Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

unedited video doesn't lie. it's all on tape. exactly as i said it happened.
post it then.

i dun did. go find it.
nope, not going back through hundreds of posts.

oh well then. CONtinue on with yer delusional thoughts.
so there's no link. got it. see, it's easier for you to find the post you put it in, then me.

You are such a liar.


You are such a lazy conservative. You can't even click a link.

Playtime posted the following link in post number 532.

I'm a veteran. It's obvious you never were and have absolutely zero respect for us vets. You just use us for your political convince and lies.

Click the link. Scroll down the page. The full video is right there. Right there in the article from the Military Times.

Us vets read that publication.

Keep it up. You're helping to create a lot of Independents and Democrats.

we have plenty of respect for vets.

but it is not a life time pass for shit behavior.
they all most likely spat at the Vietnam vets that came back. because hypocrisy is the demofks number one trait.

The vast majority of people protesting weren't even born then.
they learned from their parents to spat on vets and they're pissing in the streets.

Kinda like what has been done to the vet in this example?
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.
Is the guy high?
He gets hit with a baseball bat and doesn't even wince?
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.

There is no crime in having Federal police defending Federal property from assholes and traitors. Don't like it, don't participate in riots and insurrections, just because your Party's criminal activities are being exposed daily and it turns out your Party's leadership should be doing hard time in Federal prisons, including your former President and VP, the latter an admitted professional extortionist.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.

There is no crime in having Federal police defending Federal property from assholes and traitors. Don't like it, don't participate in riots and insurrections, just because your Party's criminal activities are being exposed daily and it turns out your Party's leadership should be doing hard time in Federal prisons, including your former President and VP, the latter an admitted professional extortionist.

The person in question was of no threat to anything.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.
Exactly, it's obvious by looking at all the smoke and activiity in the video, there is an active attempt by riot police to restore order. You know damn well they told the dumb ass squid to back off and he was interfering with police orders and resisting them and refused to follow direction, so they made him move.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.

There is no crime in having Federal police defending Federal property from assholes and traitors. Don't like it, don't participate in riots and insurrections, just because your Party's criminal activities are being exposed daily and it turns out your Party's leadership should be doing hard time in Federal prisons, including your former President and VP, the latter an admitted professional extortionist.

The person in question was of no threat to anything.
A). Hindsight is 20/20. How are the riot police supposed to know that in the heat of the moment dealing with hundreds of people in the dark?
B). Bullshit strawman argument. He was ordered away from the area to leave and refused to comply with a lawful police order. Doesn't matter if the guy was Mr. Rogers. The Feds did not say: "All DANGEROUS THREATENING PEOPLE out of the area! Safe, nice people can stay!"
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins,ou ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

No it is not. Assembling to protest is no crime.
No it is not. Assembling to protest is no crime.
GET IT THROUGH YOUR BLOCKHEAD, Buzzbee, confronting police and DEFYING POLICE ORDERS is NOT part of lawful, permissible assembly and protesting.

Protesting is marching on a sidewalk, during the day, carrying signs and making statements in a way that does not impact upon or impede public thoroughfare or business deemed acceptable to the authorities.

IT DOES NOT INCLUDE (please take notes for future reference):
  1. Blocking entrances.
  2. Impeding business.
  3. Disrupting business, safety and activity in the area.
  4. Any violence or other threatening behavior.
  5. Taking over city blocks.
  6. Marching in the street (without prior permit or license).
  7. Camping out and living in parks.
  8. Trashing the area.
  9. Blocking highways and traffic.
  10. Graffiti.
  11. Fireworks.
  12. Bombs.
  13. Projectiles.
  14. Weapons.
  15. Threats.
  16. Blocking entrances.
  17. Invading/entering/looting.
  18. Setting fires/trying to start fires.
  19. Damaging public property.
  20. Arguing with police.
  21. Disregarding police orders.
The above are the definitions of a MOB, not protesters, and in most countries, would get you anything from beaten and arrested, to locked away, charged, to even shot dead on sight. Try it in China or North Korea.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.

There is no crime in having Federal police defending Federal property from assholes and traitors. Don't like it, don't participate in riots and insurrections, just because your Party's criminal activities are being exposed daily and it turns out your Party's leadership should be doing hard time in Federal prisons, including your former President and VP, the latter an admitted professional extortionist.

The person in question was of no threat to anything.
A). Hindsight is 20/20. How are the riot police supposed to know that in the heat of the moment dealing with hundreds of people in the dark?
B). Bullshit strawman argument. He was ordered away from the area to leave and refused to comply with a lawful police order. Doesn't matter if the guy was Mr. Rogers. The Feds did not say: "All DANGEROUS THREATENING PEOPLE out of the area! Safe, nice people can stay!"

Have the protests stopped? Violence isn't going to stop them.
& him? he was across the fucking street? how you gonna spin that?
I don't spin.
He's like a whirling dervish. He says the street is "near" a courthouse over which the feds have legal authority. His argument is that anything within sight of a court house (in the street, or even across the street) is fair game for federal agents.

just like pettibone - who was blocks away, walking on a city sidewalk - no protesting crowds to be seen - & the little green feds kidnapped him.
Who told you that and why did you believe them?

unedited video doesn't lie. it's all on tape. exactly as i said it happened.
And I challenge you to present the video of Pettibone being kidnapped by 'little green feds' to the USMB forum.

i challenge you toget off yer lazy ass & find it. i posted it already.
What post was that?

Of course you refuse to post the video of Pettibone getting arrested by 'little green feds'. Likely because it does not exist.

lol ... i don't lie. i don't make shit up. & there are news articles confirming it was him. AND - dummy ... not only was it him ... BUT it matters not anyway - WHY?

it doesn't change the fact that those little green goons, did EXACTLY what i said they did:

BLOCKS away, they went after someone, DIDN'T ID themselves, DIDN'T give probable cause as to why they were taking the dude ... NO 'angry' crowd anywhere approaching, like the feds said was happening - nor were they even close to the federal building.

nice try - but your excuses don't fly.

pettibone detained - Google Search
Last edited:
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.

There is no crime in having Federal police defending Federal property from assholes and traitors. Don't like it, don't participate in riots and insurrections, just because your Party's criminal activities are being exposed daily and it turns out your Party's leadership should be doing hard time in Federal prisons, including your former President and VP, the latter an admitted professional extortionist.

The person in question was of no threat to anything.
A). Hindsight is 20/20. How are the riot police supposed to know that in the heat of the moment dealing with hundreds of people in the dark?
B). Bullshit strawman argument. He was ordered away from the area to leave and refused to comply with a lawful police order. Doesn't matter if the guy was Mr. Rogers. The Feds did not say: "All DANGEROUS THREATENING PEOPLE out of the area! Safe, nice people can stay!"

Have the protests stopped? Violence isn't going to stop them.

the protests were actually winding down b4 the goonies showed up. now the numbers are increasing. people that stayed away b4, are now pissed at seeing the constitution disintegrating b4 their very eyes.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Refusing an order by riot police to back off, disband, leave the area and go home is a crime.

There is no crime for an adult to be out in public.

There is no crime in having Federal police defending Federal property from assholes and traitors. Don't like it, don't participate in riots and insurrections, just because your Party's criminal activities are being exposed daily and it turns out your Party's leadership should be doing hard time in Federal prisons, including your former President and VP, the latter an admitted professional extortionist.

The person in question was of no threat to anything.
A). Hindsight is 20/20. How are the riot police supposed to know that in the heat of the moment dealing with hundreds of people in the dark?
B). Bullshit strawman argument. He was ordered away from the area to leave and refused to comply with a lawful police order. Doesn't matter if the guy was Mr. Rogers. The Feds did not say: "All DANGEROUS THREATENING PEOPLE out of the area! Safe, nice people can stay!"

Have the protests stopped? Violence isn't going to stop them.

the protests were actually winding down b4 the goonies showed up. now the numbers are increasing. people that stayed away b4, are now pissed at seeing the constitution disintegrating b4 their very eyes.

That's true. It's why I've noted that the government can't win with violence.
Not true, plainclothes police do not have to identify themselves until they apply their police powers, that is until the take someone into custody.
Actually that requirement starts when an officer exercises "control" over someone.
They must identify themselves before they can detain a witness or suspect for questioning

Absolutely, so they drive up in their unmarked car, wearing civilian clothes grab the person and tell him they want him for questioning. That's exactly what the federal agents did.
Show me a video of people in civilian clothes doing this.
Show you a video of plainclothes detective picking up a suspect? What planet do you live on?

They have a badge dumbass!
They have badges but they are concealed until the detectives apply their police powers, dumbass. They same is true for some of the federal law enforcement officers operating in the failed city of Portland.

the little green goons are not identifying themselves; nor are 'detectives'. they were finally outed by ' acting ' DHS flying monkey, chad wolf as being CBP & FBP.
They are federal law enforcement officers working within the framework of federal and they function in the same way local SWAT teams do. Just as plainclothes detectives drive around in unmarked cars and don't reveal their police identities until applying taking someone into custody, so do these federal law enforcement officers, and just as SWAT teams dress in military style gear and sometimes facemasks to hide their identities, so do these federal officers. If you don't object to the local police doing these things, then your objection to federal law enforcement officers doing them can only be attributed to your political bias.

bullshit. they didn't give probable cause when they put their hands on him, & started taking him away.

that is not standard protocol no matter who you are.

you can't 'resist' arrest nor be charged with assaulting a police officer if they don't say who they are & why they are taking you, & especially if you are not read your rights AT THE TIME THEY TAKE YOU.

pettibone should have resisted because any lawyer would have been able to get him off if they tried to charge him without following protocol.

why did they wait to readhim his rights until after he was taken into custody, frisked, & his backpack searched?

& why was he then asked if he wanted to waive them?

when he said no - they simply let him go.

now, spin all that into a web of reason - if you can.
Not true, plainclothes police do not have to identify themselves until they apply their police powers, that is until the take someone into custody.
Actually that requirement starts when an officer exercises "control" over someone.
They must identify themselves before they can detain a witness or suspect for questioning

Absolutely, so they drive up in their unmarked car, wearing civilian clothes grab the person and tell him they want him for questioning. That's exactly what the federal agents did.
Show me a video of people in civilian clothes doing this.
Show you a video of plainclothes detective picking up a suspect? What planet do you live on?

They have a badge dumbass!
They have badges but they are concealed until the detectives apply their police powers, dumbass. They same is true for some of the federal law enforcement officers operating in the failed city of Portland.

the little green goons are not identifying themselves; nor are 'detectives'. they were finally outed by ' acting ' DHS flying monkey, chad wolf as being CBP & FBP.
They are federal law enforcement officers working within the framework of federal and they function in the same way local SWAT teams do. Just as plainclothes detectives drive around in unmarked cars and don't reveal their police identities until applying taking someone into custody, so do these federal law enforcement officers, and just as SWAT teams dress in military style gear and sometimes facemasks to hide their identities, so do these federal officers. If you don't object to the local police doing these things, then your objection to federal law enforcement officers doing them can only be attributed to your political bias.
Shouldn't this thread have been named / renamed to:


there was no provocation. so your 'question' ... much like you... is moot.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Of course it was. The federal officers were trying to clear the area and he refused to move. Obstructing a federal law enforcement officer in the performance of his duties is a felony.

he was outside the perimeter they were defending. i have no problems with the feds protecting & defending federal property.

the vet was on a city street, posing no danger.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

LOL what's 'magical' abou tbeing a vet? Lots of famous nutjobs and traitors were 'vets'. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? Sicko deviant faggot Manning? The Walker family spy ring?

So kneeling really wasn't a big deal after all?

What are you babbling about? Something confuse you about the mere category of being a vet not preventing someone wfrom indulging criminal inclinations? Why do you think the military has an MCJ, to catch soldiers not tying their shoes correctly or something?

Nothing criminal was done. You know that.
Of course it was. The federal officers were trying to clear the area and he refused to move. Obstructing a federal law enforcement officer in the performance of his duties is a felony.

People have a right to protest.
Not to riot or affect any other person’s rights.

Why do you think their rights are more important than anyone else?

the vet & pettibone were not rioting.

why do you think their rights are not important?

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