Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

So why is a vet part of a Marxist mob trying to attack a federal building? He was intentionally trying to antagonize those agents. And just because he was a vet doesn't exonerate him from committing a crime. And you don't know if he was doing damage to the building before the agents smacked him.

Those Marxists are trying to occupy the federal building like they did the police building in Seattle. And the feds wouldn't have to be there protecting OUR property if the Portland police would do their job.

And IF Bidum wins these mobs will be in the suburbs destroying your property. These are not peaceful protests.

I can't believe you're defending the Marxist ANTIFA anarchists over our Federal police. You have been brainwashed by Fake News.

He wasn’t part of a mob attacking anything. Neither were a number of the people there who were attacked by the feds. He wanted to ask them a constitutional question. They beat tbe shit out of him, breaking bones, and he stood there and didn’t fight back. And you defend that?

Here's your "peaceful" protest, day 54, but you won't watch because you have no sense of reality and never will.

Bet you don't watch. Bet you don't have the guts to face what you're defending.

And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"

But you are right. The Gestapo doesn't play around.
So says the Prick....aka .......you.......that always defends those breaking the law.......burning and looting ........AND MURDERING.

Pawn Shop......MN....................found his charred corpse after BLM thugs burned it to the ground.....

I hope the Feds start WAILING on these Terrorist..........they need to go the hell down.,
BS. Sending in the Border Patrol (wtf are they doing in Portkland) and other militarized feds is THROWING GAS ON THE FIRE big time. The situation WORSENED after their antics.
BS.....You support Murderers and thieves here...........they are TERRORIST.....
I hope Karma gets them exactly what they deserve....

Your side has a lot of nerve saying we are gassing the fires.........The DNC are ARSON EXPERTS and this happens every 2 years......

Put you thugs on leashes ......or to hell with them when KARMA COMES A CALLING.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"
Might makes right.............BLM and Antifa has been doing their BS a long time..........Karma comes for them and they go crying..................WHO CARES.....

They can flush their heads in a toilet at this point and I'd be .......COOL.

In other words, people who disagree with you should be beaten and denied constitutional rights.
Assholes should be beaten yes.........I enjoyed watching it...............I don't care about Terrorist organizations.......

The definition of a terrorist is by threat of violence or actual violence for a political objective.......We don't negotiate with terrorists...........guess the Navy guy there wasn't fit to serve if he stands with terrorist.

That describes exactly what Trump is doing. He is playing to his ignorant base and you are proof of it. The Navy guy served which is more than bonespurs Trump did. He is a patriot. Trump, his bully boys and supporters are the terrorists.
We don't even know the guy was in the Navy........You can buy a Navy T-shirt..............

He went up challenging Federal Agents trying to restore order........they RESPONDED.....Oh well......aat least he got to walk away......

In the Navy......he would have been taken down.......with FORCE.......DETAINED........DRUG TO THE BRIG ........forced to stand most of the day.........and fed bread and water.............unless they have removed that now LOL..............Faced Captain's MAST..........Would have been reduced in Rank.........lost money there.......and Restricted to the ship for a time..........with EXTRA DUTY EVERY DAY.......

That is the NAVY.......OR AT LEAST IT WAS.................So...........HE'S LUCKY.......and I doubt he was in the Navy.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.
OK now go bitch at the BLM intimidation factor.

I'll wait.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
Such is the authoritarian right: punish dissent, compel conformity.

That conservatives support un-Constitutional actions by the Federal government against lawful protesters comes as no surprise.
they are not protesters..........they are rioters and looters........and behave like animals.........and basically they are TERRORIST...........

Fuck them.

The4 federal thugs are the terrorists. That is why they are there. The feds are the animals.
More BS from the lunatic left........I HOPE your HERO'S getting beaten down into a MUD HOLE..........they deserve it.................

Pick the wrong place to pull this crap..........Well that is GOING TO HAPPEN.....that is why you stay in your stinking safe places.................
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
What a bulshit avatar you have, you just condoned a Navy Vet, who was not aggressive or threatening, getting repeatedly clubbed and pepper sprayed by Trump’s Gestapo.
You are a absolutely pathetic subhuman being.
If he was in the Navy......and I was on Shore Patrol........and he was out there interfering......what's left of him would have been thrown in the brig......

Your virtue signalling is BS..............now tell me how sorry you are for the guy found in MN........who was found charred and possibly BURNED TO DEATH.........when BLM ANIMALS burned the place down.

Up. yours..........time for the thugs to get a taste of their own dang medicine.........they been asking for a dang fight.........WHAT'S THE FING PROBLEM........Are they only brave when they outnumber or are beating OLD LADIES with a 2 x 4...........

They say........NO FAIR when they find people in front of them who aren't impressed.........OH WELL.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
What a bulshit avatar you have, you just condoned a Navy Vet, who was not aggressive or threatening, getting repeatedly clubbed and pepper sprayed by Trump’s Gestapo.
You are a absolutely pathetic subhuman being.
Navy vet ??
That means anything ?
That allows him to break state and federal laws ??

he wasn't breaking any law.

that's the PROBLEM.
He might not have gotten hit if he had worn his sign.........
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
What a bulshit avatar you have, you just condoned a Navy Vet, who was not aggressive or threatening, getting repeatedly clubbed and pepper sprayed by Trump’s Gestapo.
You are a absolutely pathetic subhuman being.
Navy vet ??
That means anything ?
That allows him to break state and federal laws ??

he wasn't breaking any law.

that's the PROBLEM.
Yeah lol
Stuck in the middle of the riot !!
Anyone who was innocent would have avoided the place by 5 miles
Like stopping the nightly attempts to destroy the Portland federal courthouse is not a legitimate reason for
being in crazy town.
List of Portland buildings damaged or destroyed so far this year from ANTIFA/Leftist rioters, and keep in mind all of these are serious felony arson and more..
The fire at the Portland Police Association building
Some protesters then moved on from the Justice Center and broke into stores and other buildings, including Apple and Louis Vuitton.
Rioters are not protesters, they are hoodlums and should be put down with whatever force is necessary.
So Coyote finds destroyed buildings to be funny?

That explains a lot.
Here is one for you.

I will not post the video as it would be utterly improper for this forum. But you can find them on YouTube and elsewhere.

Now how exactly do you justify shooting pepper filled pain balls at a woman wearing only a mask and a hat? Perhaps the people with the paintball guns were sadists? Psychologically unsound pathetic little weasels.
BS. Sending in the Border Patrol (wtf are they doing in Portkland) and other militarized feds is THROWING GAS ON THE FIRE big time. The situation WORSENED after their antics.
BS.....You support Murderers and thieves here...........they are TERRORIST.....
I hope Karma gets them exactly what they deserve....

Your side has a lot of nerve saying we are gassing the fires.........The DNC are ARSON EXPERTS and this happens every 2 years......

Put you thugs on leashes ......or to hell with them when KARMA COMES A CALLING.

So this guy is a muderer and a thief and a terrorist? Seriously? You fascists are freaking nuts.

A Navy veteran said he went to a protest in Portland to talk with the federal agents deployed by President Donald Trump. Instead, he was beaten and sprayed with pepper gas in a confrontation captured in a now-viral video.
Although protests in Portland have been going on for weeks, Christopher David, 53, told the Associated Press he decided to join the protest for the first time Saturday night because he was disturbed by reports of federal officers in unmarked cars arresting people without explanation.
“What they were doing was unconstitutional,” said David, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a Navy veteran. ”Sometimes I worry that people take the oath of office or the oath to the Constitution, and it’s just a set of words that mean nothing. They really don’t feel in their heart the weight of those words.”

The Navy Vet was peaceful. The guy with the boom box was peaceful. The trump gestapo is taking the position that anyone present is a "rioter". This is exactly the sort of mindset that has caused the protests in the first place. I lived through it all back in the 1968 war protests. It is a Kent State mentality all over again, but, at least the National Guard had a legitiment reason to be there in 1968.
Like stopping the nightly attempts to destroy the Portland federal courthouse is not a legitimate reason for
being in crazy town.

So, everyone in the streets were trying to destroy the courthouse, including guys using boomboxes for weapons.
The Navy Vet was peaceful. The guy with the boom box was peaceful. The trump gestapo is taking the position that anyone present is a "rioter". This is exactly the sort of mindset that has caused the protests in the first place. I lived through it all back in the 1968 war protests. It is a Kent State mentality all over again, but, at least the National Guard had a legitiment reason to be there in 1968.
Like stopping the nightly attempts to destroy the Portland federal courthouse is not a legitimate reason for
being in crazy town.

So, everyone in the streets were trying to destroy the courthouse, including guys using boomboxes for weapons.

Apparently if you are holding a boom box up over your head - you are destroying a court house. Rubber bullet to the face. Skull fractured.
Last time I checked it is unconstitutional to punish and mistreat someone unless they have committed a crime... not because someone near them committed one. And even at the point they have committed a crime, law enforcement has to follow use of force policies that would have prohibited them from hitting the veteran with batons and pepper spray to the face from inches away.

Could you imagine the shit in here if someone shot someone in a neighborhood so the police came in and confiscated every gun from everyone in that neighborhood?

I guess rights only matter anymore as long as it is someone who agrees with your beliefs that is having their rights violated.
What all this is showing is that Trump is out of control. He has no clue how to handle this situation just as he has no clue how to handle the epidemic. He thinks he can use the military and ICE to do his bidding like toys soldiers, sending them against citizens within the US, WITHOUT a clear mission statement, without restraint, and without coordinating with local law enforcement and government officials. It's beyond incompetence - it's a political stunt that is making a tense situation even more dangerous.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.
Maybe if dipshit wasn't being a seditious bastard the Feds would not not mess with him. Leave him to the people, K?
We know the best place for him is a backwoods tree.
Give me Liberty or give me death!
He needs to hang next week on a public gallows for his sedition.
Respect to that guy for his service. Regardless, only an idiot with an agenda goes down to a riot and walks towards officers advancing in riot gear to "have a conversation". That's neither the time nor place for a conversation unless one is actually seeking a photo-op and/or 15 minutes of fame.

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