Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

Navy veteran praised as 'Captain Portland' after ... - Fox News
www.foxnews.com › portland-protest-navy-veteran-feder...

5 days ago - Navy veteran praised as 'Captain Portland' after beating by federal ... times with a baton before another uses a can of pepper spray on his eyes, ...
Your source does not in any way support the assertion that the man was beaten for asking a question.
That's because you didn't bother to read the citation.
You are either too lazy to read it, or too stupid to make that claim, when it's in the citation:

David, a Portland resident who served in the U.S. Navy for more than eight years, said he took the bus downtown to join protesters and looked for federal officers before he “stood in the street in front of them and I started asking them if it was OK to violate their oath of the Constitution.”

“I stood there with my hands down by my sides and they just started whaling on me,” he told KOIN.

Wanna apologize for claiming the citation didn't say that?
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.

The citation did not say that he was beaten for asking a question.
Piss off, idiot.

You are attacking an argument that I never presented. That's a logical fallacy known as a strawman argument.

Your logic fails.
I was speculating what could cause the police to attack a person in that manner. And the only answer would have to be a threat of bodily injury, followed by an overt act to show intent.

And none of that happened. Therefore if logic says that the "worst case scenario" wasn't justification, there can be no justification.
David, a Portland ... looked for federal officers before he “stood in the street in front of them and I started asking them if it was OK to violate their oath of the Constitution.”

“I stood there with my hands down by my sides and they just started whaling on me,” he told KOIN.

Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.

The citation did not say that he was beaten for asking a question.

You wanna actually read the fox news citation before claiming it doesn't say what it says?
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.

The citation did not say that he was beaten for asking a question.

David, a Portland ... looked for federal officers before he “stood in the street in front of them and I started asking them if it was OK to violate their oath of the Constitution.”

“I stood there with my hands down by my sides and they just started whaling on me,” he told KOIN.

In a way you're right. The police could have beat him because he was wearing a NAVY sweatshirt, and they didn't like people in the military.

But the obvious reason is because he asked a question.
David, a Portland ... looked for federal officers before he “stood in the street in front of them and I started asking them if it was OK to violate their oath of the Constitution.”

“I stood there with my hands down by my sides and they just started whaling on me,” he told KOIN.
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.

The citation did not say that he was beaten for asking a question.

You wanna actually read the fox news citation before claiming it doesn't say what it says?
Already did, dumbass. My 5 year old daughter has better reading comprehension skills than you.

Just because the man was hit after he asked a stupid presumptuous question, it does not necessarily follow that he was hit because he asked that question.

My 5 year old daughter can understand that. Why can't you?
Not sure about brutalized. The guy was a trojan. Pepper sprayed him and he took it like it was a shot of breath freshener. lol.

I don't know what was said before this occurred. If he was told to back the hell off and didn't, under the current circumstances, I don't blame the cops. You've punched your ticket to a free baton demonstration at that point, IMO.

they aren't 'cops' they aren't military either, although they are wearing uniforms meant for military & all they have is a patch saying 'police'. no official emblems & especially no names.

they are pseudo/para military that are from the bureau of prisons & customs & border patrol.

btw the CBP wanted to ( & it might have been eliminated already) get rid oflie detector tests for apllicants because the vast majority applying just 2-3 years ago were failing bigley.

Distinction without a difference.

Call them whatever you'd like.

no they aren't. any active or retired vet would argue with that.

when have boppers or CBC been ordered to go to afghanistan, or iraq, etc...?

Officers there to guard proprty. I dont care what you call them, if this guy was told to back off, under the current circumstances he got what he paid for.

good to know you are willing to bend over & give up your constitutional protected rights that easily.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.' ~ ben franklin

Nice deflection.

I'd be fine if they shot every single POS that so much as tossed a bottle at this point. If this guy was trying to get a reaction, approached these guys, which he clearly did, was told to back off and didnt, I couldn't care less what they did to him.

your false equivalency is comparing him to one who is an actual threat.

that's a constitutional fail on yer part.

duly noted.

Wrong. Federal Agents guarding federal property which has been an ongoing target of domestic terrorists committing felonies. If he was given an order to move it along and didn't do so, this is on him.

If you are correct, where are the prosecutions of these federal officers. Answer: you're not.

Your hyperbole doesn't supersede federal law. Sorry 'bout that.

there are lawsuits already in the pipeline to hold some accountable.

they were guarding federal property. he wasn't on federal property nor was he trying to breach any barrier. his words & no mannerisms were his only weapon. ooooOOOooooo....

it sure isn't hypobole.

Your hyperbole is asserting that people's constitutional rights are being 'given up' which is nonsense. The constitution protects peaceful protests. These have been anything but, which is the only reason these officers are there in the first place, as their presence is necessary so these morons don't start the building on fire, which they have tried to do.

If he disobeyed a lawful order he is in the wrong. End of story.








just save it, 'cause the hypocrisy is thru the roof. aside from the inevitable covid cases that resulted - i don't believe anybody has gotten arrested from all that uh... hoopla.
Just because the man was hit after he asked a stupid presumptuous question, it does not necessarily follow that he was hit because he asked that question.

My 5 year old daughter can understand that. Why can't you?
Well, what was the reason?

He was a Navy supporter, and the police don't like the military?

He was tall, and the police don't like tall people?

He was white, and the police don't like white people?

As Sherlock says, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth
'yer' needs some critical thinking on YER part to figure out why i spell it that way.
Nope, figured it out from the start. You're projecting, pretending your opposition is uneducated when it's obviously you.
something apparently you just can't figure out.
See above.
being stupid doesn't mean ones' rights can be stripped, & that IS exactly what happened.
What rights were stripped?
oh, & i don't use caps much - mainly limiting that to put EMPHASIS upon something.
Mainly because you're an uneducated idiot, actually.
care to comment on that too? as if spell checking means anything.
I just did. Hopefully you'll graduate from clown school some day.

lol.... that there best words are from them thar ivy league skools, amiright?
can't ask - you know, thru freedom of speech - to ask or whatever it was he wanted to say where he was. doesn't matter - kids that were blocks away had encounters too by little green men off federal property; just like the vet.
Coherent English, please.
If you want to know what you sound like, read this thread:
Rutgers to Relax Grammar Standards for Blacks. Math Next?
Or take it from a Sassy Irish Lass:
Not proper English and you look like a damn retard....and nobody is hiring that nonsense

sassychick? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.................


he loves her long time.
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.

The citation did not say that he was beaten for asking a question.

David, a Portland ... looked for federal officers before he “stood in the street in front of them and I started asking them if it was OK to violate their oath of the Constitution.”

“I stood there with my hands down by my sides and they just started whaling on me,” he told KOIN.

In a way you're right. The police could have beat him because he was wearing a NAVY sweatshirt, and they didn't like people in the military.

But the obvious reason is because he asked a question.
He was still wearing the NAVY shirt, when he walked away. And he was still insulting the officers by flipping them the bird too. Yet the cop stopped hitting the guy.

The obvious reason he got hit is because he wouldn't move away from the building like the other protesters in the video did. After he got hit and sprayed he moved away. As soon as he walked away he stopped getting hit and sprayed.

Wow! You're a fucking idiot.
Last edited:
Dum-Dum vet already out of the news cycle for days.
He's home nursing his injuries repeating over and over to himself, "Am I really this stupid? Am I really this stupid?".
The obvious reason he got hit is because he didn't move away from the building like the other protesters in the video did.

I'll assume you're partisan instead of being stupid. The video shows him standing in the street in front of curb, with a bicycle stand on it.

Since they don't build sidewalks that are lower than the street, and they don't put bicycle racks in the street, photographic evidence is he was standing in a public street.
Bullshit, like I said, if the asshole breaks federal law and runs, the feds have every right to pursue them and throw their commie ass in jail.
nobody got arrested, kitty. so there is that. why? no probable cause.
If they were not "arrested" in the legal sense, then they were kidnapped, which happens to be a federal crime.

this is as well.

Federal Court Issues Restraining Order on Federal Agents in Portland

Order in ACLU Lawsuit Blocks Trump’s Militarized Agents from Attacking Journalists, Legal Observers at Portland Protests While Underlying Lawsuit Proceeds
July 23, 2020
Federal Court Issues Restraining Order on Federal Agents in Portland
The obvious reason he got hit is because he didn't move away from the building like the other protesters in the video did.

I'll assume you're partisan instead of being stupid. The video shows him standing in the street in front of curb, with a bicycle stand on it.

Since they don't build sidewalks that are lower than the street, and they don't put bicycle racks in the street, photographic evidence is he was standing in a public street.
The fact that he was in the street is totally irrelevant, dumbass.
Bullshit, like I said, if the asshole breaks federal law and runs, the feds have every right to pursue them and throw their commie ass in jail.
nobody got arrested, kitty. so there is that. why? no probable cause.
If they were not "arrested" in the legal sense, then they were kidnapped, which happens to be a federal crime.

i deleted my post by accident. glad you got it captured.
The obvious reason he got hit is because he didn't move away from the building like the other protesters in the video did.

I'll assume you're partisan instead of being stupid. The video shows him standing in the street in front of curb, with a bicycle stand on it.

Since they don't build sidewalks that are lower than the street, and they don't put bicycle racks in the street, photographic evidence is he was standing in a public street.
The fact that he was in the street is totally irrelevant, dumbass.

& him? he was across the fucking street? how you gonna spin that?

The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

If they're unidentifiable, how do you know they're federal agents?

Regardless, his status as a Navy Vet gives him no special privileges...

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