FBI calls our President a LIAR"

I believe if you look in the NSA intercepts of communications you will find then, like the Flynn transcripts. Of course they can't be posted or even publically released because of their highly classified nature, revealing sources and methods, and alerting the people we're monitoring to how we're doing it.

Until I see concrete proof it's just a narrative. You see I'm not a hopeful left loon, I'm a realist. It's been four months and not one iota of proof has been offered up, not one iota

Why is it that you believed Trumps fake wiretapping claims without any proof? And are still defending him..

OK it was a good laugh to wake up to...but in all seriousness I find it sad , I think Trump had some good ideas last year.
He just got caught up in his lies... All he had to do was be honest from day one..

As with much of Trumps agenda....his good intentions get sidetracked by his uncontrollable desire to tweet

Remember all his promises of what he would accomplish on "Day 1"?
He spent most of Day 1 arguing about the size of his inauguration crowd

You seem to be forgetting he was working with congress before the inauguration. So he actually got the ball rolling on many issues before day one.

There is a certain symbology to your first day in office
It sets the tone for your agenda and priorities

Trump had his staff arguing crowd size

Yeah, and virtually every one uses it metaphorically.
Thanks for showing how petty all of this is by your trying to put these allegations against Trump on par with 9/11 and Benghazi.

RW didn't wake up this morning deciding to choose a new path like honesty and truth.

I live by Truth, Justice and the American Way

The truth is that more than 50 million children have been denied their Constitutional rights and have been slaughtered by abortions... (supported and defended by libtardz in denial like you) but do go on with your cute little story about how much you care about TRUTH.

I'm enjoying the irony of it all.
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What if he believe he is not lying because he is not mentally all there!?!

Where does Trump go from here?

1. Admit he lied
2. Admit he is too stupid to recognize unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
3. Continue to lie

Laugh at loons like you and continue being POTUS is my guess
You are correct

Trump does laugh at those who object to his lying

You start out a thread with a lie and then wail about liars.

Think hard

So the Russian-wingers excuse Trump once again...
We certainly know who will be the ones cheering when the so-called president is shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave.
Thanks for showing how petty all of this is by your trying to put these allegations against Trump on par with 9/11 and Benghazi.

RW didn't wake up this morning deciding to choose a new path like honesty and truth.

I live by Truth, Justice and the American Way

The truth is that more than 50 million children have been denied their Constitutional rights and have been slaughtered by abortions... (supported and defended by libtardz in denial like you) but do go on with your cute little story about how much you care about TRUTH.

I'm enjoying the irony of it all.
The GOP have both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Why haven't they gotten rid of legal abortion?
Thanks for showing how petty all of this is by your trying to put these allegations against Trump on par with 9/11 and Benghazi.

RW didn't wake up this morning deciding to choose a new path like honesty and truth.

I live by Truth, Justice and the American Way

The truth is that more than 50 million children have been denied their Constitutional rights and have been slaughtered by abortions... (supported and defended by libtardz in denial like you) but do go on with your cute little story about how much you care about TRUTH.

I'm enjoying the irony of it all.
The GOP have both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Why haven't they gotten rid of legal abortion?

Ummmm because it also takes the Supreme Court.


But don't worry, we will soon have a majority there too. Soon enough.
Thanks for showing how petty all of this is by your trying to put these allegations against Trump on par with 9/11 and Benghazi.

RW didn't wake up this morning deciding to choose a new path like honesty and truth.

I live by Truth, Justice and the American Way

The truth is that more than 50 million children have been denied their Constitutional rights and have been slaughtered by abortions... (supported and defended by libtardz in denial like you) but do go on with your cute little story about how much you care about TRUTH.

I'm enjoying the irony of it all.
The GOP have both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Why haven't they gotten rid of legal abortion?

Ummmm because it also takes the Supreme Court.


But don't worry, we will soon have a majority there too. Soon enough.
No...it takes the Legislature to write law and the president to sign it. Why has nothing been done........besides the obvious "you've been had"?
FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's common knowledge among sane people that Trump is a pathological liar. He's also a con artist who is fooling fewer people each day. Surely even Trump's "poorly educated" base is starting to have doubts. BTW, Adolf Trump is not my president.
RW didn't wake up this morning deciding to choose a new path like honesty and truth.

I live by Truth, Justice and the American Way

The truth is that more than 50 million children have been denied their Constitutional rights and have been slaughtered by abortions... (supported and defended by libtardz in denial like you) but do go on with your cute little story about how much you care about TRUTH.

I'm enjoying the irony of it all.
The GOP have both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Why haven't they gotten rid of legal abortion?

Ummmm because it also takes the Supreme Court.


But don't worry, we will soon have a majority there too. Soon enough.
No...it takes the Legislature to write law and the president to sign it. Why has nothing been done........besides the obvious "you've been had"?

Lawmakers are not going to waste time writing a law that will get tossed by the SCOTUS when they know they will have the courts balance shifting in a more favorable direction in the very near future.
FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's common knowledge among sane people that Trump is a pathological liar. He's also a con artist who is fooling fewer people each day. Surely even Trump's "poorly educated" base is starting to have doubts. BTW, Adolf Trump is not my president.

You should have Trump testify so he can answer all the questions with the phrase "I'm sorry I don't recall" like Hitlary and Blubba did.
FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's common knowledge among sane people that Trump is a pathological liar. He's also a con artist who is fooling fewer people each day. Surely even Trump's "poorly educated" base is starting to have doubts. BTW, Adolf Trump is not my president.
I believe that is was someone in NYC government years ago who said he wouldn't believe Trump even if he had his tongue notarized.
FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's common knowledge among sane people that Trump is a pathological liar. He's also a con artist who is fooling fewer people each day. Surely even Trump's "poorly educated" base is starting to have doubts. BTW, Adolf Trump is not my president.

You should have Trump testify so he can answer all the questions with the phrase "I'm sorry I don't recall" like Hitlary and Blubba did.
Ah...can't have a Trump thread without one of his puppets going off on the Clintons.
FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's common knowledge among sane people that Trump is a pathological liar. He's also a con artist who is fooling fewer people each day. Surely even Trump's "poorly educated" base is starting to have doubts. BTW, Adolf Trump is not my president.
I believe that is was someone in NYC government years ago who said he wouldn't believe Trump even if he had his tongue notarized.

NYC government considered very honest? Didn't really look that way to me, but then I stay out of sewers like that.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, however, offered a very simple explanation for this phenomenon two days later: “He’s the president of the United States. He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not.

"He's the President of the United States. He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not." -@KellyannePolls pic.twitter.com/r0cSE7IkSL

:lol: ^ poor kellyanne

— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) March 6, 2017
On his allegations of wiretapping, none of the people who might have provided him with such secret intelligence have supported him. In fact, many have issued statements refuting those allegations:

* FBI Director James Comey: “I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,” Comey told the House Intelligence Committee Monday.

* House Intelligence Committee: Congress took up an investigation of the substance of Trump’s tweets at the request of the White House. But instead of vindicating him, the investigation exposed Trump’s claims as nothing more than a conspiracy theory.

Last week, the House Intelligence Committee received information from the Justice Department related to the wiretapping claims. Both the chair of the committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), and the ranking member, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), said the evidence showed nothing to back up the president.

“Was there a physical wiretap of Trump Tower? No, there never was,” Nunes said Sunday. “The information we got on Friday continues to lead us in that direction.”

I got a classified briefing on [the DOJ] response. They delivered it after most of us had left town. But once again, no evidence to support the president’s claim that he was wiretapped by his predecessor,” Schiff added.

* Senate Intelligence Committee: In a joint statement last week, the Republican and Democratic leaders of the committee ― Sens. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) ― said they saw nothing to support Trump’s theory: “Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”

* Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: Clapper served as the director of national intelligence under Obama, during the time Trump claimed the president wiretapped him. Clapper said that none of the agencies he oversaw engaged in such activity: “For the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign.”

* Former President Barack Obama: “As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen,” Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, said in a statement. “Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”

* The British Government: Although Conway said that Trump knew more than the rest of us and therefore would be in a position to know about secret wiretapping, the White House has pointed to media reports ― which are available to everyone ― as evidence for the March 4 tweets. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, for example, recently cited Fox News legal pundit Andrew Napolitano’s claim that Obama circumvented U.S. intelligence agencies and instead worked with British officials to spy on Trump. Napolitano specifically named the Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, which is the equivalent of the National Security Agency.

In response, GCHQ took the unusual step of publicly commenting, calling the claim “utterly ridiculous

Donald Trump Exposed As A Hopeless Conspiracy Theorist By Basically Everyone Who Matters | The Huffington Post
FBI calls our President a LIAR"

It's common knowledge among sane people that Trump is a pathological liar. He's also a con artist who is fooling fewer people each day. Surely even Trump's "poorly educated" base is starting to have doubts. BTW, Adolf Trump is not my president.

You should have Trump testify so he can answer all the questions with the phrase "I'm sorry I don't recall" like Hitlary and Blubba did.
Ah...can't have a Trump thread without one of his puppets going off on the Clintons.

Not going off at all.Trump would be wise to follow their example for how to answer the questions. Wouldn't he.

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