the same in every respect...


So, how many are you claiming have been killed by these ALLEGED Russian connections?

Like I said "mile wide and only an inch deep!"

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
No there weren't.

There were no 911 conspiracy theories before the 911 commission. Only after the commission came up woefully short did they start to do independent investigations to try to legitimately solve the enigma of that fateful day. When it became clear that the investigators were set up to fail, and in some cases, part of the plot, then it became necessary to investigate outside of government. If government is the shadow under which the perpetrators hide, no investigation sponsored by the government will ever reveal the true depths of the wrong doing. Duh.

The Global Intelligence Files - [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation
Did Trump lie when he tweeted what he did about Obama?
There is a chance he was just stupid

But when he was immediately informed that there was no factual basis of his claims and he continued to make those claims....that constitutes a LIE

Last edited:

Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
No there weren't.

There were no 911 conspiracy theories before the 911 commission. Only after the commission came up woefully short did they start to do independent investigations to try to legitimately solve the enigma of that fateful day. When it became clear that the investigators were set up to fail, and in some cases, part of the plot, then it became necessary to investigate outside of government. If government is the shadow under which the perpetrators hide, no investigation sponsored by the government will ever reveal the true depths of the wrong doing. Duh.

The Global Intelligence Files - [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation

Democrats avoided investigating conspiracy theories about 9-11
Republicans didn't when it came to Benghazi
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


Trump is a pathological liar--so YEAH someone was bound to call him out for lying. Redifining the WORD wiretapping because it's in "quotes" to mean something other than the Meridian Webster dicationary says it means, obviously isn't cutting through mustard.

You'll note that Sean Spicer again tries to turn Trump's tweet BLUNDER aka Trump's OWN words as the media's fault.

Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

As with much of Trumps agenda....his good intentions get sidetracked by his uncontrollable desire to tweet

Remember all his promises of what he would accomplish on "Day 1"?
He spent most of Day 1 arguing about the size of his inauguration crowd

You seem to be forgetting he was working with congress before the inauguration. So he actually got the ball rolling on many issues before day one.
Yeah.... KILLED!

Are the numbers anywhere close to the number of those killed in Banghazi?

Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
No there weren't.

There were no 911 conspiracy theories before the 911 commission. Only after the commission came up woefully short did they start to do independent investigations to try to legitimately solve the enigma of that fateful day. When it became clear that the investigators were set up to fail, and in some cases, part of the plot, then it became necessary to investigate outside of government. If government is the shadow under which the perpetrators hide, no investigation sponsored by the government will ever reveal the true depths of the wrong doing. Duh.

The Global Intelligence Files - [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation

Democrats avoided investigating conspiracy theories about 9-11
Republicans didn't when it came to Benghazi
again, 33k deleted emails. what would you have thought if bush just deleted 33k of emails or buried anything? oh......see!!! It's that old double standard you all practice daily. can you say hypocrite? Of course you can.. me too. Hypocrite.
Comey: I have no information that supports those tweets


Trump is a pathological liar--so YEAH someone was bound to call him out for lying. Redifining the WORD wiretapping because it's in "quotes" to mean something other than the Meridian Webster dicationary says it means, obviously isn't cutting through mustard.

You'll note that Sean Spicer again tries to turn Trump's tweet BLUNDER aka Trump's OWN words as the media's fault.


was Michael Flynn wire tapped or not?
Maybe you can show is some proof of Russian collusion? I know you can't but give it a shot

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

As with much of Trumps agenda....his good intentions get sidetracked by his uncontrollable desire to tweet

Remember all his promises of what he would accomplish on "Day 1"?
He spent most of Day 1 arguing about the size of his inauguration crowd

You seem to be forgetting he was working with congress before the inauguration. So he actually got the ball rolling on many issues before day one.

There is a certain symbology to your first day in office
It sets the tone for your agenda and priorities

Trump had his staff arguing crowd size
What is so disturbing about Trump is that he lies about EVERYTHING. He doesn't pick his battles. He will lie about the weather. He has no boundaries whatever. Even worse, he has no conception of the harm that it does to his own credibility. Even his own supporters have had to admit that you, "...should not take everything he says literally". His detractors agree, but take it to the logical conclusion that you can not believe ANYTHING he says.
You have no information that supports the thread title.

Let me see

If you make a claim that is not supported by the facts...you are a LIAR
Are you the pot or the kettle?
This asshole hasn't had the integrity to call out even one of Trump's lies. Not one.
I am still waiting on you to provide proof of one provable lie. Look, you and I both know that you never will. What you will do is continue to post unsubstantiated claims with no proof like you and your demented associates do day after day.
You're out of your mind. Do you even know what thread you're in?
In addition to 45 lying that Obama wiretapped him here's an abbreviated list of just some of his proven lies:

1. Mexico is going to pay for the wall
2. I know more about ISIS than our own generals
3. I will eradicate ISIS in 30 days
4. I knew nothing about Flynn's communication with Russia
5. I inherited a mess from Obama
6. I am the least racist person you will ever meet
7. My Cabinet is running like a well oiled machine
8. I bought jobs here from Sprint and Intel
9. I saved Connair jobs from going to Mexico
10. I will release my taxes
11. I will drain the swamp
12. My Cabinet is great
13. Our allies love me
14. I've never met Putin
15. My healthcare plan will cover everyone.
None of those actually qualify as "lies" though.
Not close to those killed on 9-11 either. That was also a terrorist attack but only warranted one hearing

It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
No there weren't.

There were no 911 conspiracy theories before the 911 commission. Only after the commission came up woefully short did they start to do independent investigations to try to legitimately solve the enigma of that fateful day. When it became clear that the investigators were set up to fail, and in some cases, part of the plot, then it became necessary to investigate outside of government. If government is the shadow under which the perpetrators hide, no investigation sponsored by the government will ever reveal the true depths of the wrong doing. Duh.

The Global Intelligence Files - [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation

Democrats avoided investigating conspiracy theories about 9-11
Republicans didn't when it came to Benghazi
again, 33k deleted emails. what would you have thought if bush just deleted 33k of emails or buried anything? oh......see!!! It's that old double standard you all practice daily. can you say hypocrite? Of course you can.. me too. Hypocrite.

5 Benghazi's and another Trillion of Hillary Clinton's emails doesn't hold a fucking match stick to TREASON, OBSTRUCTION, COVERUP & LIES.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com


This will be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this Russian scandal, and his many foreign conflicts of interest (which are in violation of the Emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution) when they take over in 2018.

Politics 101

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It only warranted one hearing, because the establishment knew exactly how it happened, they were the ones that allowed the Israeli's to pull it off with the help of the American Deep State.

There were many more 9-11 conspiracy theories than Benghazi theories
Only the Benghazi conspiracy theories warranted eight hearings
No there weren't.

There were no 911 conspiracy theories before the 911 commission. Only after the commission came up woefully short did they start to do independent investigations to try to legitimately solve the enigma of that fateful day. When it became clear that the investigators were set up to fail, and in some cases, part of the plot, then it became necessary to investigate outside of government. If government is the shadow under which the perpetrators hide, no investigation sponsored by the government will ever reveal the true depths of the wrong doing. Duh.

The Global Intelligence Files - [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation

Democrats avoided investigating conspiracy theories about 9-11
Republicans didn't when it came to Benghazi
again, 33k deleted emails. what would you have thought if bush just deleted 33k of emails or buried anything? oh......see!!! It's that old double standard you all practice daily. can you say hypocrite? Of course you can.. me too. Hypocrite.

5 Benghazi's and another fucking zillion of Hillary Clinton's emails you could drag up doesn't hold a match stick to TREASON, OBSTRUCTION, COVERUP & LIES.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com



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