Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"

But you are right. The Gestapo doesn't play around.

Did you just wet yourself?

Try to focus, BillieBob. The thread isn't about me.

It was a yes, wasn't it?
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm
The man standing and holding a boombox over his head and shot in the head by a rubber bullet was peaceful. The Navy Vet this threat started with standing still was peaceful.
You mean at that exact split second in time they weren't busy trying to destroy the Portland court house? That is a given.
You go back in time a very short distance and this may well not be true.

An arsonist standing on the sidewalk when the fire trucks roar up is doing nothing wrong, in that instant.
But overall not so much. Are you familiar with Portland? No one went out in the middle of the night looking
to buy a carton of milk and wound up incidentally at the Portland federal building.
They were there to participate in the destruction of it.

If President Biden were to announce that some KKK and Proud Boys were guilty but association and subject to summary arrest would that be any worse than unidentifiable agents beating people standing stock still? Or shooting a man in the head which was obviously intentional for the crime of holding a boom box in the air?
That human punching bag clearly stated he refused to move from in front of the courthouse
despite orders and directions of personnel trying to clear protestors rioters away from the building.
So taken alone and out of context the images are disturbing but in context, everything that led up to that
moment is exculpatory.
The same with the guy hit by the rubber bullet. Start a thread about it.

You are arguing they are all guilty by association. When that argument is used against you what will be your answer? You are peaceful and not responsible in any way for what others do?
Guilty by action if the damage to the Portland federal building is any measure.
Or don't actions of commission matter after weeks and weeks of lawless behavior?
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm
Except...they didn't protect federal property...they went into Portland's streets and started kidnapping and shooting (rubber bullets) at citizens not even involved in attacking that property. So what exactly WAS their mission?

No squirm from me, how about you? Do you like seeing our civil rigbts under attack like this?

Note: I am talking about people who are not committing violence and in fact weren't even charged with anything.
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I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

Ironic...isnt it...that being forced to wear a mask temporarily during an epidemic is a gross violation of civil rights

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
How about the state doing it's job under the constitution and protect people and businesses from looters and rioters....................The State is in violation of it's own laws by not busting these things up from the start............but it's a liberal WACKO STATE.......full of MENTAL MORONS......why anyone would want to live there is beyond me....

PERSONALLY.......I don't care if they burn the whole city to the ground........Dems deserve it.

So, free speech for me but not for the huh?

So it's ok for unidentified agents to kidnap peaceful people off the street, throw them in jail with no warrant, no charges? It's ok to shoot a peaceful protestor in the head with a rubber bullet and fracture his skull?

Seems to me if Federal help is needed they need to work WITH local authorities, and not be coming in like storm troopers assaulting citizens military style and kidnapping them.

Poor Eagle seems to have a major problem with the Bill of Rights.
Funny how being forced to wear a mask, temporarily, during an epidemic is a gross violation of civil rights but being shot in the head with a rubber bullet for holding a boom box and chanting during a demonstration or kidnapped off the street, roughed up, thrown in jail, and released with no warrent, no charges, no explanation is not.
Heinrich Himmler is dead, so give up trying to impresss him for a job in the SS.
Oh, look! A Nazi reference. What a clever, original thinking genius you must be.

Ok, I'll try something more appropriate. I do believe that you would be more comfortable in a country where freedom of speech is punished by death. How about N. Korea?
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"

But you are right. The Gestapo doesn't play around.

Did you just wet yourself?

Try to focus, BillieBob. The thread isn't about me.

It was a yes, wasn't it?

Your trolling license has just expired.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm
Except...they didn't protect federal property...they went into Portland's streets and started kidnapping and shooting (rubber bullets) citizens not even involved in attacking that property. So what exactly WAS their mission?

No squirm from me, how about you? Do you like seeing our civil rigbts under attack like this?

Note: I am talking about people who committing violence and in fact weren't even charged wwithanything.

Well good, send them to Gitmo

You think I give two shits about your cohorts? Get off here and you join them instead of cheerleading
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

Ironic...isnt it...that being forced to wear a mask temporarily during an epidemic is a gross violation of civil rights

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?
How about the state doing it's job under the constitution and protect people and businesses from looters and rioters....................The State is in violation of it's own laws by not busting these things up from the start............but it's a liberal WACKO STATE.......full of MENTAL MORONS......why anyone would want to live there is beyond me....

PERSONALLY.......I don't care if they burn the whole city to the ground........Dems deserve it.

So, free speech for me but not for the huh?

So it's ok for unidentified agents to kidnap peaceful people off the street, throw them in jail with no warrant, no charges? It's ok to shoot a peaceful protestor in the head with a rubber bullet and fracture his skull?

Seems to me if Federal help is needed they need to work WITH local authorities, and not be coming in like storm troopers assaulting citizens military style and kidnapping them.

Poor Eagle seems to have a major problem with the Bill of Rights.
Funny how being forced to wear a mask, temporarily, during an epidemic is a gross violation of civil rights but being shot in the head with a rubber bullet for holding a boom box and chanting during a demonstration or kidnapped off the street, roughed up, thrown in jail, and released with no warrent, no charges, no explanation is not.

Trump would never have sent these incognito federal agents to Portland if he had needed to cross the street in D.C. again to hold a Bible upside down in front of a church.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.
The intimidation factor of running around in unmarked vans, with unmarked uniforms, and unidentifiable Federal Agents, seems to be backfiring. As anyone with a brain could have figured out it would.

As I mentioned before the Conservative Website Hot Air, founded by Michelle Malkin who was attacked at a Blue Lives Matter event this weekend, has another story on the Federal Agents in Camouflage that are running amok in Portland.

There is video at the link, and it is disturbing. A retired naval officer was beaten by the Feds for asking why they were violating their oath.

For a long time now, people have been warning about the dangers of militarized police, and instead of heeding those warnings, the Feds seem to be embracing them in an effort to intimidate the protestors. Instead, more are showing up, outraged at the uniforms absent identification, and the bullying tactics of the agents who are obviously instructed to do so by their superiors.

You can't file a complaint against Agent Jones. If you have no idea it was Jones who bashed your skull in. You can't file a lawsuit complaining that Agent number 9596 cracked your skull if there is no way to know who did it. In Fiction, James Bond and the rest of the 00 Agents had a License to Kill. In reality, it looks like the Federal Agents have that license, and the enemy is anyone who doesn't bow down.

Those of you cheering this brutality, ask yourself this. If Biden wins, are you ready for that machine to be turned on you? Think about it.

So why is a vet part of a Marxist mob trying to attack a federal building? He was intentionally trying to antagonize those agents. And just because he was a vet doesn't exonerate him from committing a crime. And you don't know if he was doing damage to the building before the agents smacked him.

Those Marxists are trying to occupy the federal building like they did the police building in Seattle. And the feds wouldn't have to be there protecting OUR property if the Portland police would do their job.

And IF Bidum wins these mobs will be in the suburbs destroying your property. These are not peaceful protests.

I can't believe you're defending the Marxist ANTIFA anarchists over our Federal police. You have been brainwashed by Fake News.

I defend the Constitution. First. Last. And always. My loyalty is never to a political agenda. It is always to the Constitution.

I swore an oath. To support and defend the Constitution against all enemies. Foreign and domestic. That is where my loyalty remains.

I swore an oath to defend the Constitution. That is the laws and Civil Rights protected by the Amendments. Among other things that means your First Amendment rights. Your Second Amendment Rights. I would continue but I doubt you have heard of any other rights.

That by the way is what makes our Country Great. That is what our Country is all about.
I think you missed something in the First Amendment that you claim to endorse.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

There is nothing remotely "peaceable" about the mob that tries every single evening to burn down and
damage the federal building in Portland with hammers, crowbars, baseball bats and torches.
You are simply a moron.

those FEDS are snatch & grabbing people BLOCKS away from the federal building they are there to protect. a navy vet , NOT on federal property - not violent in any way is beaten & gassed point blank - a kid with a boom box NOT ON FEDERAL property, & not violent in any way - nailed in the head with a rubber bullet. he has a fractured skull & is in critical condition.

that is gestapo tactics no matter how you slice it & dice it.
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I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm

people are being grabbed, beaten & gassed OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY.

what's your excuse for that?
I swore an oath to defend the Constitution. That is the laws and Civil Rights protected by the Amendments. Among other things that means your First Amendment rights. Your Second Amendment Rights. I would continue but I doubt you have heard of any other rights.

That by the way is what makes our Country Great. That is what our Country is all about.
I think you missed something in the First Amendment that you claim to endorse.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

There is nothing remotely "peaceable" about the mob that tries every single evening to burn down and
damage the federal building in Portland with hammers, crowbars, baseball bats and torches.
You are simply a moron.

those FEDS are snatch & grabbing people BLOCKS away from the federal building they are there to protect. a navy vet , NOT on federal property - not violent in any way is beaten & gassed point blank - a kid with a boom box NOT ON FEDERAL property, & not violent in any way - nailed in the head with a rubber bullet. he has a fractured skull & is in critical condition.

that is gestapo tactics no matter how you slice it & dice it.
I will repeat my comments about the First Amendment, which you ignored, and ask for proof of your claims.
At the heart of this all are the mob that's been there for weeks trying to destroy the Portland federal building.
You should be answering questions. Not asking them.
Ok, I'll try something more appropriate. I do believe that you would be more comfortable in a country where freedom of speech is punished by death. How about N. Korea?
You are very far off base.

It is really very simple. There are government regimes that respect the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights, and those that do not. The rights that Trump is trampling right now include probable cause, freedom of assembly, and free speech.
I swore an oath to defend the Constitution. That is the laws and Civil Rights protected by the Amendments. Among other things that means your First Amendment rights. Your Second Amendment Rights. I would continue but I doubt you have heard of any other rights.

That by the way is what makes our Country Great. That is what our Country is all about.
I think you missed something in the First Amendment that you claim to endorse.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

There is nothing remotely "peaceable" about the mob that tries every single evening to burn down and
damage the federal building in Portland with hammers, crowbars, baseball bats and torches.
You are simply a moron.

those FEDS are snatch & grabbing people BLOCKS away from the federal building they are there to protect. a navy vet , NOT on federal property - not violent in any way is beaten & gassed point blank - a kid with a boom box NOT ON FEDERAL property, & not violent in any way - nailed in the head with a rubber bullet. he has a fractured skull & is in critical condition.

that is gestapo tactics no matter how you slice it & dice it.
I will repeat my comments about the First Amendment, which you ignored, and ask for proof of your claims.
At the heart of this all are the mob that's been there for weeks trying to destroy the Portland federal building.
You should be answering questions. Not asking them.

the gov'nor, nor the mayor invited them & they are using chemical irritants, which is in direct violation of oregon law. they have no permission to do that on state / local property that is not federal.

they are provoking & instigating & ramping up the heat beyond their 'jurisdiction'.

THAT is not constitutional. that is in violation of the 10th amendment.
I swore an oath to defend the Constitution. That is the laws and Civil Rights protected by the Amendments. Among other things that means your First Amendment rights. Your Second Amendment Rights. I would continue but I doubt you have heard of any other rights.

That by the way is what makes our Country Great. That is what our Country is all about.
I think you missed something in the First Amendment that you claim to endorse.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

There is nothing remotely "peaceable" about the mob that tries every single evening to burn down and
damage the federal building in Portland with hammers, crowbars, baseball bats and torches.
You are simply a moron.

those FEDS are snatch & grabbing people BLOCKS away from the federal building they are there to protect. a navy vet , NOT on federal property - not violent in any way is beaten & gassed point blank - a kid with a boom box NOT ON FEDERAL property, & not violent in any way - nailed in the head with a rubber bullet. he has a fractured skull & is in critical condition.

that is gestapo tactics no matter how you slice it & dice it.
I will repeat my comments about the First Amendment, which you ignored, and ask for proof of your claims.
At the heart of this all are the mob that's been there for weeks trying to destroy the Portland federal building.
You should be answering questions. Not asking them.

the gov'nor, nor the mayor invited them & they are using chemical irritants, which is in direct violation of oregon law. they have no permission to do that on state / local property that is not federal.

they are provoking & instigating & ramping up the heat beyond their 'jurisdiction'.

THAT is not constitutional. that is in violation of the 10th amendment.

It is also downright stupid. They could have accomplished the same thing by pouring gasoline on fires.

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