February Is Black History Month




"Black history is American history"

Amen Brother!!!

He couldnt have said it any better.
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No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

I learned all this in American History class.... Im sick of it being rammed down our collective throats just to pacify the victim mentality that is perpetuated every day in "the hood".

No one wants to reeeeaaalllly learn black history. They just want to teach what an awful country we live in, and nevermind the white Americans that put an end to the dispicable slave trade. If you folks really cared about black history you'd do something about the blacks who are still in slavery to this day... Hell, if you gave a shit about slavery in general, you'd be diong something about the mexicans who are being used as slaves here in America at this very moment.

Just sayin'
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

I think we'd all be better off if the curriculum spent that time teaching children that freedom is a responsibility as much as it is a right. Once you've obtained your freedom, you will also be judged on what you do with it. A sense of personal responsibility, civic mindedness, advocating for the rights of others of different skin color as vigorously as your own, adhering to principle, honoring and respecting the constitution, a good worth ethic. These are the things children of color are lacking. Instead of trying to build their self esteem, teach them to be good citizens.
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

You are about 40 years out of date. Today, public schools are awash in Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Harriet Tubman, you name it. Anyone suggesting that public schools aren't liberal enough is living in a fantasy world. Public education is shot through with white-bashing at every turn.

What they don't actually teach is who Charles Martel was, or Charlemagne, or Boudica, or Joan of Arc. What you learn about George Washington is that he was a slave owner.
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

As a Cherokee Indian, I take offense at your post. We were not "poor" at all.

Until your ancestors stole all that we had.

Giving us a month in public schools won't do anything but make YOU feel better about yourself. It will not change what was done, and the only fair and appropriate resolution is now an impossibility (give back what you stole, and go back to where you came from). We know our history, we don't really care if you know it. Have your "Black History Month," because the Blacks, and more importantly, YOU need it. Leave us alone. We don't want your patronization, and we recognize it for what it is. Self-centered bullshit that is all about YOUR feelings, and nothing about ours.

Morgan Freeman couldn't be more right. You cannot relegate our history to a month, and we don't want a month.

As Mr. Freeman says so simply and beautifully (are we sure he isn't Cherokee?) :

Stop talking about it.
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

I think we'd all be better off if the curriculum spent that time teaching children that freedom is a responsibility as much as it is a right. Once you've obtained your freedom, you will also be judged on what you do with it. A sense of personal responsibility, civic mindedness, advocating for the rights of others of different skin color as vigorously as your own, adhering to principle, honoring and respecting the constitution, a good worth ethic. These are the things children of color are lacking. Instead of trying to build their self esteem, teach them to be good citizens.

That would be totally racist.
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

You are about 40 years out of date. Today, public schools are awash in Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Harriet Tubman, you name it. Anyone suggesting that public schools aren't liberal enough is living in a fantasy world. Public education is shot through with white-bashing at every turn.

What they don't actually teach is who Charles Martel was, or Charlemagne, or Boudica, or Joan of Arc. What you learn about George Washington is that he was a slave owner.

You are an evil man. You don't care about the welfare of children whether they are
White, Black or whatever culture. All you care about is that the races should be seperated and you are too stubborn to realize that it's too late to keep saying that Blacks do not have a place in this world. What did a Black person ever do to you that made you hate the Black race so much? I've asked you this before and you never answered. It's time to answer.
If we were still not basically a racist nation there would be no need for a black history month.
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

As a Cherokee Indian, I take offense at your post. We were not "poor" at all.

Until your ancestors stole all that we had.

Giving us a month in public schools won't do anything but make YOU feel better about yourself. It will not change what was done, and the only fair and appropriate resolution is now an impossibility (give back what you stole, and go back to where you came from). We know our history, we don't really care if you know it. Have your "Black History Month," because the Blacks, and more importantly, YOU need it. Leave us alone. We don't want your patronization, and we recognize it for what it is. Self-centered bullshit that is all about YOUR feelings, and nothing about ours.

Morgan Freeman couldn't be more right. You cannot relegate our history to a month, and we don't want a month.

As Mr. Freeman says so simply and beautifully (are we sure he isn't Cherokee?) :

Stop talking about it.
I agree. A month DOESN'T cut it. Here is my proposal to the native Americans.

Get rid of the reservations. You act like you want a "sovereign nation" but suck off the federal government on a daily basis. Your "public housing" looks like shit. Nine out of ten houses doesn't even look "livable". I say take all of the registered tribal members and split the reservation land between them equally and throw them in with everyone else with property taxes and NO MORE fucking free pass casinos.:evil::evil:
No public school in American teaches enough about the history of Blacks in America, or Native Americans, or others, because for the most part, these were poor people. We tend to focus our attention on the lives of the wealthy and powerful. We also have a desire to whitewash our past, and downplay the instances of immorality this nation has engaged in.

Ever met a kid who knew the history of the coal miners' union movement in West Virginia from school? Who knew where the Underground Railroad stations actually were? Who knew -- in detail -- what The Trail Of Tears was?

T'aint asking too much, to teach this curriculum once every school year for a month.

I learned all this in American History class.... Im sick of it being rammed down our collective throats just to pacify the victim mentality that is perpetuated every day in "the hood".

No one wants to reeeeaaalllly learn black history. They just want to teach what an awful country we live in, and nevermind the white Americans that put an end to the dispicable slave trade. If you folks really cared about black history you'd do something about the blacks who are still in slavery to this day... Hell, if you gave a shit about slavery in general, you'd be diong something about the mexicans who are being used as slaves here in America at this very moment.

Just sayin'

I think that we should just get rid of history altogether...and focus on funny pictures.

As a Native Mainer, I am very pleased that the Boston Red Sox honors my people during Maine Day at Fenway Park.

Sure...I'd like a week...or maybe a fortnight. Or even the Maine West Coast Road Trip...that would be nice.

But that one day...I live for that day all year.

Last year it was a rainout and they made it up as a double header with the Kevin Youkilis bobblehead game.
Jesus H. Christ, some of you people are grumpy!

Mini -- fuck off. Even if I buy your claim to being a Cherokee, which I'm not sure I do, the history of the Native Americans is important to me and mine too.

The Infidel -- "Victim mentality"? Really? Because we teach kids about the accomplishments of people who struggled?

Not sure who asked me -- "these people" who built, ran and used the Underground Railroad. ALL of them -- that specific enough?

Holy fuck, you guys.

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