Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

If he had thrown a Pipe bomb why didn’t the Feds arrest him? He had just committed a half dozen Felonies under Federal Law. If convicted he would pretty much serve Life without Parole for them all. Yet they just try and beat him and then they fall back.

That does not make much sense. Perhaps if you had a scenario where their actions made sense.
They aren't there to arrest anybody... They are DEFENDING THE BUILDING.

And, as Major Daley said after the 1968 Chicago police riots, "The police are not there to create disorder. They are there to preserve disorder!"
Umm... There are no police there. That's kind of the point. If the local police was there, I can see where you are coming from... But... they aren't there. Why aren't they there?

Now that you mention it, since we don't know if they are law enforcement or not, they should be shot down, I guess, because they might be BLM agitators in disguise.
Now that you mention it, since we don't know if they are law enforcement or not, they should be shot down, I guess, because they might be BLM agitators in disguise.
Going that route everybody should be dead. So lets go back to the question again:

Umm... There are no police there. That's kind of the point. If the local police was there, I can see where you are coming from... But... they aren't there. Why aren't they there?
...and here we have the Trump goon squad saving the courthouse from a couple of medics:

You realize that's just red tape right? I can wear that and not be a medic. *blink*blink*

So, just in case they are not real medics standing over a fallen protester, it is best to beat them up and ask questions later?

No... It's just that they already knew they weren't what they said they were... If you actually look at the video and do just a little bit of questioning, it's pretty obvious.
Now that you mention it, since we don't know if they are law enforcement or not, they should be shot down, I guess, because they might be BLM agitators in disguise.
Going that route everybody should be dead. So lets go back to the question again:

Umm... There are no police there. That's kind of the point. If the local police was there, I can see where you are coming from... But... they aren't there. Why aren't they there?

So, with no police, you are claiming that anyone with Camos and no identification should have the ultimate authority? That does not fly with me , pal. If someone tries to restrain me with no visible authority, he is risking getting shot.
...and here we have the Trump goon squad saving the courthouse from a couple of medics:

You realize that's just red tape right? I can wear that and not be a medic. *blink*blink*

So, just in case they are not real medics standing over a fallen protester, it is best to beat them up and ask questions later?

No... It's just that they already knew they weren't what they said they were... If you actually look at the video and do just a little bit of questioning, it's pretty obvious.

I am so glad that you shared this totally made up information, with absolutely nothing to back it up If only the rest of us had access to your secret sources..Maybe the guy with the baton did not swing it, but only triped, causing it to hit the medic.
Why should they? When cities pay out millions in damage awards for police brutality who do you advocate reimburse that?
While I agree with you that reform of the police wouldn't be a bad thing... That doesn't mean anything to people burning down buildings. Neither fixes the other.

And yet it is.
It is?


Police Officer Arrested in George Floyd's Death Charged with Tax Crimes Alongside Estranged Wife

N.Y.P.D. Officer Charged With Using Illegal Chokehold


Springfield Police officer arrested for excessive force

I can post a page full of these now. Before the protests and riots these guys would have excuses made for them and nothing happens.

And then.

List of police reforms related to the George Floyd protests - Wikipedia
Why should they? When cities pay out millions in damage awards for police brutality who do you advocate reimburse that?
While I agree with you that reform of the police wouldn't be a bad thing... That doesn't mean anything to people burning down buildings. Neither fixes the other.

And yet it is.
It is?


Police Officer Arrested in George Floyd's Death Charged with Tax Crimes Alongside Estranged Wife

N.Y.P.D. Officer Charged With Using Illegal Chokehold


Springfield Police officer arrested for excessive force

I can post a page full of these now. Before the protests and riots these guys would have excuses made for them and nothing happens.

And then.

List of police reforms related to the George Floyd protests - Wikipedia
Umm.. No... Those are just what are in the news now. But lets say that all happened BECAUSE of what's happening. I'm good with that. When does it stop?
whether it was 'smart' or not isn't the issue.
I never said that was the issue.
the issue is, he was not on federal property - he was on the street - & he wasn't being belligerent or threatening in any way.
Nope, that's not the issue either. You'd like it to be, obviously.
he was being an american, exercising his 1st amendment right.
Good for him. Actions have consequences.

so you got nothing to justify what happened to him - just as i thought.
Not sure about brutalized. The guy was a trojan. Pepper sprayed him and he took it like it was a shot of breath freshener. lol.

I don't know what was said before this occurred. If he was told to back the hell off and didn't, under the current circumstances, I don't blame the cops. You've punched your ticket to a free baton demonstration at that point, IMO.

they aren't 'cops' they aren't military either, although they are wearing uniforms meant for military & all they have is a patch saying 'police'. no official emblems & especially no names.

they are pseudo/para military that are from the bureau of prisons & customs & border patrol.

btw the CBP wanted to ( & it might have been eliminated already) get rid oflie detector tests for apllicants because the vast majority applying just 2-3 years ago were failing bigley.
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Why should they? When cities pay out millions in damage awards for police brutality who do you advocate reimburse that?
While I agree with you that reform of the police wouldn't be a bad thing... That doesn't mean anything to people burning down buildings. Neither fixes the other.

And yet it is.
It is?


Police Officer Arrested in George Floyd's Death Charged with Tax Crimes Alongside Estranged Wife

N.Y.P.D. Officer Charged With Using Illegal Chokehold


Springfield Police officer arrested for excessive force

I can post a page full of these now. Before the protests and riots these guys would have excuses made for them and nothing happens.

And then.

List of police reforms related to the George Floyd protests - Wikipedia
Umm.. No... Those are just what are in the news now. But lets say that all happened BECAUSE of what's happening. I'm good with that. When does it stop?

The protests? There is still a lot to do. The murderers of Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain are still walking free.
So the navy guy thought they were violating their oath by protecting the federal courthouse?

you can't make this shit up folks.

They were DHS. all these hysterics are funny.
So we don't need the Constitution after all? No problem. What is the foundation of our Nation if not the Constitution?
Look at yourself first, hypocrite. The First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceable assembly and
redress of grievances. I know you are aware of this but chose to ignore that important distinction.

When evil is unleashed by rioters then we must do what it takes to combat that, within constraints of the law.
Reasonable force must be used to oppose unreasonable anarchist Marxist mobs.

If you think the president has the duty to stand by and do nothing when faced with an insurrection then
you are very very mistaken.
So we don't need the Constitution after all? No problem. What is the foundation of our Nation if not the Constitution?
Look at yourself first, hypocrite. The First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceable assembly and
redress of grievances. I know you are aware of this but chose to ignore that important distinction.

When evil is unleashed by rioters then we must do what it takes to combat that, within constraints of the law.
Reasonable force must be used to oppose unreasonable anarchist Marxist mobs.

If you think the president has the duty to stand by and do nothing when faced with an insurrection then
you are very very mistaken.

A president has a duty to consider grievances. Not call those who bring them SOB's.
A president has a duty to consider grievances. Not call those who bring them SOB's.
Destruction, arson, murder is not a "grievance". These are acts of violent issurection
and if you are so shocked and appalled by being called
an SOB (though you truly are not being called that) then it's up to you to do what you can to stop the
violent madness that runs through the left currently.
A president has a duty to consider grievances. Not call those who bring them SOB's.
Destruction, arson, murder is not a "grievance". These are acts of violent issurection
and if you are so shocked and appalled by being called
an SOB (though you truly are not being called that) then it's up to you to do what you can to stop the
violent madness that runs through the left currently.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
If you are advocating a revolution, as you are, then stop wetting your pants and crying when someone is hit in the head with a stray rubber bullet. Don't be a petty whining liar!
Make up your dishonest conniving mind about what is going on in places like Portland, Oregon.

Get your gun, junior, if you aren't just stealing Jefferson's words to "win" an internet argument (which you
truly cannot win). Say what you want about the little shits in Antifa...at least they have the courage of their
convictions no matter how warped those convictions are which is more than anyone can
say about you and your cowardly vile ilk.
And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
If you are advocating a revolution, as you are, then stop wetting your pants and crying when someone is hit in the head with a stray rubber bullet. Make up your dishonest conniving mind about what is going on in places like Portland, Oregon.

Get your gun, junior, if you aren't just stealing Jefferson's words to "win" an internet argument (which you
truly cannot win). Say what you want about the little shits in Antifa...they have the courage of their convictions
no matter how warped those convictions are which is more than anyone can say about you and your
vile ilk.

LOL, I always chuckle when those like yourself who no longer have a valid argument try and make it about the individual. As I have noted many times, it's not about me.

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