Ferguson, Missouri - typifies the difference between Conservatives and Liberals

Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.

Dean, you are wrong. There are many conservatives on this board that are completely outraged by the actions of the Fergosun Police Department. Not only in the shooting of the young man, but in the excessive use of force in the aftermath.

This is a matter of how we define our culture, and it sure is not a free fire zone for trigger happy policemen. The militarization of police, of citizens, is something that I deplore in our present society. I do not like the war weapons in the hands of police or of citizens. They have a psychology about them that is evil. I do not see myself at war with my fellow Americans.

For once I almost agree with you. It isn't a political party question. In that you are absolutely correct. The civilian armament program though is a direct response to the police forces being equipped with these. The government is preparing for civil unrest and it is going to kill any who participate. That is clear. The civilians are likewise not going to march willingly to the camps.


camps! CAMPS! holy shit you are fucking nuts..You should be over at infowars not here. What an utter shame you are what you are.
Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.

Conservative issue?

I don't think so.

$wants more government.jpg

The federal government gives states money to arm themselves like a military
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Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.
yeah and I'll bet that the rioters and looters were not conservative voters !! you sound a little angry ...maybe a stolen TV set will make you feel better.:doubt:
Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.

Dean, you are wrong. There are many conservatives on this board that are completely outraged by the actions of the Fergosun Police Department. Not only in the shooting of the young man, but in the excessive use of force in the aftermath.

This is a matter of how we define our culture, and it sure is not a free fire zone for trigger happy policemen. The militarization of police, of citizens, is something that I deplore in our present society. I do not like the war weapons in the hands of police or of citizens. They have a psychology about them that is evil. I do not see myself at war with my fellow Americans.

sorry Rocks....all Dean see's in ANY situation is.....Republicans are responsible.....thats what an obsession does to someone....
The police have become more militarized under Obama. You and many liberals still blame Bush, yet give Obama a pass for taking Bush's policies and putting them on steroids.

False. Liberal Presidents like Obama have always been accused of being weak on crime.

The militarization of police forces was a very specific anti-terrorism policy erected under Bush. And like all government policies, it only gets bigger.

Rest assured that if Obama did anything to curb the Bush Anti-Terrorism Agenda, than Dick Chaney would appear on FOX the next day claiming that Obama wasn't keeping our cities safe (which is exactly what Reagan said of Carter before launching his massive law enforcement agenda to cleanse our inner cities of Johnson-era welfare slums).

Whenever wealth concentrates on top, the wealthy protect their gains by creating a police state. Is Obama weak for being intimidated by Chaney and the Right? - is he weak for not unwinding the Bush national security state? Yes. On that we agree. But I see no politician on the Left with the courage for that fight. Certainly not the Clinton's. Bill Clinton had every opportunity to unwind the Reagan War on Drugs, which beefed up the State's repressive power to an unprecedented degree. He did nothing.

(Ron Paul might do it if they let him near the White House, but he'd probably have to compromise with the Rightwing establishment and yield to Chaney et al on the Bush surveillance and military state.)

If you want to understand what makes government bigger, than you must study fear not food stamps. Americans are far more willing to give dear leader more power when they are strategically manipulated with color coded terror warnings.
Study the political uses of fear and you will learn why the Right - the party of small government - was so willing to let Bush create the biggest government of all. And guess what? They're coming back in 2016, and they'll likely control the White House, Senate and House. If you thought the first Patriot Act was invasive, wait to see what the Right will do if they get another homeland attack. They will do a lot more than militarize state police forces.

People don't understand how government uses fear to grow its power, especially the Right who never questions a sitting Republican president.

God help us. They are coming back in 2016. Wait 'till you see the next version of the war on terrorism. Bush's Department of Homeland Security is going to get bigger and more invasive than anything we have ever seen. All they need is fear.

especially the Right who never questions a sitting Republican president.

the Far Right yea....but i seem to remember lots of "righties" here questioning Bush.....
Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.

rdean you are the biggest partisan hack on this board. Your posts and threads embody every thing I hate about Progressives.

You are a pathological liar.

I rate rdean's OP:


I can't believe it's a real person...because if it is, that is one scary mind at work

its called....O B S E S S I O N.....
I quickly scanned the thread to this point.

AsswipeDean has not posted since the OP.

I keep telling you folks to ignore him and to let his threads sink off the first page.....fast.

He's a left wing Obamacocksucking Libfool.

His rhetoric is aimed at agitation.

one reason he stopped is because something happened that usually doesnt happen.....a fellow lefty (Rocks ) told him he was wrong.....Dean doesnt know how to react when that happens.....he has to call the ones who have programmed him to ask...."what do i do?".....
I guess the liberals love turning their country into a fucking war zone and lieing about reality.

Brown was a thug and probably did attack the officer. Why not wait for the facts?

OH"YESSS, we have to loot, burn and destroy! I guess this is the liberal way.

Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.

you forgot to include race riots by blacks as the Normal Democrat solution to a problem though
Just like in Iraq, the conservative approach is guns, threats, tear gas, swat teams, armored vehicles, automatic weapons.

Then, after the brutality failed, Democrats stepped in to calm the nerves and handle the situation.

We've seen it everywhere Republican policies are implemented.

I won't label parties but this is the story of;

"The Pen is mightier than the Sword".

^this might catch on, it's a new saying, (R)ight?
Dean, you are wrong. There are many conservatives on this board that are completely outraged by the actions of the Fergosun Police Department. Not only in the shooting of the young man, but in the excessive use of force in the aftermath.

This is a matter of how we define our culture, and it sure is not a free fire zone for trigger happy policemen. The militarization of police, of citizens, is something that I deplore in our present society. I do not like the war weapons in the hands of police or of citizens. They have a psychology about them that is evil. I do not see myself at war with my fellow Americans.

For once I almost agree with you. It isn't a political party question. In that you are absolutely correct. The civilian armament program though is a direct response to the police forces being equipped with these. The government is preparing for civil unrest and it is going to kill any who participate. That is clear. The civilians are likewise not going to march willingly to the camps.


camps! CAMPS! holy shit you are fucking nuts..You should be over at infowars not here. What an utter shame you are what you are.


Brought to you by; One day bunkers. If you are scared to death we can install a bunker in 1 day for $49,000 in 10 easy payments. (The payments won't matter soon because we know the end is coming!) We will give you and underground layer of Ketsup, Mayo, Chicken nuggets and Water. There will be gun racks all over the walls of these underground School bus Bunkers.

[Claimer] We will not allow you to understand vegetation and will consider you an enemy if you understand renewable vegetation. No seeds allowed in our bunkers unless you can prove the seed can germinate once shot by a bullet.

If you buy our bunkers and notice you are a Fox News driven uneducated human being that has been fighting for the profits of everything keeping you down and fighting for the profits of keeping others down, there is no return.

If you belong to the 1% we can come in and customize your bunker with things rich people like.

Watch the rest of America spend $1 each deer bullet because a select group of Americans are scared to death of the current Tyrannical Government that is going to take all our guns away.
Police got the MRAPs for 2 reasons:
- There is a need for a SMALLER armored vehicle occasionally in law enforcement
- But, those cost a shitload of money, and the MRAP was FREE, and budget strapped govts love free shit, so they took the free MRAP rather than try to find money to buy an expensive smaller one

All you hug-a-thug, touchy feely types.......go sign the fuck up. You go carry a badge and gun, and respond to calls at 2am with gangbangers shooting each other up, a father raping his 4 year old daughter, a suicide where an 18 year old kid hangs herself on her mom's birthday to piss her off, where a couple children are crushed to death in a traffic accident, where a meth head breaks into a home and then shits himself and pisses himself and tries to wipe it on you as you arrest him........

You go do all that shit, then try it every day for 10 years, and THEN tell me how happy and jolly you are and how you want to take the Andy Griffith approach, or how you DONT want the best armor and weapons you can get to protect yourself.

Some of you chickenshit pussies wouldn't last a week as a cop, and you talk shit about those who are willing to step up and do the job. I worked with 110 pound female cops with more balls than some of you dipshits who talk all this shit, but aren't willing to SIGN UP and do the job yourself.
Black parents should talk to their children about how fucking deadly other blacks are. 4,500 per year!

This is pointed at you CNN. you lying sacks of shit!

Obviously, the blacks rioting on the streets are deathly afraid of the white cops trying to stop them...
I guess, you liberals didn't have a problem when 200 ARMED FEDERAL agents charged on a white mans property and family to try and SEIGE his land.

but then take the side of the media, Sharpton, Obama, Holder etc and one kid out of 1000's that were involved in A DAMN RIOT that tore apart a town.

so there is a disgusting big difference between some of you lib scumbags such as names I shall not name

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