Federal Court overturns the ban on NDAA kidnapping of US citizens!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwrCEX1ElJ8]"Holy Shit" audio clip - YouTube[/ame]

The Second Circuit court has overturned a temporary injunction which had blocked the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – meaning Americans can now once again be kidnapped and held without trial.

Image: Indefinite Detention

In September 2012, United States District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest ruled that the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA was unconstitutional and blocked it permanently. However, within 24 hours of the ruling the Obama administration lodged an appeal and the law has been under temporary injunction until now.

Americans can once again “legally” be snatched off the street and detained without trial based on the mere claim that they provided aid or support to terrorists, despite this being a total violation of habeas corpus.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwrCEX1ElJ8]"Holy Shit" audio clip - YouTube[/ame]
I never thought I would see the day when the United States had secret courts and could just disappear people in the middle of the night. We used to condemn the Soviets for that kind of stuff.

What happened to us?
I never thought I would see the day when the United States had secret courts and could just disappear people in the middle of the night. We used to condemn the Soviets for that kind of stuff.

What happened to us?

We became a nation of 300 million cowards who decided after one isolated attack 13 years ago that our liberty no longer mattered.
I never thought I would see the day when the United States had secret courts and could just disappear people in the middle of the night. We used to condemn the Soviets for that kind of stuff.

What happened to us?

We've traded our Liberty for "security".

And now we have neither.

Didn't one of the Founders warn us about that?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin
I never thought I would see the day when the United States had secret courts and could just disappear people in the middle of the night. We used to condemn the Soviets for that kind of stuff.

What happened to us?

We have become what we used to be against.:evil:
Yeah, but how did we get like this? We went from being the good guys in the Cold War to watching the government burn children alive over some trumped up gun charges to somehow just shrugging our shoulders when it came time for the Patriot Act to just not caring that Washington is half a step away from the Star Chamber.

In the space of 20 years we went from the freest people on the planet to micromanaged serfs and tax slaves who cower in the corner and just take it. What happened to us?
Yeah, but how did we get like this? We went from being the good guys in the Cold War to watching the government burn children alive over some trumped up gun charges to somehow just shrugging our shoulders when it came time for the Patriot Act to just not caring that Washington is half a step away from the Star Chamber.

In the space of 20 years we went from the freest people on the planet to micromanaged serfs and tax slaves who cower in the corner and just take it. What happened to us?

Obama was appointed King by the International Banks, apparently Cheney and Mccain weren't evil enough.
Let me guess, the judge is another carpet munching liberal? Just a guess.

No, glue sniffing type, drinks fluoridated water daily.

What's wrong with fluoridated water?

Its helped tens of millions of kids prevent cavities.

Straight from Harvard, not to mention hundreds of other reputable studies.

Harvard School of Public Health » HSPH News » Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children

For some reason, minority communities are usually subjected to this atrocity.

Also, you've practically proved that you're a disinfo agent.
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The greatest threat to our freedom is the ignorance exhibited by the OP and those who agree with him.
I never thought I would see the day when the United States had secret courts and could just disappear people in the middle of the night. We used to condemn the Soviets for that kind of stuff.

What happened to us?

We became a nation of 300 million cowards who decided after one isolated attack 13 years ago that our liberty no longer mattered.

I think the problem is our fixation on homeland security instead of DESTROYING our enemies in a manner that will bring the world to their senses...and that sense is "don't mess with the superpower".

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