Finally some signs of life on the republican idea front

He needs to show us how putting more money in the pockets of the 1% in the form of lower taxes leads to equal opportunity. Taxes have come way down from their high point, but we still have an employment opportunity problem.
Just a slight republican election year attempt at populism, a little bit of borrowed liberal idealism, nothing to be taken seriously. Certainly not a change in course.
You guys on the left have the intellectual nimbleness of a brick wall. There is such a staleness,a reflexive ness, a boring sameness to anything you guys post. Let me help you out. The op is about someone starting to talk about ideas, positions, and hint at platforms. I am the first to admit that repubs have their minds in cement so far and are coasting on the very fertile anti Obama campaign. That will not get in done in2016 maybe not even in 2014 so repubs need to cultivate a message. Christie is addressing Americans biggest fear which is the demise of the middle class, that is a winning strategy f you can effectively convey the message. And I only mentioned it as a sign of life for repubs not some kind of transformation. How the one percent or or borrowed liberal idealism gets into the conversation I don't know. All that seems to be happening is that USMB has a legion of liberals whose sole purpose is to launch pre emptive personal attacks on anything republican or the people that might espouse anything republican. The vacuum of original liberal thinking only points to a limitless upside for republicans if they can recognize winning strategies and have the courage to follow,through on them and have a Reagan like person to carry the flag.
You guys on the left have the intellectual nimbleness of a brick wall. There is such a staleness,a reflexive ness, a boring sameness to anything you guys post. Let me help you out. The op is about someone starting to talk about ideas, positions, and hint at platforms. I am the first to admit that repubs have their minds in cement so far and are coasting on the very fertile anti Obama campaign. That will not get in done in2016 maybe not even in 2014 so repubs need to cultivate a message. Christie is addressing Americans biggest fear which is the demise of the middle class, that is a winning strategy f you can effectively convey the message. And I only mentioned it as a sign of life for repubs not some kind of transformation. How the one percent or or borrowed liberal idealism gets into the conversation I don't know. All that seems to be happening is that USMB has a legion of liberals whose sole purpose is to launch pre emptive personal attacks on anything republican or the people that might espouse anything republican. The vacuum of original liberal thinking only points to a limitless upside for republicans if they can recognize winning strategies and have the courage to follow,through on them and have a Reagan like person to carry the flag.
Nice speech but real honest populism is antithetical to conservative thought. It's far too late for republicans to see the error of their ways at this point because they are still far too bound to trickle down ideology to convince anyone they give a shit about anyone who isn't very,very rich. Not too long ago they played chicken with government default and set back the recovery, show me that they learned any valuable lessons from that costly political stunt.
You guys on the left have the intellectual nimbleness of a brick wall. There is such a staleness,a reflexive ness, a boring sameness to anything you guys post. Let me help you out. The op is about someone starting to talk about ideas, positions, and hint at platforms. I am the first to admit that repubs have their minds in cement so far and are coasting on the very fertile anti Obama campaign. That will not get in done in2016 maybe not even in 2014 so repubs need to cultivate a message. Christie is addressing Americans biggest fear which is the demise of the middle class, that is a winning strategy f you can effectively convey the message. And I only mentioned it as a sign of life for repubs not some kind of transformation. How the one percent or or borrowed liberal idealism gets into the conversation I don't know. All that seems to be happening is that USMB has a legion of liberals whose sole purpose is to launch pre emptive personal attacks on anything republican or the people that might espouse anything republican. The vacuum of original liberal thinking only points to a limitless upside for republicans if they can recognize winning strategies and have the courage to follow,through on them and have a Reagan like person to carry the flag.

You only quoted one line. That's not a platform; that's a platitude. Either Christie needs to flesh it out or you have to post more of what he said. If you'd given us a cite, we could have read it for ourselves. As it stands, you can't blame responders for the lack of specifics.
"There is not just income equality in this country there is opportunity inequality" says gov Chris Christie on Fox News tonight. Finally someone is talking about ideas. Run with it boys and girls, 2016 is on like donkey kong.

Christie is toast and he can run with Hillary
There's already a failed political party that's all about "inequality", we don't need another

Rand Paul is breathing life into the Republican Party
What's the point? If Christie is right in promoting opportunity it must mean that Barry Hussein has failed in just about everything including employment opportunity.
"There is not just income equality in this country there is opportunity inequality" says gov Chris Christie on Fox News tonight. Finally someone is talking about ideas. Run with it boys and girls, 2016 is on like donkey kong.
Do you have a link? I'd like to see what he said.
There's already a failed political party that's all about "inequality", we don't need another

Rand Paul is breathing life into the Republican Party

Rand Paul is one of those who looks through rose-colored glasses imagining what would happen if everybody did this or that, as if you could ever get everyone to do anything. We don't need a nouveau hippy running the country.
Christie is a lunatic big government joke who clearly has no objections to shitting on the constitution then eating it for lunch, considering his obscenely illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox
Christie was interviewed by Chris Wallace on foxes Sunday news show. Wallace asked a lot of pointed questions and Christie was sharp, on point, and svelte. I didn't feel as if he was quite as bull in a china shop in your face as he has been characterized in this interview. I am not promoting or hating on Christie, I am just pleasantly surprised that some of the potential repub pres candidates are throwing out some trial balloons for the repub message. I hope it gets contagious
You guys on the left have the intellectual nimbleness of a brick wall. There is such a staleness,a reflexive ness, a boring sameness to anything you guys post. Let me help you out. The op is about someone starting to talk about ideas, positions, and hint at platforms. I am the first to admit that repubs have their minds in cement so far and are coasting on the very fertile anti Obama campaign. That will not get in done in2016 maybe not even in 2014 so repubs need to cultivate a message. Christie is addressing Americans biggest fear which is the demise of the middle class, that is a winning strategy f you can effectively convey the message. And I only mentioned it as a sign of life for repubs not some kind of transformation. How the one percent or or borrowed liberal idealism gets into the conversation I don't know. All that seems to be happening is that USMB has a legion of liberals whose sole purpose is to launch pre emptive personal attacks on anything republican or the people that might espouse anything republican. The vacuum of original liberal thinking only points to a limitless upside for republicans if they can recognize winning strategies and have the courage to follow,through on them and have a Reagan like person to carry the flag.

Your tirade might make more sense if you could name a single Republicans policy or idea that wasn't about destroying the middle class.
"There is not just income equality in this country there is opportunity inequality" says gov Chris Christie on Fox News tonight. Finally someone is talking about ideas. Run with it boys and girls, 2016 is on like donkey kong.

Chris Christie would be my candidate! He isnt going to waiver. He knows how to negotiate. And people respect him!
You guys on the left have the intellectual nimbleness of a brick wall. There is such a staleness,a reflexive ness, a boring sameness to anything you guys post. Let me help you out. The op is about someone starting to talk about ideas, positions, and hint at platforms. I am the first to admit that repubs have their minds in cement so far and are coasting on the very fertile anti Obama campaign. That will not get in done in2016 maybe not even in 2014 so repubs need to cultivate a message. Christie is addressing Americans biggest fear which is the demise of the middle class, that is a winning strategy f you can effectively convey the message. And I only mentioned it as a sign of life for repubs not some kind of transformation. How the one percent or or borrowed liberal idealism gets into the conversation I don't know. All that seems to be happening is that USMB has a legion of liberals whose sole purpose is to launch pre emptive personal attacks on anything republican or the people that might espouse anything republican. The vacuum of original liberal thinking only points to a limitless upside for republicans if they can recognize winning strategies and have the courage to follow,through on them and have a Reagan like person to carry the flag.

You guys on the left have the intellectual nimbleness of a brick wall. There is such a staleness,a reflexive ness, a boring sameness to anything you guys post. Let me help you out. The op is about someone starting to talk about ideas, positions, and hint at platforms. I am the first to admit that repubs have their minds in cement so far and are coasting on the very fertile anti Obama campaign. That will not get in done in2016 maybe not even in 2014 so repubs need to cultivate a message. Christie is addressing Americans biggest fear which is the demise of the middle class, that is a winning strategy f you can effectively convey the message. And I only mentioned it as a sign of life for repubs not some kind of transformation. How the one percent or or borrowed liberal idealism gets into the conversation I don't know. All that seems to be happening is that USMB has a legion of liberals whose sole purpose is to launch pre emptive personal attacks on anything republican or the people that might espouse anything republican. The vacuum of original liberal thinking only points to a limitless upside for republicans if they can recognize winning strategies and have the courage to follow,through on them and have a Reagan like person to carry the flag.
Nice speech but real honest populism is antithetical to conservative thought. It's far too late for republicans to see the error of their ways at this point because they are still far too bound to trickle down ideology to convince anyone they give a shit about anyone who isn't very,very rich. Not too long ago they played chicken with government default and set back the recovery, show me that they learned any valuable lessons from that costly political stunt.

The thing is, he isnt just saying it to say it. He is overall as genuine as a politician can get - imo. And people really know or have a sense that he isnt going to back down simply because one of us is hyperventilating about a policy or an issue that he might need to negotiate on or concede temporarily or partially on.

He might not get far this time, but I guarantee you - if he was on the ticket...Independents would vote for him over Hilary. People want straight shooters. Thats the same sort of appeal Joe Biden has.

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