Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

So you know for a fact that all of the fire fighters there were Conservatives??? :doubt:

The ones agreeing with the decision on this thread are.
And every member of the county board are republican.. And I'm pretty sure the decision to not put the fire out came from them. The firemen were just scared of losing their job.. But I woulda just done the right thing.

You are aware that you're being silly, right? No one is gonna take you seriously with comments like 'I'm pretty sure....' because that's tantamount to saying I ASS U me. Nor do you know that the firemen were 'scared of losing their jobs'.

I dunno why else the firemen would just stand by and let the house burn. Unless they were conservatives, and just trying to teach that unresponsible bastard (who forgot to pay a $75 fee, and later tried to pay as MUCH AS IT TOOK) a lesson by letting him lose his home and everything in it.
You know, this guy DID have a fire before, and asked them to put it out and he'd pay the 75 bucks the following day (which he did).

My question is, why the fuck did this fire chief refuse when the last one didn't?

Compassionate conservative? That is a long gone myth, greed has taken over many in the GOP today, which is why their attitude is "fuck you, I've got mine". You see the same thing with health care and other things as well.

Y'know...........considering that Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), stated that yes, we do have a duty to help others, kinda makes me wonder why the current crop of conservatives keep asking "WWJD" and then do the exact opposite?

I'm pretty sure that if Yeshua came back today and saw the behavior of people like this, He'd be pretty pissed off.
why should this guy be allowed to pay $75 only when he has a fire and everyone else has to pay it yearly? Seems like you libturds want to reward DUmmies such as yourselves. Beats the hella outta me why you would do that.
Yea, I can just see free market fire men responding to a house file.

They arrive and pull out the small portable credit card machine and say, "Please swipe your Visa or Master Card".

"Oh, you say it's inside the burning house in your wallet".

"Well do you know your banks routing number"?

"Otherwise, we won't be able to help you".

"You don't know the authorization number either"?

"Sorry, we couldn't be of any help"

"Hey boys, don't turn on the water and start rolling up the hoses"
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why should this guy be allowed to pay $75 only when he has a fire and everyone else has to pay it yearly? Seems like you libturds want to reward DUmmies such as yourselves. Beats the hella outta me why you would do that.

I have a better solution. They can pay $75 for a yearly service with a $500 service charge, or $8000 for a show up and put your fire out charge.

Choices... its all about choices.
why should this guy be allowed to pay $75 only when he has a fire and everyone else has to pay it yearly? Seems like you libturds want to reward DUmmies such as yourselves. Beats the hella outta me why you would do that.

I have a better solution. They can pay $75 for a yearly service with a $500 service charge, or $8000 for a show up and put your fire out charge.

Choices... its all about choices.

:lol::lol: is that cash? cause he can weasel out with a check or a credit card.
They could always outsource fire services to India! :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Out sourcing To India[/ame]
This event was caused by this Homeowner's lack of personal responsibility.

I have lived all over and in many rural counties this is the norm with some exceptions.

You pay your annual Fire Protection Fee or the folks will not respond to your address.

In one County I lived in, the Volunteer Fire Dept would respond to all calls with a subsequent charge of 500.00 for responding to those addresses who refused to pay the fee which by the way pays for equipment, maintanence, fuel, expendables and training.

So many people "refused" to pay the 500.00 for saving their property, the VFD had no choice but to stop responding to those who abandon all pretense of "Personal Responsibility."

Only a True Leftist would criticize this Policy.
You know, this guy DID have a fire before, and asked them to put it out and he'd pay the 75 bucks the following day (which he did).

My question is, why the fuck did this fire chief refuse when the last one didn't?

Compassionate conservative? That is a long gone myth, greed has taken over many in the GOP today, which is why their attitude is "fuck you, I've got mine". You see the same thing with health care and other things as well.

Y'know...........considering that Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), stated that yes, we do have a duty to help others, kinda makes me wonder why the current crop of conservatives keep asking "WWJD" and then do the exact opposite?

I'm pretty sure that if Yeshua came back today and saw the behavior of people like this, He'd be pretty pissed off.

The last time he saw what was going and tried to change people's hearts, they hung him up on a cross to die a miserable death.

I doubt he'll be making that mistake again any time soon.
You know, this guy DID have a fire before, and asked them to put it out and he'd pay the 75 bucks the following day (which he did).

My question is, why the fuck did this fire chief refuse when the last one didn't?

Compassionate conservative? That is a long gone myth, greed has taken over many in the GOP today, which is why their attitude is "fuck you, I've got mine". You see the same thing with health care and other things as well.

Y'know...........considering that Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), stated that yes, we do have a duty to help others, kinda makes me wonder why the current crop of conservatives keep asking "WWJD" and then do the exact opposite?

I'm pretty sure that if Yeshua came back today and saw the behavior of people like this, He'd be pretty pissed off.

My question is why didn't this guy learn a lesson from the first fire and pay the bill when it came due instead of assuming he'd be bailed out again?
The ones agreeing with the decision on this thread are.
And every member of the county board are republican.. And I'm pretty sure the decision to not put the fire out came from them. The firemen were just scared of losing their job.. But I woulda just done the right thing.

You are aware that you're being silly, right? No one is gonna take you seriously with comments like 'I'm pretty sure....' because that's tantamount to saying I ASS U me. Nor do you know that the firemen were 'scared of losing their jobs'.

I dunno why else the firemen would just stand by and let the house burn. Unless they were conservatives, and just trying to teach that unresponsible bastard (who forgot to pay a $75 fee, and later tried to pay as MUCH AS IT TOOK) a lesson by letting him lose his home and everything in it.

They cut him a break on a previous fire and let him pay afterwards. How many breaks should they give him? Why should he get continuous breaks when everyone else pays the yearly fee?
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You know, this guy DID have a fire before, and asked them to put it out and he'd pay the 75 bucks the following day (which he did).

My question is, why the fuck did this fire chief refuse when the last one didn't?

Compassionate conservative? That is a long gone myth, greed has taken over many in the GOP today, which is why their attitude is "fuck you, I've got mine". You see the same thing with health care and other things as well.

Y'know...........considering that Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), stated that yes, we do have a duty to help others, kinda makes me wonder why the current crop of conservatives keep asking "WWJD" and then do the exact opposite?

I'm pretty sure that if Yeshua came back today and saw the behavior of people like this, He'd be pretty pissed off.

My question is why didn't this guy learn a lesson from the first fire and pay the bill when it came due instead of assuming he'd be bailed out again?

Because he's stupid cracker.

Still no reason to let his house burn down though.
For all the Leftist retards hereabouts, another factoid to further hurt your limp wrists and put another wad in your silk panties.

Contract Law.

There is most likely a Clause written into this Homeowners Insurance Policy that stipulates that Fire Protection must be "carried" at all times.

So not only did his house burn down but he will NOT be reimbursed for his loss AND if he has a Mortgage the Mortgage Comapany has the absolute right to "Call" his Mortgage as due and payable "in full" immediately.

But I suppose all those here from the very shallow end of the gene pool will lobby for the Taxpayers, that is those people who are responsible, to buy this irresponsible individual a new home.

Sad that these folks are even allowed near a Voting Booth much less inside one.
In my town they won't pick up your trash unless to pay a monthly fee. I am OPPRESSED!!! It is a public health issue, they really need to take it.
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Again.. this was not public property to be protected by the public system, this is indeed PRIVATE property and a personal responsibility

You mean the city of Oaklandtown is not responsible for mowing my yard, raking the leaves, cleaning the gutters, and most important of all WASHING THE WINDOWS?!?!?!?!!?

For all the Leftist retards hereabouts, another factoid to further hurt your limp wrists and put another wad in your silk panties.

Contract Law.

There is most likely a Clause written into this Homeowners Insurance Policy that stipulates that Fire Protection must be "carried" at all times.

So not only did his house burn down but he will NOT be reimbursed for his loss AND if he has a Mortgage the Mortgage Comapany has the absolute right to "Call" his Mortgage as due and payable "in full" immediately.

But I suppose all those here from the very shallow end of the gene pool will lobby for the Taxpayers, that is those people who are responsible, to buy this irresponsible individual a new home.

Sad that these folks are even allowed near a Voting Booth much less inside one.


The Obion County, Tenn. family whose home burned on Sept. 29 while firefighters watched from their truck has insurance to payoff their mortgage but not enough to cover everything lost or to rebuild, according to the family and their insurance agent.

The fire chief of the nearby city of South Fulton refused to put out the fire that took the home of Gene and Paulette Cranick because they were not on the list of property owners who had paid the $75 annual subscription fee for fire protection services. Property owners outside the South Fulton city limits must pay a fee if they want the service; the county does not offer fire service.

Paulette Cranick said they had been away and forgot to pay the fee this year but have paid it in years past. The Cranicks have lived on the farm for 40 years, 21 of them in the modular home that burned.

The family has coverage with Farm Bureau Insurance through local agent, Josh Simmons, who raced to the scene of the fire as soon as he learned about it. Simmons says the insurance company would not refuse or reduce payouts on the fire loss just because the fee has not been paid. Neither Cranick nor Simmons would confirm the amount of the policy.

"It's not enough to rebuild but it's better than nothing at all," said Paulette Cranick.

The home reportedly caught fire after a trash-burning fire started by the Cranicks' grandson grew out of control. The Cranicks said they called 911 but the fire department from the South Fulton city fire department would not respond because they were not on the list of subscribers.

The firemen only acted after the Cranicks' fire spread to an adjacent field. They are required to respond to brush fires, according to Simmons. But that did not help the Cranicks.

"It [the Cranicks' home] could have been saved, no doubt," said Simmons.

Simmons said he knows of one other time this has happened. He said the insurance policy has a provision for a reduction in payouts if a fire protection service has not been subscribed but that the insurer has not enforced that in these situations.

The Cranicks said they also forgot to pay their fire service fee on time about three years ago. But the fire department then did not hesitate to put out a chimney fire and let them pay the fee the next day.
Tennessee Tragedy: Family Had No Fire Service But Had Some Insurance
You know, this guy DID have a fire before, and asked them to put it out and he'd pay the 75 bucks the following day (which he did).

My question is, why the fuck did this fire chief refuse when the last one didn't?

Compassionate conservative? That is a long gone myth, greed has taken over many in the GOP today, which is why their attitude is "fuck you, I've got mine". You see the same thing with health care and other things as well.

Y'know...........considering that Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), stated that yes, we do have a duty to help others, kinda makes me wonder why the current crop of conservatives keep asking "WWJD" and then do the exact opposite?

I'm pretty sure that if Yeshua came back today and saw the behavior of people like this, He'd be pretty pissed off.

And this attitude is why ObamaCare is guaranteed to be a dismal financially devastating failure - perhaps the most epic in modern history.

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