Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

I was noticing Tennessee does thing differently was well Ravi. Your comment to me about how the tax rates were determined prompted the search . Thanks.
Yea, I can just see free market fire men responding to a house file.

They arrive and pull out the small portable credit card machine and say, "Please swipe your Visa or Master Card".

"Oh, you say it's inside the burning house in your wallet".

"Well do you know your banks routing number"?

"Otherwise, we won't be able to help you".

"You don't know the authorization number either"?

"Sorry, we couldn't be of any help"

"Hey boys, don't turn on the water and start rolling up the hoses"

Yep that's how it would happen too.
Wow, look at all those county commissioners on the payroll ! :eusa_whistle:

The REPUBLICAN mayor you are dissing is not the mayor of the jurisdiction in which Crannick lives. He lives in the unincorporated county.

Try again.

:rolleyes: Try what again???

You don't understand the difference between serving as mayor of a city and sitting on a county commission? He can't legally divert resources from the city to the county while acting as a county commissioner. As mayor, he is responsible for following the city's policies.
As I said earlier, this guy's biggest problem isn't that he's now homeless, it's that he is a fucking idiot.

The only reason we're even talking about him is because he's too stupid to be responsible for himself and his property. That being the case, fuck him and his house.
I'm reminded of the scene in "Magnificent Obsession" in which a defibrillator is borrowed to save Rock Hudson's life. The person from whom it is borrowed dies because it is not available when he needs it.

The problem with thinking that those who refuse to pay should be saved at the expense of those who do is that inevitably, the resources will not be there for those who footed the bills.

or like in this case and many other cases in history(Chicago), they wont out one person's fire, and someone who paid loses their house because of that choice. or in this case part of their property burns up. If I was the neighbor I would be asking why the fire department didn't prevent the field from catching on fire.

I would be a little pissed if the Fire Department I pay for, lets my neighbors house burn, which then catches my house on fire.
I grew up in a Volunteer Fire Department on Long Island, where walking away from a fire was unheard of. Different communities around the country play by different rules. What would seem justified in a community that charges $75.00 a year for fire protection, that gives you a choice whether you want to participate or not, could also to give you the option to pay 5X, or 10X, just for being stupid. Like a PIA charge (Pain In The Ass).

What is interesting is that some will argue to justify uncompensated mandatory servitude as if it is an entitlement for the stupid to benefit from what they neither contribute to or participate in. Was the home owner a Volunteer Fireman????? Did the home owner participate in any volunteer community organization????? I disagree with the choice to watch the property burn, but I respect that it was their choice to make. I don't see the decision as political at all.
Yea, I can just see free market fire men responding to a house file.

They arrive and pull out the small portable credit card machine and say, "Please swipe your Visa or Master Card".

"Oh, you say it's inside the burning house in your wallet".

"Well do you know your banks routing number"?

"Otherwise, we won't be able to help you".

"You don't know the authorization number either"?

"Sorry, we couldn't be of any help"

"Hey boys, don't turn on the water and start rolling up the hoses"

Yep that's how it would happen too.
The Great Chicago Fire is a prime example of what would happen.
The guy's grandson started the trash fire that burn his house down and threated the neighbors.
I'm reminded of the scene in "Magnificent Obsession" in which a defibrillator is borrowed to save Rock Hudson's life. The person from whom it is borrowed dies because it is not available when he needs it.

The problem with thinking that those who refuse to pay should be saved at the expense of those who do is that inevitably, the resources will not be there for those who footed the bills.

or like in this case and many other cases in history(Chicago), they wont out one person's fire, and someone who paid loses their house because of that choice. or in this case part of their property burns up. If I was the neighbor I would be asking why the fire department didn't prevent the field from catching on fire.

I would be a little pissed if the Fire Department I pay for, lets my neighbors house burn, which then catches my house on fire.

The fire fighters were there and protected the paying neighbor's property.

I personally wouldn't be happy if this happened either - but would fault my neighbor for being irresponsible and putting the rest of us at risk.
In my city and county, even if you set the fire they still fight it, mostly so other's dont lose their homes. They are just smart enough to bill you for the cost of it later, not let your house or neighbors land catch on fire.
I'm reminded of the scene in "Magnificent Obsession" in which a defibrillator is borrowed to save Rock Hudson's life. The person from whom it is borrowed dies because it is not available when he needs it.

The problem with thinking that those who refuse to pay should be saved at the expense of those who do is that inevitably, the resources will not be there for those who footed the bills.

or like in this case and many other cases in history(Chicago), they wont out one person's fire, and someone who paid loses their house because of that choice. or in this case part of their property burns up. If I was the neighbor I would be asking why the fire department didn't prevent the field from catching on fire.

I would be a little pissed if the Fire Department I pay for, lets my neighbors house burn, which then catches my house on fire.

The fire started in the homeowner's back yard when his grandson was burning trash; it started on his property. The fire department did act when the fire spread to a house where the homeowners did pay the $75 fee.
Yea, I can just see free market fire men responding to a house file.

They arrive and pull out the small portable credit card machine and say, "Please swipe your Visa or Master Card".

"Oh, you say it's inside the burning house in your wallet".

"Well do you know your banks routing number"?

"Otherwise, we won't be able to help you".

"You don't know the authorization number either"?

"Sorry, we couldn't be of any help"

"Hey boys, don't turn on the water and start rolling up the hoses"

Yep that's how it would happen too.
The Great Chicago Fire is a prime example of what would happen.

A crowded city is not analogous to an unincorporated rural area. There is no one size fits all solution. The solution the county came up with worked for 20 years. The one problem in that time was due to someone who decided to be a free loader.
Yea, I can just see free market fire men responding to a house file.

They arrive and pull out the small portable credit card machine and say, "Please swipe your Visa or Master Card".

"Oh, you say it's inside the burning house in your wallet".

"Well do you know your banks routing number"?

"Otherwise, we won't be able to help you".

"You don't know the authorization number either"?

"Sorry, we couldn't be of any help"

"Hey boys, don't turn on the water and start rolling up the hoses"

Yep that's how it would happen too.
The Great Chicago Fire is a prime example of what would happen.


Wikipedia states:

The city's fire department did not receive the first alarm until 9:40 p.m., when a fire alarm was pulled at a pharmacy. The fire department was alerted when the fire was still small. When the blaze got bigger, the guard realized that there actually was a new fire and sent firefighters, but in the wrong direction.

Great Chicago Fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a "city fire department" is somehow an example of something a free market fire department would do?
The guy's grandson started the trash fire that burn his house down and threated the neighbors.

And killed his pets. :( :(

That's the part that bothers me the most - the pets.

Why the moron grandson was burning a pile of trash big enough to get out of control demonstrates a complete and utter sense of responsibility.

I still can't figure out why the family didn't get the pets out of the house when they saw the fire getting out of control. Would have been the first thing I did.
Yep that's how it would happen too.
The Great Chicago Fire is a prime example of what would happen.

A crowded city is not analogous to an unincorporated rural area. There is no one size fits all solution. The solution the county came up with worked for 20 years. The one problem in that time was due to someone who decided to be a free loader.

He has lived there since before 1990. Which means he has paid 19 years, one year late. I wouldn't call him a free loader. How about the 20 years before that, when he probably paid another way for fire service? So, that is 39 years of supporting the fire department, and the one year he doesn't pay they let his house burn down.
I would say the Fire Department is free loading assholes.
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is *CWN's* take on just what should happen now that this happened.
2. First off, the Fire Chief should be drop kicked out the front door of his building.
3. Whoever came up with this idea of a *Fee* for fire protection, needs to be sued.
4. Anyone who voted for this measure should be sued.
5. Anyone claiming it was a good idea during the time it was put into place, they should be sued for being stupid.
6. Then lets get on to this poor bastard who's house was watched burn down.
7. He should sue the fire department to build him a brand spankin new house, and the fire fighters themselves should be made to build it, and not be paid a cent.
8. This law of *Feeing* fire protection service should be struck down.
9. Then they all should have a big Bar-B-Q, in the guys front lawn to celebrate getting things back to normal.
10. That about covers what *CWN* thinks should take place now.

And killed his pets. :( :(

That's the part that bothers me the most - the pets.

Why the moron grandson was burning a pile of trash big enough to get out of control demonstrates a complete and utter sense of responsibility.

I still can't figure out why the family didn't get the pets out of the house when they saw the fire getting out of control. Would have been the first thing I did.

This is the same family that didn't pay the $75 to insure the house wouldn't burn up...for at least the second time.

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