FBI Still Cannot Find Motives For Assassination Attempts

The Party of peace and love is in reality the Party of hate and violence.

Don’t gaslight me. The events of that day were clear and the violence of the insurrectionists plain for all to see.
Yeah we know, a few folks got a little out of hand and you loons are still whining about it. Yet in your twisted liberal mind it justifies violence years later. How sick are you people?
Yeah we know, a few folks got a little out of hand and you loons are still whining about it. Yet in your twisted liberal mind it justifies violence years later. How sick are you people?
That is not what I wrote you moron. The idiocy is calling 1/6 a “few folks” getting out of hand is the height of gaslighting if not downright stupidity.
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That is not what I wrote you moron. The idiocy is calling 1/6 a “few folks” getting out of hand is the height of gaslighting if not downright stupidity.
Your lack of perspective isn't my problem. Those few folks were a fraction of the crowd sizes that looted and burned cities for months on end. Stop being a drama queen.
Gee.....they can't figure out why Kamala Harris supporters keep trying to kill Trump:

Why is that a problem for you? Shooting people you have a beef with is the American thing to do.
The first nut job Crooks was a registered Republican.

The second nut job, Routh, was a disgruntled Trump supporter.

Because the nutjob Crooks wanted to, and did, vote in the republican primary to fuck up the election. In his state to have to be a republican to vote in the republican primary. Nobody is a Trump supporter that shoots at him, Dumbass.
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