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Fear Of Hell & Asteroids


Sep 23, 2010
The environmental movement is a scam designed to give the United Nations the deed to the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere because no nation owns them. No other scam has done more to establish a global government administered by the UN than did the manmade global warming hoax. Giving the UN taxing authority over the American people is the only thing lacking implementation.

For all practical purposes the EPA is a UN bureaucracy that specifically advances the UN’s agenda with tax dollars. Run of the mill environmental freakazoids who show up carrying signs at every demonstration are the equivalent of Lenin’s useful idiots.

NOTE: Silent sign-carriers can appear intelligent, while useful idiots on the Internet expose themselves the minute they defend the UN’s designer-science. If that’s not enough for you ask yourself how bright can anybody be with Al Gore as their leading spokesman.

Years ago I joked that after the United Nations took ownership of the Earth they would next claim title to the universe. I posted messages about the UN’s propaganda efforts on that old TV show —— Star Trek —— by showing these two flags:



Fictional United Federation of Planets flag​

It’s no longer a joke. United Nations charity-hustlers are not yet the Earth’s landlords, but that did not stop those bums from taking the first step toward claiming the universe:

It's a scenario familiar to any science fiction fan: An asteroid is hurtling toward Earth, and humans must deflect or destroy it to save themselves and every other living creature on the planet.

But unlike most sci-fi plots, this one is a real threat, right now. And the United Nations is on it.

Last week, the U.N. General Assembly approved the creation of an International Asteroid Warning Group.


"No government in the world today has explicitly assigned the responsibility for planetary protection to any of its agencies," Schweickar said at an Oct.

Talk about chutzpah. The UN wants to own the universe on the strength of destroying a small asteroid. Even assuming it’s possible what the hell is the UN going to do when a solid object many times larger than the Earth is coming our way. No matter. The International Asteroid Warning Group has to be funded. Only God and Ban Ki-moon know how many UN parasites will get nice jobs out of the asteroid scare tactic.

First the tax

Nonprofits are usually tax gimmicks cloaked in charity, service, changing the world, and so on. No matter how it works the IRS grants or denies tax exempt status of a nonprofit. In short: The tax is passed onto working Americans who pay taxes. In this case taxes pay UN dues and assessments:

The new U.N. plan to save Earth from killer astroids has three basic components, drawn heavily from the Association of Space Explorers and Lu's asteroid-battling nonprofit, the B612 Foundation.

How the U.N. plans to defend Earth from asteroids
It's called the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, and it means business
By Peter Weber | October 29, 2013

How the U.N. plans to defend Earth from asteroids - The Week

Parenthetically, I’ve never seen a message board that had a United Nations forum. Think about it.

Scare tactics and charity hustles

Scare tactics have always been SOP for priesthoods of every stripe. There is no separation of church and state when it comes to a scare tactic. Fear of hell is no different than fear of getting hit by an asteroid, while the UN is a Johnny-come-lately to charity hustles. The UN’s monumental charity hustle, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was not written until 1948. Coerced charity in America began the process of destroying individual liberties before the UN opened up shop.

Basically, the ACA is a charity hustle that was written in order to legislate love, dictate behavior and, most of all, enrich Socialists/Communists. Try this if you doubt me:

Put aside all of TV’s noise about the sign up website and imagine that the ACA never became law. Filthy lying, frustrated, priests like the president, Nancy, Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, John Roberts, and the rest of them would still be doing the the same thing in every other aspect of our lives. Sad to say, repealing the ACA will not change what those people are, nor will repeal stop coerced charity.

Finally, talking heads are openly calling Barack Taqiyya a liar. He doesn’t care. He is already falling back on the spiritual leader B.S. he’s been spreading around since 2007. Criticism from opponents has the same impact on him as it has on the Pope when he is criticized by atheists. Taqiyya the Liar knows that keeping his job approval numbers from sinking any lower he only has to keep his loyal followers focused on his compassion, his concern for their welfare, blah, blah, blah. Pointing out that he is, and always has been, a lying sack of shitzola about everything does him no harm with the faithful.
Here’s why I call him Barack Taqiyya:

“And you know the hell of it is that Obama doesn’t think he lied. I don’t think Obama, in his mind, is capable of lying. Whatever is necessary to say or do to advance the agenda is what is morally correct. Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t think he lied,” Limbaugh said.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK1YNN36bww&feature=player_embedded]Limbaugh: Nixon Resigned Over A Lie Nowhere Near As Big As ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]​
Catchin' a falling star...

NASA Hopes to Catch an Asteroid
September 14, 2016 - If all goes well, NASA will launch one of its most audacious missions in less than a decade.
It's called the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM). NASA and White House officials gave an online preview of the mission and also explained how it folds into the larger goal of getting humans to Mars. ARM is a robotic spacecraft that officials hope will be launched into space in the next few years and make its way to a "near-Earth asteroid." To that end, the mission is similar to the OSIRIS-REx mission that was launched last week and is headed toward the potentially dangerous asteroid Bennu. But ARM is much larger in scale, and will be testing a number of new NASA technologies that will be part of the greater manned Mars mission.


The ARM spacecraft will land on an asteroid and carry a large boulder back to near earth orbit. NASA Image.​

'Solar electric propulsion'

The engines on the ARM spacecraft represent the first big step forward. They employ a new propulsion system called Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP), which will use the energy of the sun to create electromagnetic fields that will "accelerate and expel charged atoms" to push ARM toward the asteroid. SEP uses a lot less chemical propellant than the engines NASA used on the shuttle, for instance. ARM will land on the selected asteroid to collect samples, which NASA scientist Michele Gates said may be as much as 20 percent water. The asteroid's makeup will help in the continuing study of the early days of our solar system, and Gates says the samples could be "volatile rich," containing nitrogen, carbon dioxide and ammonia.


A solar electric propulsion system could be the technology that gets humans to Mars​

Altering asteroid's orbit

The planned landing site is directly on top of a boulder, perhaps as heavy as 20 tons. The spacecraft will wrap three metal arms around the big rock, lift it off the surface and blast back off into space. And then, in a test of technology NASA administrator Charlie Bolden said would prove that we're "smarter than the dinosaurs," the ARM spacecraft will attempt to alter the trajectory of the asteroid. It is a test to see if we can avoid getting hit by a massive asteroid like the one that struck Earth millions of years ago and ended the age of the dinosaurs. The ARM spacecraft, now dragging the huge boulder, will spin around the asteroid, NASA says, and use "the mass of the spacecraft [and boulder] to impart a gravitational force on the asteroid, slowly altering the asteroid’s trajectory."


The ARM spacecraft will test something called a gravity tractor to alter an asteroids trajectory.​

Moon gets its own satellite

Once ARM is done with that attempt to change the orbit of a large body in space, it will head back towards the earth and deposit the boulder it's been carrying in a safe orbit around the moon. The boulder would simply burn up in the atmosphere if it were to accidentally fall to earth. Once the boulder is circling the moon, sometime in the 2030's, NASA will send a manned mission to collect samples from it using the new Orion spacecraft, and bring them safely back to Earth. This mission and the technologies created by it could open the way for what Bolden calls the potentially lucrative commercial mining of asteroids. The ARM mission accomplishes another important step in our movement into space, while testing Solar Electric Propulsion, the Orion spacecraft, and a new space launch system for the Mars mission.

Preparing for Mars

NASA Administrator Bolden calls it the second phase of our journey beyond Earth. The first is what he calls "the Earth reliant phase," where everything we do in space starts and ends on Earth. This new generation of spacecraft will establish us in what he calls a cis-lunar phase, where we can use a stable orbit around the moon and its gentle gravity as a jumping off point for any missions beyond Earth. In the final "earth-independent" phase of planning to go to Mars, Bolden says, we either "need to take stuff with us, get it on the way or make it wherever you go." Bolden says that third phase is so close he can taste it. And if the timeline stays on target and the expected $1.4 billion worth of funding gets approved, we might have a new rocky neighbor orbiting the moon within a decade.

NASA Hopes to Catch an Asteroid

See also:

Study: Pluto 'Spray-painting' Poles of its Big Moon Charon
September 14, 2016 — A new study finds that Pluto is “spray-painting” the red poles of its big moon Charon.
The paint is actually Pluto's continually escaping atmosphere. Methane and other gases from Pluto end up coating Charon's frozen poles, which are so cold and where winters are so long that this buildup remains for decades. A chemical transformation, via solar radiation, turns the polar caps dark red.


This composite of enhanced color images shows Pluto (lower right) and Charon (upper left), taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft as it passed through the Pluto system​

Planetary scientist Will Grundy of Lowell Observatory in Arizona bases his findings on observations by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft. He says it's a new phenomenon for scientists and akin to “spray-painting.”

His study was reported by the journal Nature on Wednesday, 16 months to the day after New Horizons' historic flyby of Pluto.

Study: Pluto 'Spray-painting' Poles of its Big Moon Charon
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