Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

Does BLM advocate murder?
They certainly advocate violence.

They repeatedly chant "no peace". They regularly demonstrate against justice and peace at their COVID 19 parties.

We will never know how many people they have killed with their biological weapon attacks. That's just the nature of the terrorists' biological warfare attacks. And most of their soldiers are just useful idiots who are too stupid to know that they are being manipulated into spreading pestilence. They are clueless low IQ druggies and retards.
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I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
It's my understanding that they are protecting a federal building. Am I wrong on this?
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
It's my understanding that they are protecting a federal building. Am I wrong on this?

So why did they shoot a man, who was only holding a boom box, in the head?

Why are they kidnapping people off the street?
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

I wish I was a Fed in Portland and I could smash Antifa skulls in
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
It's my understanding that they are protecting a federal building. Am I wrong on this?

So why did they shoot a man, who was only holding a boom box, in the head?

Why are they kidnapping people off the street?
Maybe If Antifa burns your house down - you will take your “ head out of the sand “
So why did they shoot a man, who was only holding a boom box, in the head?

Why are they kidnapping people off the street?
It's my understanding they tore down the barricade to the building. Am I incorrect on this?

It's my understanding that the uhh.. Rioters, are coming to the FEDERAL BUILDING looking for a fight. Am I incorrect on this?
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.
Interesting and informative report....Certainly a piece of an argument for declawing, if not outright abolishing, DHS.

Though Portland is clearly out of control, there's no argument in favor of the feds being equally or more out of control.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

He was not rioting and the video shows that. He has every right to peacefully protest wyhich is what he was doing. He was exercising his
Constitutional rights. He does not have to stay home. You are all for rights for Trump supporters but not others. He was assaulted by jack booted federal thugs. Biden needs to disband these these bully boys when he wins.
So who corroborates the story of this "Navy vet"?
Anyone can make an accusation, moron. The self supplied story of his "brutalization" is suspect from the git go.
And what sort of "protesting" did this man engage in? That special sort of Portland protesting that includes
arson and heavy damage to the federal court house there?

The thread is a loser because you are a loser. Simple as that.

Sorry the video shows it alol. The federal thugs assaulted this man. He was not even mov9ing when he was attacked.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


Approaching federal officers is a crime now? You are right about that. These federal thugs are the ones committing assaults and other crimes against Americans.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"
Might makes right.............BLM and Antifa has been doing their BS a long time..........Karma comes for them and they go crying..................WHO CARES.....

They can flush their heads in a toilet at this point and I'd be .......COOL.

In other words, people who disagree with you should be beaten and denied constitutional rights.
Assholes should be beaten yes.........I enjoyed watching it...............I don't care about Terrorist organizations.......

The definition of a terrorist is by threat of violence or actual violence for a political objective.......We don't negotiate with terrorists...........guess the Navy guy there wasn't fit to serve if he stands with terrorist.

That describes exactly what Trump is doing. He is playing to his ignorant base and you are proof of it. The Navy guy served which is more than bonespurs Trump did. He is a patriot. Trump, his bully boys and supporters are the terrorists.
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And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
Such is the authoritarian right: punish dissent, compel conformity.

That conservatives support un-Constitutional actions by the Federal government against lawful protesters comes as no surprise.
they are not protesters..........they are rioters and looters........and behave like animals.........and basically they are TERRORIST...........

Fuck them.

The4 federal thugs are the terrorists. That is why they are there. The feds are the animals.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
How about the state doing it's job under the constitution and protect people and businesses from looters and rioters....................The State is in violation of it's own laws by not busting these things up from the start............but it's a liberal WACKO STATE.......full of MENTAL MORONS......why anyone would want to live there is beyond me....

PERSONALLY.......I don't care if they burn the whole city to the ground........Dems deserve it.

So, free speech for me but not for the huh?

So it's ok for unidentified agents to kidnap peaceful people off the street, throw them in jail with no warrant, no charges? It's ok to shoot a peaceful protestor in the head with a rubber bullet and fracture his skull?

Seems to me if Federal help is needed they need to work WITH local authorities, and not be coming in like storm troopers assaulting citizens military style and kidnapping them.
Free speech is fine I fully support free speech for all if you want to peacefully march I support it you want to carry signs I support it you want chant or sing I support it. Now lets be 100% clear when you go from the above to destroying property, looting businesses, attacking people setting buildings and cars on fire tearing down statues and defacing monuments you are no longer a protester or protesting you are criminal committing crimes. As I already said if the local authorities are content to sit back and let this happen fuck em if they were at least making an effort to stop it but didn't have the man power I would feel differently but they arent. If they want to let their city be destroyed fine just don't stick your hand out asking for federal money when the smoke clears abd the dust settles.

Says who? You? You are a bad joke. The criminals are4 the federal authoritieas who are committing acts of terrorism.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
How about the state doing it's job under the constitution and protect people and businesses from looters and rioters....................The State is in violation of it's own laws by not busting these things up from the start............but it's a liberal WACKO STATE.......full of MENTAL MORONS......why anyone would want to live there is beyond me....

PERSONALLY.......I don't care if they burn the whole city to the ground........Dems deserve it.

So, free speech for me but not for the huh?

So it's ok for unidentified agents to kidnap peaceful people off the street, throw them in jail with no warrant, no charges? It's ok to shoot a peaceful protestor in the head with a rubber bullet and fracture his skull?

Seems to me if Federal help is needed they need to work WITH local authorities, and not be coming in like storm troopers assaulting citizens military style and kidnapping them.
Free speech is fine I fully support free speech for all if you want to peacefully march I support it you want to carry signs I support it you want chant or sing I support it. Now lets be 100% clear when you go from the above to destroying property, looting businesses, attacking people setting buildings and cars on fire tearing down statues and defacing monuments you are no longer a protester or protesting you are criminal committing crimes. As I already said if the local authorities are content to sit back and let this happen fuck em if they were at least making an effort to stop it but didn't have the man power I would feel differently but they arent. If they want to let their city be destroyed fine just don't stick your hand out asking for federal money when the smoke clears abd the dust settles.

Says who? You? You are a bad joke. The criminals are4 the federal authoritieas who are committing acts of terrorism.
The bad joke is the spelling in your idiotic response.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
It's my understanding that they are protecting a federal building. Am I wrong on this?

The protestor was not threatening the federal building. The federal building does not extend into the city of Portland. They are exceeding their authority.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
How about the state doing it's job under the constitution and protect people and businesses from looters and rioters....................The State is in violation of it's own laws by not busting these things up from the start............but it's a liberal WACKO STATE.......full of MENTAL MORONS......why anyone would want to live there is beyond me....

PERSONALLY.......I don't care if they burn the whole city to the ground........Dems deserve it.

So, free speech for me but not for the huh?

So it's ok for unidentified agents to kidnap peaceful people off the street, throw them in jail with no warrant, no charges? It's ok to shoot a peaceful protestor in the head with a rubber bullet and fracture his skull?

Seems to me if Federal help is needed they need to work WITH local authorities, and not be coming in like storm troopers assaulting citizens military style and kidnapping them.
Free speech is fine I fully support free speech for all if you want to peacefully march I support it you want to carry signs I support it you want chant or sing I support it. Now lets be 100% clear when you go from the above to destroying property, looting businesses, attacking people setting buildings and cars on fire tearing down statues and defacing monuments you are no longer a protester or protesting you are criminal committing crimes. As I already said if the local authorities are content to sit back and let this happen fuck em if they were at least making an effort to stop it but didn't have the man power I would feel differently but they arent. If they want to let their city be destroyed fine just don't stick your hand out asking for federal money when the smoke clears abd the dust settles.

Says who? You? You are a bad joke. The criminals are4 the federal authoritieas who are committing acts of terrorism.
The bad joke is the spelling in your idiotic response.

You are the idiot. You thugs are through. Trump has sealed his fate. He will be defeated.
I am enjoying the news reports, I hope they are never seen again.

The new Nazi Germany rises.

If a new Nazi Germany was rising here, the commie miscreants of numerous Murican cities would already be camping in GITMO.

Dragging people off the street for no reason is exactly what you would expect in Nazi Germany. You jackbooted thugs will get your rewards. Hopefully jail time.

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