Firebombs on Bat Mitzva Girls' Bus


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
They can't even leave the young girls in peace but have to plan an ambush of their bus.

Firebombs on Bat Mitzva Girls' Bus, Only Arutz Sheva Reports It

Four terrorists hurl firebombs at bus near Hevron, engulfing it in flames, but media ignores story, preferring to cover Jewish graffiti.

Services281By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 5/16/2014, 8:43 AM

Firebomb attack (illustration)Flash 90
A well-planned firebomb attack on a bus full of Jewish schoolgirls Tuesday could easily have ended in tragedy, but no news source even reported that it took place, except for the one you are currently reading – Arutz Sheva.

The girls were sixth-graders from a religious school in central Israel. They were on a bat mitzva tour of the Cave of Machpela in Hevron, a site recognized by the government as an official heritage site, when four terrorists ambushed it with firebombs.

The mother of one of the girls, who was accompanying the trip, told Arutz Sheva that the ambush had been well planned. She described moments of horror when the firebombs exploded, one after the other, on the bus'swindows, east of the Halhoul bridge, as the bus made its way back from Hevron.

Read more at:

Israel News | Israel's #1 News Site - Arutz Sheva
They can't even leave the young girls in peace but have to plan an ambush of their bus.

Firebombs on Bat Mitzva Girls' Bus, Only Arutz Sheva Reports It

Four terrorists hurl firebombs at bus near Hevron, engulfing it in flames, but media ignores story, preferring to cover Jewish graffiti.

Services281By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 5/16/2014, 8:43 AM

Firebomb attack (illustration)Flash 90
A well-planned firebomb attack on a bus full of Jewish schoolgirls Tuesday could easily have ended in tragedy, but no news source even reported that it took place, except for the one you are currently reading – Arutz Sheva.

The girls were sixth-graders from a religious school in central Israel. They were on a bat mitzva tour of the Cave of Machpela in Hevron, a site recognized by the government as an official heritage site, when four terrorists ambushed it with firebombs.

The mother of one of the girls, who was accompanying the trip, told Arutz Sheva that the ambush had been well planned. She described moments of horror when the firebombs exploded, one after the other, on the bus'swindows, east of the Halhoul bridge, as the bus made its way back from Hevron.

Read more at:

Israel News | Israel's #1 News Site - Arutz Sheva
Animals will be animals.

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