Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

Any authoritarian figure is welcome to.
Well.. Not every "authoritarian figure" is required to own or operate with one. The police already have them as part of employment right? Lets send them in.

Excellent idea... Good job.
Any authoritarian figure is welcome to.
Well.. Not every "authoritarian figure" is required to own or operate with one. The police already have them as part of employment right? Lets send them in.

Excellent idea... Good job.

Go for it. It's not going to make a difference. Bull Conner once turned the dogs and water hoses on the people but he lost in the end.
Go for it. It's not going to make a difference. Bull Conner once turned the dogs and water hoses on the people but he lost in the end.
Sure it will. It will just be a protest then. Instead of a Riot. Not everyone there is doing something illegal. But some are. Remove those that are. Solved.

I was going to put this in it's own thread, but it works here.

This absolutely shows not everyone there is for violence and destruction of property. Calls came out to get the guy that stabbed someone. Of course they were saying call the police, which... If kinda funny in it's own right.

Go for it. It's not going to make a difference. Bull Conner once turned the dogs and water hoses on the people but he lost in the end.
Sure it will. It will just be a protest then. Instead of a Riot. Not everyone there is doing something illegal. But some are. Remove those that are. Solved.

I was going to put this in it's own thread, but it works here.

This absolutely shows not everyone there is for violence and destruction of property. Calls came out to get the guy that stabbed someone. Of course they were saying call the police, which... If kinda funny in it's own right.

No everyone isn't violent. Most are not but the violence will continue until those protesting have their issues addressed. The problem isn't a lack of police. The issue is addressing the people's complaints. Not dismissing them by calling them SOB's.
No everyone isn't violent. Most are not but the violence will continue until those protesting have their issues addressed.
No... It will continue until it's addressed exactly as they want it. That will never happen because the goal posts will keep moving. The violence will stop when we stop those who are committing violence. Nothing wrong with protesting. Not a thing.
No everyone isn't violent. Most are not but the violence will continue until those protesting have their issues addressed.
No... It will continue until it's addressed exactly as they want it. That will never happen because the goal posts will keep moving. The violence will stop when we stop those who are committing violence. Nothing wrong with protesting. Not a thing.

It's never been stopped in the past until the people's grievances were addressed.
A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.
That's merely a ridiculous unsupported assertion.

I challenge you to explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that he was beaten for asking a question. Explain the train of logic that you used to come to that conclusion.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs, as LWNJ moonbats tend to do when their faulty logic is challenged.

I have answered that a dozen times. Every time a moron finally checks the thread they demand to know how I can say that.
Just as I predicted, you ran away from the challenge with your tail between your legs.

You made an unsupported assertion, and when challenged to explain your reasoning, you came up totally blank.

Nonsense. I told you it had been covered, read the thread you idiot.

Like this link from the page before your demand. One page back. ONE.

And another on the exact same page. ONE PAGE BACK.

So I typed out the response to others not once, but twice, one one page. Yet, you want it addressed to you or it is cowardice. Nonsense. I am not responsible for your laziness. NOT ONCE BUT TWICE on the same page, one page back. ONE. You couldn't be bothered. Too busy sending out messages to other Trump Supporters to explain about the dangers of Communism or what?

Now, since you are too lazy to both reading anything posted previously. You blithering short attention spanned idiot. Let me help you out.

When is force authorized by law? You do not get to beat on people even if you are wearing a badge do you? No. You have to have a reason. The reasons by law, which I rarely object to are 1) Self Defense. For self defense the Navy Vet would have had to attack them. If he had, he would have been arrested for assaulting a Federal Agent. He was not arrested. 43 others were, but he was not. So he did not attack them. 2) Encroaching on the Federal Property in an effort to disperse the crowd. OK, but after beating him they retreat to their lines. They came out from their lines, to beat on him, and then retreated back to their lines. So dispersing the crowd was not the reason, otherwise the others there would have been beaten too wouldn't they?

What other reasons could there be for using force BY LAW? I don't like you is not a reason. Effecting an arrest? Well he wasn't arrested, so that wasn't it. Therefore the use of force was unjustified, and the only reason was he was shouting at them. How dare he?

So you and your Totalitarianism can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut you douche. Now, the only way to counter my argument is to show what he did to deserve the beating. You won't. You'll claim I didn't make my case, but will make none yourself. So I challenge you douche. Prove he did something to deserve it. Post a link.. A video. Something.
Go for it. It's not going to make a difference. Bull Conner once turned the dogs and water hoses on the people but he lost in the end.
Sure it will. It will just be a protest then. Instead of a Riot. Not everyone there is doing something illegal. But some are. Remove those that are. Solved.

I was going to put this in it's own thread, but it works here.

This absolutely shows not everyone there is for violence and destruction of property. Calls came out to get the guy that stabbed someone. Of course they were saying call the police, which... If kinda funny in it's own right.

Anyone there is either routing or supporting them that are rioting. They should all be scooped up and tossed in jail, and have their hearings slow walked. That said, a federal cop has the same basic obligations a state cop does and that is to set e and protect.
It's never been stopped in the past until the people's grievances were addressed.
*shrugs* IF you say so. Police put down Riots in the past as well... I certainly don't recall politicians helping to destroy property in the past either. So... Not sure it's a apples to apples comparison.

Edit: In the context of the subject we are talking about of course. That obviously needs said for some people... o.0
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It's never been stopped in the past until the people's grievances were addressed.
*shrugs* IF you say so. Police put down Riots in the past as well... I certainly don't recall politicians helping to destroy property in the past either. So... Not sure it's a apples to apples comparison.

As a side note........politicians have destroyed trillions in property all over the globe.
Well, when it doubt, beat the hell out of them. You won't be held accountable if it was a mistake, since they don't have badges or ID.
I'm not saying that. You are. Feel free to beat the shit out of the straw man.
Edit: They may very well have been doing nothing. I don't know. Maybe they were saving kittens. I don't know. You don't know either. That's my only point here.

For all we know those two are the ones that put that man on the ground, those people in camouflage saw them do it and came to help him. Is that what happened? I don't know. You don't know either. That's my only point here.

Edit: Doesn't anyone else find it weird that we only get like cell phone footage from the Riots? No CNN, no ABC, CBS, Fox... Nothing. No media really covering on the ground. Just what you can get on a cell phone, or Joe Blow can put up on twitter.

Why is that?

The police are most welcome to release body camera footage.
They aren’t there
It's never been stopped in the past until the people's grievances were addressed.
*shrugs* IF you say so. Police put down Riots in the past as well... I certainly don't recall politicians helping to destroy property in the past either. So... Not sure it's a apples to apples comparison.

As a side note........politicians have destroyed trillions in property all over the globe.
That's true. However I thought we would keep things within context. Intelligent conversation doesn't really happen without it.
It's never been stopped in the past until the people's grievances were addressed.
*shrugs* IF you say so. Police put down Riots in the past as well... I certainly don't recall politicians helping to destroy property in the past either. So... Not sure it's a apples to apples comparison.

As a side note........politicians have destroyed trillions in property all over the globe.
That's true. However I thought we would keep things within context. Intelligent conversation doesn't really happen without it.

Just thought it needed noted as a side statement. Oddly we aren't complaining about their violence.
A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.
That's merely a ridiculous unsupported assertion.

I challenge you to explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that he was beaten for asking a question. Explain the train of logic that you used to come to that conclusion.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs, as LWNJ moonbats tend to do when their faulty logic is challenged.

I have answered that a dozen times. Every time a moron finally checks the thread they demand to know how I can say that.
Just as I predicted, you ran away from the challenge with your tail between your legs.

You made an unsupported assertion, and when challenged to explain your reasoning, you came up totally blank.

Nonsense. I told you it had been covered, read the thread you idiot.

Like this link from the page before your demand. One page back. ONE.

And another on the exact same page. ONE PAGE BACK.

Nice try at deflection. You are continuing to run away from the challenge just as I predicted you would.

None of your previous responses explain the reasoning you used to come to the conclusion that "a retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath."

You have made no argument to back up that unsupported assertion. You just keep running away with your tail between your legs. That's just typical of your ilk when your faulty logic is challenged.

I predict that you will continue to run away from the challenge.
Well said. There has to be rational middle, there are situations where force is justified.
The moment they destroy private people's property.......IT IS JUSTIFIED...........That is why the Feds were there to restore order......

The So called Navy Vet should have not approached UNIFORMED FEDS PERFORMING THAT DUTY..............Some vet.....he's a moron........well hell we had plenty of MORONS out there.......that is for another thread.

They are justified in using force against those actively posing a threat.

The navy vet and the shot in the face, for example, were not.
He walked onto the battlefield unprepared and at the wrong Rally point........he's dumb as dirt.........I knew he was a BT........Barely Trainable.
I wonder why more and more vets and active duty military are walking away from the Republican......"brand".
They aren't. They were RINOs to start.
Look RW assholes, you guys have been fed a plate full of bullshit. The majority of the protests have been peaceful. The protests in Portland were under control until the gestapo showed up. You trump supporters are not Americans. You're fascists. And you are here sucking the dick of a dictator because you believe a delusion that tells you America, a place with 500 nations of indigenous people living here when the white man placed his first toe on this soil, is a white country.

The protests in Portland were never under control. Any time you have people being ripped from their cars or denied from crossing the street, human rights are being violated. I have to say my favorite incident was when ANTIFA tried to rip a Black man from his car and then they cried like bitches when he beat the shit out of them. Agree?
None of your previous responses explain the reasoning you used to come to the conclusion that "a retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath."

You have made no argument to back up that unsupported assertion. You just keep running away with your tail between your legs. That's just typical of your ilk when your faulty logic is challenged.

I predict that you will continue to run away from the challenge.

Because that's what's been reported, and the cellphone video of the incident clearly shows the guy in the Navy shirt didn't give the federal police cause for either of their actions Beating him will clubs, and spraying tear gas or pepper spray in his face.

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