Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

They are there. Transition periods can be rough. It takes awhile to figure things out. Unfortunately it took destroying some things to get the ball rolling. It didn't have to. It's too bad it took a video of a police officer kneeling on a guys neck while he is dying for enough to get on board but they have.

You can do the right thing and demand police reform or drag this out even longer. Up to you.
and you conclude that the other millions of cops did that? I'm still trying to understand your reasoning? so then every protester is a rioter and looter. got it. Even I don't do that.

You understand the reasoning. You just don't like it.
& him? he was across the fucking street? how you gonna spin that?
I don't spin.
He's like a whirling dervish. He says the street is "near" a courthouse over which the feds have legal authority. His argument is that anything within sight of a court house (in the street, or even across the street) is fair game for federal agents.

just like pettibone - who was blocks away, walking on a city sidewalk - no protesting crowds to be seen - & the little green feds kidnapped him.
Who told you that and why did you believe them?

Who told you that Pettibone was kidnapped by little green feds and why did you believe them? Or did you just pull it out of your ass?

Do you have any sort of evidence to back up your unsupported assertion? Or is it just a delusion produced by your feeble TDS addled moonbat mind? Or what? :dunno:

You seem to be a typical grape kool-aid addict, and I am asking that question because I am curious about your source.

After all, bizarre delusions are a very common symptom of advanced TDS.

i posted it already. right here on this thread. go find it.
Not true, plainclothes police do not have to identify themselves until they apply their police powers, that is until the take someone into custody.
Actually that requirement starts when an officer exercises "control" over someone.
They must identify themselves before they can detain a witness or suspect for questioning

Absolutely, so they drive up in their unmarked car, wearing civilian clothes grab the person and tell him they want him for questioning. That's exactly what the federal agents did.
Show me a video of people in civilian clothes doing this.
Show you a video of plainclothes detective picking up a suspect? What planet do you live on?

They have a badge dumbass!
They have badges but they are concealed until the detectives apply their police powers, dumbass. They same is true for some of the federal law enforcement officers operating in the failed city of Portland.

the little green goons are not identifying themselves; nor are 'detectives'. they were finally outed by DHS flying monkey cad wolf as being CBP & FBP.
good. things get done then.

good to know you would shred the constitution just for brownie points.
Just because the man was hit after he asked a stupid presumptuous question, it does not necessarily follow that he was hit because he asked that question.

My 5 year old daughter can understand that. Why can't you?
Well, what was the reason?

He was a Navy supporter, and the police don't like the military?

He was tall, and the police don't like tall people?

He was white, and the police don't like white people?

As Sherlock says, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth
he didn't follow instructions. it's quite simple. why is it you couldn't figure that out?
Anyone can buy a fucking 'Navy' sweatshirt. Wearing it does make the asshole a "Navy vet". The asshole never served a fucking day in the military BTW.

^^^ liar ^^^

Military News

They Hit This Navy Vet with Batons. He Didn't Give an Inch

Christopher James David was commissioned on May 25, 1988, and served on active duty as a civil engineer corps officer until Jan. 31, 1996, according to his official Navy biography. He left the Reserves on June 30, 2000.

His awards include the Navy Achievement Medal, Navy Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation, National Defense Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Rifle (Marksman), and Pistol (Expert).
They Hit This Navy Vet with Batons. He Didn't Give an Inch
why didn't he comply to the officers instructions? doesn't give much credibility to navy vets.

he was not on federal property, nor posed any threat & he had a right to be where he was.
he was not on federal property, nor posed any threat & he had a right to be where he was.
why didn't he leave when instructed to? Can't vets follow instructions? BTW, federal property not public property, he was trespassing.
he was not on federal property, nor posed any threat & he had a right to be where he was.
why didn't he leave when instructed to? Can't vets follow instructions? BTW, federal property not public property, he was trespassing.

why wasn't he allowed to use his right to free speech & peacefully assemble?

can't donny's feds decipher between the 1st amendment & a legal actionable offense?

apparently not.
why wasn't he allowed to use his right to free speech & peacefully assemble?

can't donny's feds decipher between the 1st amendment & a legal actionable offense?

apparently not.
It wasn't a town hall? it's not up for discussion? he's trespassing?
unedited video doesn't lie. it's all on tape. exactly as i said it happened.
post it then.

i dun did. go find it.
nope, not going back through hundreds of posts.

oh well then. CONtinue on with yer delusional thoughts.
so there's no link. got it. see, it's easier for you to find the post you put it in, then me.

lol ... i'm not yer gofer. i posted it already. you don't hafta go thru the thread - go into my content history & you'll find it.

or stay lazy.... it really doesn't matter since you'll stay as poorly educated as you can; 'cause that makes donny love you long time.
& him? he was across the fucking street? how you gonna spin that?
I don't spin.
He's like a whirling dervish. He says the street is "near" a courthouse over which the feds have legal authority. His argument is that anything within sight of a court house (in the street, or even across the street) is fair game for federal agents.

just like pettibone - who was blocks away, walking on a city sidewalk - no protesting crowds to be seen - & the little green feds kidnapped him.
Who told you that and why did you believe them?

unedited video doesn't lie. it's all on tape. exactly as i said it happened.
And I challenge you to present the video of Pettibone being kidnapped by 'little green feds' to the USMB forum.
unedited video doesn't lie. it's all on tape. exactly as i said it happened.
post it then.

i dun did. go find it.
nope, not going back through hundreds of posts.

oh well then. CONtinue on with yer delusional thoughts.
so there's no link. got it. see, it's easier for you to find the post you put it in, then me.

lol ... i'm not yer gofer. i posted it already. you don't hafta go thru the thread - go into my content history & you'll find it.

or stay lazy.... it really doesn't matter since you'll stay as poorly educated as you can; 'cause that makes donny love you long time.
or you didn't. I'll go with you didn't post the link. I don't have to prove you didn't. You have to prove you did.
why wasn't he allowed to use his right to free speech & peacefully assemble?

can't donny's feds decipher between the 1st amendment & a legal actionable offense?

apparently not.
It wasn't a town hall? it's not up for discussion? he's trespassing?

dude - you don't even know what they were protecting?

ya, that figures.

it's a federal building. he wasn't trespassing since he was not on federal property. he was on a public city street.
& him? he was across the fucking street? how you gonna spin that?
I don't spin.
He's like a whirling dervish. He says the street is "near" a courthouse over which the feds have legal authority. His argument is that anything within sight of a court house (in the street, or even across the street) is fair game for federal agents.

just like pettibone - who was blocks away, walking on a city sidewalk - no protesting crowds to be seen - & the little green feds kidnapped him.
Who told you that and why did you believe them?

unedited video doesn't lie. it's all on tape. exactly as i said it happened.
And I challenge you to present the video of Pettibone being kidnapped by 'little green feds' to the USMB forum.

i challenge you toget off yer lazy ass & find it. i posted it already.

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