Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

stupid or not - he was exercising his constitutional right - nor posing any danger. his rights were violated.
His rights weren't violated. He was free to go out there and make a fool of himself (and you, by extension). Do you think actions don't have consequences? Try approaching a line of police advancing in riot gear for a "conversation" and watch what happens to your dumb ass.
i suppose, by yer reasoning
I deduct, by your grammar, that you're a dropout.
- a woman dressed a certain way, being in an area that is deemed dangerous - although as 'stupid' as it might be, gets what she deserves for being stupid, even though constitutionally, she has every right to be there?
What are you implying she deserves? To be raped? No, she doesn't. However, if you do stupid shit, bad things might happen, whether you have the right to do stupid shit or not.
blaming the victim is not very smart.
Don't do it, then.
...and here we have the Trump goon squad saving the courthouse from a couple of medics:

You realize that's just red tape right? I can wear that and not be a medic. *blink*blink*

So, just in case they are not real medics standing over a fallen protester, it is best to beat them up and ask questions later?

Even if they weren't medics. They weren't doing anything wrong. They were just standing there.

That's what the video shows... What were they doing before the video started rolling?

Attacking the federal courthouse with their medic backpacks?

These arguments are getting really thin...so now they are FAKE medics?

Hell....any reason to justify beating the shit out of people.

Did you notice the audio to the video was edited? What was being said that was cut out?
What all this is showing is that Trump is out of control. He has no clue how to handle this situation just as he has no clue how to handle the epidemic. He thinks he can use the military and ICE to do his bidding like toys soldiers, sending them against citizens within the US, WITHOUT a clear mission statement, without restraint, and without coordinating with local law enforcement and government officials. It's beyond incompetence - it's a political stunt that is making a tense situation even more dangerous.

You idiot. There are no military personnel involved in any of these riots. I also doubt ICE is involved.

They could be, DHS can call on any agency within their control for manpower. It amazes me that these people are more concerned for the rioters than the people trying to protect federal property. They must really hate the country.

They may be ICE, but I think they have more important things to do. You could be right, but it matters not. There are no military personnel there. SECDEF stated that without reservation.
What all this is showing is that Trump is out of control. He has no clue how to handle this situation just as he has no clue how to handle the epidemic. He thinks he can use the military and ICE to do his bidding like toys soldiers, sending them against citizens within the US, WITHOUT a clear mission statement, without restraint, and without coordinating with local law enforcement and government officials. It's beyond incompetence - it's a political stunt that is making a tense situation even more dangerous.

You idiot. There are no military personnel involved in any of these riots. I also doubt ICE is involved.

They could be, DHS can call on any agency within their control for manpower. It amazes me that these people are more concerned for the rioters than the people trying to protect federal property. They must really hate the country.

They may be ICE, but I think they have more important things to do. You could be right, but it matters not. There are no military personnel there. SECDEF stated that without reservation.


Not sure about brutalized. The guy was a trojan. Pepper sprayed him and he took it like it was a shot of breath freshener. lol.

I don't know what was said before this occurred. If he was told to back the hell off and didn't, under the current circumstances, I don't blame the cops. You've punched your ticket to a free baton demonstration at that point, IMO.

they aren't 'cops' they aren't military either, although they are wearing uniforms meant for military & all they have is a patch saying 'police'. no official emblems & especially no names.

they are pseudo/para military that are from the bureau of prisons & customs & border patrol.

btw the CBP wanted to ( & it might have been eliminated already) get rid oflie detector tests for apllicants because the vast majority applying just 2-3 years ago were failing bigley.

Distinction without a difference.

Call them whatever you'd like.

no they aren't. any active or retired vet would argue with that.

when have boppers or CBC been ordered to go to afghanistan, or iraq, etc...?

Officers there to guard proprty. I dont care what you call them, if this guy was told to back off, under the current circumstances he got what he paid for.

good to know you are willing to bend over & give up your constitutional protected rights that easily.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.' ~ ben franklin

Nice deflection.

I'd be fine if they shot every single POS that so much as tossed a bottle at this point. If this guy was trying to get a reaction, approached these guys, which he clearly did, was told to back off and didnt, I couldn't care less what they did to him.

your false equivalency is comparing him to one who is an actual threat.

that's a constitutional fail on yer part.

duly noted.
Yes, the rioters are doing damage. Yes people are being hurt, and all that.
That pretty much says it all for the ANTIFA fellow travelers.

You compare looting and rioting to mere 'protest'.

While Federalis who are arresting people as suspects in federal crimes then letting them go unharmed are 'brutalizing' them?

ROFLMAO, now THAT is a skewed framework of perception if I ever saw one.

Someone grabs your child off the street. They turn them loose an hour or two later. What crime did they commit?

If it is a federal agent, you should be worried about the crime your child committed.

If they turned them loose with no charges then it was no crime. I ask again. If someone snatched your child off the street and then turns them loose an hour or two later what crime was committed?

one dude was detained & finally after he was read his rights - they asked if he wanted to waive them. he said no, & they turned him loose. what if he said yes? what then? wtf?
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

I'm disgusted by it, and question it's legality. It seems, to me, that those cheering it on are cheering on fascism.

This demonstrator was hit in the head with a rubber bullet, for doing what? Holding up a radio playing music. The fed response is so totally out of control.

Ironic too, that many of those cheering it on were the same ones who were (rightfully) outraged at the fed actions at Ruby Ridge.

The governor and the mayor DID NOT WANT them there. They didn't help the situation, they worsened it.

Bullshit, the law says DHS "shall" protect public property, it's not optional and the locals have shit to say about it. PERIOD.


40 U.S. Code § 1315. Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property

prev next
(a)In General.—
To the extent provided for by transfers made pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Secretary of Homeland Security (in this section referred to as the “Secretary”) shall protect the buildings, grounds, and property that are owned, occupied, or secured by the Federal Government (including any agency, instrumentality, or wholly owned or mixed-ownership corporation thereof) and the persons on the property.
(b)Officers and Agents.—
The Secretary may designate employees of the Department of Homeland Security, including employees transferred to the Department from the Office of the Federal Protective Service of the General Services Administration pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as officers and agents for duty in connection with the protection of property owned or occupied by the Federal Government and persons on the property, including duty in areas outside the property to the extent necessary to protect the property and persons on the property.
40 U.S. Code § 1315 - Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property

the dude was not on federal property. he was on the street. the little green men protect the building, persons within the building & the property directly outside the property, that is within the cement barriers or other barricades that prevent a vehicle from ramming the building.

(a)In General.—
To the extent provided for by transfers made pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Secretary of Homeland Security (in this section referred to as the “Secretary”) shall protect the buildings, grounds, and property that are owned, occupied, or secured by the Federal Government (including any agency, instrumentality, or wholly owned or mixed-ownership corporation thereof) and the persons on the property.

When people commit a federal crime, federal agents can pursue them where ever they go. People are throwing deadly projectiles, molotov cocktails, commercial motor fireworks and other incendiary devices. Rioters have been arrested with pipe bombs and guns. Self defense is part of the agents mission, when an individual attacks agents, they are committing a federal crime and should expect to be arrested. But hey, thank for proving my point.

Now, a question for you. Why would you not condemn the violent people attacking federal property, instead of the people that are putting their lives on the line to protect it? Do you really hate the country that much?


nobody is disputing protecting FEDERAL PROPERTY.

those goons went OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY. they were not within THEIR JURISDICTION when they were OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY, for going after protesters OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY, some being blocks away.

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And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"
Might makes right.............BLM and Antifa has been doing their BS a long time..........Karma comes for them and they go crying..................WHO CARES.....

They can flush their heads in a toilet at this point and I'd be .......COOL.

So, I'm sure you were fine with what the feds did with Ruby Ridge and Waco, right?
Stop virtue signalling........In regards to Antifa and BLM BURNING THIS COUNTRY TO THE GROUND.,

The police are the only ones protecting their sorry asses...........

I don't care about Terrorist.......the DNC is openly supporting terrorism against our country now.

Oh fuck your virtue signaling bullcrap, seems to be the newest rightwing buzzword.

The country is not burning to the ground.

The demonstrations were winding down.

The state did not ask for fed intervention

Is hyperbole your n normal mode of communication?

But hey - thanks for a brilliant display of hypocrisy :)
PuT YOUR THUGS ON A LEASH............No one cares about them anymore.......not from our side.........

Fuck BLM and ANTIFA.....they are a bunch of terrorist..........i hope they break their dang heads in portland.........NO SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL......

Did you care that the mother was killed because of this crap for saying All lives matter......Did you care about the old white women in New York who was trying to protect her store beaten with a dang 2 x 4.

BLM and Antifa deserve NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER......they are a TERRORIST ORG as far as I'm concerned now.

Did that happen in Portland?

Does BLM advocate murder?

Are they responsible for every violent incident that black people commit?

If so...well...Trump supporters have a lot to answer for....
Listen to the Hypocrite.......we have nothing to answer for...........we aren't burning the country down and STEALING BIG SCREEN TVS over Floyd..................

They are.............Your side is throwing GAS ON A FIRE.........and blaming others when it burns.............You are BS.........YES YOU.

BS. Sending in the Border Patrol (wtf are they doing in Portkland) and other militarized feds is THROWING GAS ON THE FIRE big time. The situation WORSENED after their antics.

YOU support militarized actions against people who are not committing violence.
simply because you don't like their message.

YOU support kidnapping innocent people off the street, for no reason - as the article pointed out, they were released the next day - no warrant, no charges. Either it's extreme BUNGLING or it's designed to intimidate people. What's next - diseappearing people ala South American authoritarian regimes??

Border Patrol? Wrong! You have bought into the leftist lies again.

El Paso Border Patrol teams among federal forces sent to protests in other cities
Daniel Borunda
El Paso Times
July 23, 2020

Specialized U.S. Border Patrol teams from El Paso are among federal forces deployed to protests in other cities.

President Donald Trump this week announced he is sending a surge of hundreds of federal agents to cities with violent crime problems, including Albuquerque and Chicago.

Trump's announcement sparked controversy amid an uproar over violent, nightly clashes between protesters and federal agents at the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon.

Federal agents in Portland include the elite Border Patrol Tactical Unit, or BORTAC, based in El Paso, Time magazine reported in an interview with acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan
El Paso Border Patrol teams among federal forces sent to protests in other cities
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What all this is showing is that Trump is out of control. He has no clue how to handle this situation just as he has no clue how to handle the epidemic. He thinks he can use the military and ICE to do his bidding like toys soldiers, sending them against citizens within the US, WITHOUT a clear mission statement, without restraint, and without coordinating with local law enforcement and government officials. It's beyond incompetence - it's a political stunt that is making a tense situation even more dangerous.

You idiot. There are no military personnel involved in any of these riots. I also doubt ICE is involved.

They could be, DHS can call on any agency within their control for manpower. It amazes me that these people are more concerned for the rioters than the people trying to protect federal property. They must really hate the country.

They may be ICE, but I think they have more important things to do. You could be right, but it matters not. There are no military personnel there. SECDEF stated that without reservation.

And the Attorney General as well as the Director of the FBI said that there were no irregularities in investigating Trump and the Russian Collusion question. They stated that definitely and without reservation.
Not sure about brutalized. The guy was a trojan. Pepper sprayed him and he took it like it was a shot of breath freshener. lol.

I don't know what was said before this occurred. If he was told to back the hell off and didn't, under the current circumstances, I don't blame the cops. You've punched your ticket to a free baton demonstration at that point, IMO.

they aren't 'cops' they aren't military either, although they are wearing uniforms meant for military & all they have is a patch saying 'police'. no official emblems & especially no names.

they are pseudo/para military that are from the bureau of prisons & customs & border patrol.

btw the CBP wanted to ( & it might have been eliminated already) get rid oflie detector tests for apllicants because the vast majority applying just 2-3 years ago were failing bigley.

Distinction without a difference.

Call them whatever you'd like.

no they aren't. any active or retired vet would argue with that.

when have boppers or CBC been ordered to go to afghanistan, or iraq, etc...?

Officers there to guard proprty. I dont care what you call them, if this guy was told to back off, under the current circumstances he got what he paid for.

good to know you are willing to bend over & give up your constitutional protected rights that easily.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.' ~ ben franklin

Nice deflection.

I'd be fine if they shot every single POS that so much as tossed a bottle at this point. If this guy was trying to get a reaction, approached these guys, which he clearly did, was told to back off and didnt, I couldn't care less what they did to him.

your false equivalency is comparing him to one who is an actual threat.

that's a constitutional fail on yer part.

duly noted.

Wrong. Federal Agents guarding federal property which has been an ongoing target of domestic terrorists committing felonies. If he was given an order to move it along and didn't do so, this is on him.

If you are correct, where are the prosecutions of these federal officers. Answer: you're not.

Your hyperbole doesn't supersede federal law. Sorry 'bout that.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

If they are unidentifiable, how did you identify them as Federal agents? :dunno:

Please explain that to the USMB forum.

The alarm on my bullshit detector just woke up the neighbors.
If they are not federal agents they must therefore be vigilantes acting extrajudicially as they beat, gas and detain citizens.

Do you approve of that?
stupid or not - he was exercising his constitutional right - nor posing any danger. his rights were violated.
His rights weren't violated. He was free to go out there and make a fool of himself (and you, by extension). Do you think actions don't have consequences? Try approaching a line of police advancing in riot gear for a "conversation" and watch what happens to your dumb ass.
i suppose, by yer reasoning
I deduct, by your grammar, that you're a dropout.
- a woman dressed a certain way, being in an area that is deemed dangerous - although as 'stupid' as it might be, gets what she deserves for being stupid, even though constitutionally, she has every right to be there?
What are you implying she deserves? To be raped? No, she doesn't. However, if you do stupid shit, bad things might happen, whether you have the right to do stupid shit or not.
blaming the victim is not very smart.
Don't do it, then.

lol ...

'yer' needs some critical thinking on YER part to figure out why i spell it that way.

something apparently you just can't figure out.

being stupid doesn't mean ones' rights can be stripped, & that IS exactly what happened.

oh, & i don't use caps much - mainly limiting that to put EMPHASIS upon something.

care to comment on that too? as if spell checking means anything.
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HE was peacefully assembling & freely speaking on a public street.
I didn't contend otherwise. He has the right to do so. Actions have consequences. He could've chosen a street that wasn't a combat zone if he wished to avoid injury.

can't ask - you know, thru freedom of speech - to ask or whatever it was he wanted to say where he was. doesn't matter - kids that were blocks away had encounters too by little green men off federal property; just like the vet.
He wasn’t part of a mob attacking anything.
Here's your "peaceful" protest, day 54

Funny how everytime the Left get ahold of something, they redefine it to a new standard. One for you, one for them. Now peaceful protesting includes mobs hanging around in the middle of the night looking for confrontation vandalizing property, etc., until a confrontation is FORCED.

Then blaming the respondents, not the aggressors, as the problem, trying to redefine the respondents AS the aggressor.

"Yeah, we were just peacefully protesting, dude, until YOU came along and made it into a FIGHT." :uhh:

Basically, the Left's standard is to maintains a right to do WHATEVER THE HELL IT DAMN WELL PLEASES against anything it doesn't like, but if you don't LIKE IT and resist, then YOU are the fucking problem. That's their standard for you.
Not sure about brutalized. The guy was a trojan. Pepper sprayed him and he took it like it was a shot of breath freshener. lol.

I don't know what was said before this occurred. If he was told to back the hell off and didn't, under the current circumstances, I don't blame the cops. You've punched your ticket to a free baton demonstration at that point, IMO.

they aren't 'cops' they aren't military either, although they are wearing uniforms meant for military & all they have is a patch saying 'police'. no official emblems & especially no names.

they are pseudo/para military that are from the bureau of prisons & customs & border patrol.

btw the CBP wanted to ( & it might have been eliminated already) get rid oflie detector tests for apllicants because the vast majority applying just 2-3 years ago were failing bigley.

Distinction without a difference.

Call them whatever you'd like.

no they aren't. any active or retired vet would argue with that.

when have boppers or CBC been ordered to go to afghanistan, or iraq, etc...?

Officers there to guard proprty. I dont care what you call them, if this guy was told to back off, under the current circumstances he got what he paid for.

good to know you are willing to bend over & give up your constitutional protected rights that easily.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.' ~ ben franklin

Nice deflection.

I'd be fine if they shot every single POS that so much as tossed a bottle at this point. If this guy was trying to get a reaction, approached these guys, which he clearly did, was told to back off and didnt, I couldn't care less what they did to him.

your false equivalency is comparing him to one who is an actual threat.

that's a constitutional fail on yer part.

duly noted.

Wrong. Federal Agents guarding federal property which has been an ongoing target of domestic terrorists committing felonies. If he was given an order to move it along and didn't do so, this is on him.

If you are correct, where are the prosecutions of these federal officers. Answer: you're not.

Your hyperbole doesn't supersede federal law. Sorry 'bout that.

there are lawsuits already in the pipeline to hold some accountable.

they were guarding federal property. he wasn't on federal property nor was he trying to breach any barrier. his words & no mannerisms were his only weapon. ooooOOOooooo....

it sure isn't hypobole.
No, he is a nice guy, well-intended, but a fucking idiot to go into a protest, walk up to some federal troops and actually think he was going to "solve" anything. Worse, he, was a Navy Vet! Of all people, the moron should have known that these guys are operating under orders. They are not going to go back and say: "Oh, well, after we talked to some Navy Vet in the street, we changed our minds and decided to leave, come home and go against our commander's directives." :uhh:

The Feds have made it clear, they just want ONE THING:

For people to disband, get off the streets, away from federal buildings and GO THE FUCK HOME.
Not sure about brutalized. The guy was a trojan. Pepper sprayed him and he took it like it was a shot of breath freshener. lol.

I don't know what was said before this occurred. If he was told to back the hell off and didn't, under the current circumstances, I don't blame the cops. You've punched your ticket to a free baton demonstration at that point, IMO.

they aren't 'cops' they aren't military either, although they are wearing uniforms meant for military & all they have is a patch saying 'police'. no official emblems & especially no names.

they are pseudo/para military that are from the bureau of prisons & customs & border patrol.

btw the CBP wanted to ( & it might have been eliminated already) get rid oflie detector tests for apllicants because the vast majority applying just 2-3 years ago were failing bigley.

Distinction without a difference.

Call them whatever you'd like.

no they aren't. any active or retired vet would argue with that.

when have boppers or CBC been ordered to go to afghanistan, or iraq, etc...?

Officers there to guard proprty. I dont care what you call them, if this guy was told to back off, under the current circumstances he got what he paid for.

good to know you are willing to bend over & give up your constitutional protected rights that easily.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.' ~ ben franklin

Nice deflection.

I'd be fine if they shot every single POS that so much as tossed a bottle at this point. If this guy was trying to get a reaction, approached these guys, which he clearly did, was told to back off and didnt, I couldn't care less what they did to him.

your false equivalency is comparing him to one who is an actual threat.

that's a constitutional fail on yer part.

duly noted.

Wrong. Federal Agents guarding federal property which has been an ongoing target of domestic terrorists committing felonies. If he was given an order to move it along and didn't do so, this is on him.

If you are correct, where are the prosecutions of these federal officers. Answer: you're not.

Your hyperbole doesn't supersede federal law. Sorry 'bout that.

there are lawsuits already in the pipeline to hold some accountable.

they were guarding federal property. he wasn't on federal property nor was he trying to breach any barrier. his words & no mannerisms were his only weapon. ooooOOOooooo....

it sure isn't hypobole.

Your hyperbole is asserting that people's constitutional rights are being 'given up' which is nonsense. The constitution protects peaceful protests. These have been anything but, which is the only reason these officers are there in the first place, as their presence is necessary so these morons don't start the building on fire, which they have tried to do.

If he disobeyed a lawful order he is in the wrong. End of story.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

I'm disgusted by it, and question it's legality. It seems, to me, that those cheering it on are cheering on fascism.

This demonstrator was hit in the head with a rubber bullet, for doing what? Holding up a radio playing music. The fed response is so totally out of control.

Ironic too, that many of those cheering it on were the same ones who were (rightfully) outraged at the fed actions at Ruby Ridge.

The governor and the mayor DID NOT WANT them there. They didn't help the situation, they worsened it.

Bullshit, the law says DHS "shall" protect public property, it's not optional and the locals have shit to say about it. PERIOD.


40 U.S. Code § 1315. Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property

prev next
(a)In General.—
To the extent provided for by transfers made pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Secretary of Homeland Security (in this section referred to as the “Secretary”) shall protect the buildings, grounds, and property that are owned, occupied, or secured by the Federal Government (including any agency, instrumentality, or wholly owned or mixed-ownership corporation thereof) and the persons on the property.
(b)Officers and Agents.—
The Secretary may designate employees of the Department of Homeland Security, including employees transferred to the Department from the Office of the Federal Protective Service of the General Services Administration pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as officers and agents for duty in connection with the protection of property owned or occupied by the Federal Government and persons on the property, including duty in areas outside the property to the extent necessary to protect the property and persons on the property.
40 U.S. Code § 1315 - Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property

the dude was not on federal property. he was on the street. the little green men protect the building, persons within the building & the property directly outside the property, that is within the cement barriers or other barricades that prevent a vehicle from ramming the building.

(a)In General.—
To the extent provided for by transfers made pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Secretary of Homeland Security (in this section referred to as the “Secretary”) shall protect the buildings, grounds, and property that are owned, occupied, or secured by the Federal Government (including any agency, instrumentality, or wholly owned or mixed-ownership corporation thereof) and the persons on the property.

When people commit a federal crime, federal agents can pursue them where ever they go. People are throwing deadly projectiles, molotov cocktails, commercial motor fireworks and other incendiary devices. Rioters have been arrested with pipe bombs and guns. Self defense is part of the agents mission, when an individual attacks agents, they are committing a federal crime and should expect to be arrested. But hey, thank for proving my point.

Now, a question for you. Why would you not condemn the violent people attacking federal property, instead of the people that are putting their lives on the line to protect it? Do you really hate the country that much?


nobody is disputing protecting FEDERAL PROPERTY.

those goons went OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY. they were not within THEIR JURISDICTION when they were OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY, for going after protesters OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY, some being blocks away.


Bullshit, like I said, if the asshole breaks federal law and runs, the feds have every right to pursue them and throw their commie ass in jail.

So who corroborates the story of this "Navy vet"?
Anyone can make an accusation, moron. The self supplied story of his "brutalization" is suspect from the git go.
And what sort of "protesting" did this man engage in? That special sort of Portland protesting that includes
arson and heavy damage to the federal court house there?

The thread is a loser because you are a loser. Simple as that.

You could have followed the link and seen the video yourself. But instead you decided to call the Conservative Website Hot Air a loser for posting the story.
Videos can be misleading because you do not see what could have been the justification for what the video seems to call unjustifiable

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