Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Notice the guy HAD $75, he just thought he could greedily hold on to it.

The county could have directed money to the city for coverage, but greedily wanted to use it for other purposes.

The generous people here were city residents who allowed their equipment and people to be used for fire protection at a cost of $75 a year per rural property.
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is *CWN's* take on just what should happen now that this happened.
2. First off, the Fire Chief should be drop kicked out the front door of his building.
3. Whoever came up with this idea of a *Fee* for fire protection, needs to be sued.
4. Anyone who voted for this measure should be sued.
5. Anyone claiming it was a good idea during the time it was put into place, they should be sued for being stupid.
6. Then lets get on to this poor bastard who's house was watched burn down.
7. He should sue the fire department to build him a brand spankin new house, and the fire fighters themselves should be made to build it, and not be paid a cent.
8. This law of *Feeing* fire protection service should be struck down.
9. Then they all should have a big Bar-B-Q, in the guys front lawn to celebrate getting things back to normal.
10. That about covers what *CWN* thinks should take place now.


Sorry bout that . . . . you didn't read the thread, did you?
That's the part that bothers me the most - the pets.

Why the moron grandson was burning a pile of trash big enough to get out of control demonstrates a complete and utter sense of responsibility.

I still can't figure out why the family didn't get the pets out of the house when they saw the fire getting out of control. Would have been the first thing I did.

This is the same family that didn't pay the $75 to insure the house wouldn't burn up...for at least the second time.

They 'forgot' to pay the fee . . . . . they 'forgot' to save their pets?? :eek:
And killed his pets. :( :(

That's the part that bothers me the most - the pets.

Why the moron grandson was burning a pile of trash big enough to get out of control demonstrates a complete and utter sense of responsibility.

I still can't figure out why the family didn't get the pets out of the house when they saw the fire getting out of control. Would have been the first thing I did.

Animals hide. When my parents house caught on fire we couldn't find our cat, a fireman ended up finding her under a bed when the fire was out.

Speaking of our fire. We had only lived in our house for five months when it happened. I doubt my parents had paid their state taxes or property taxes for the year, good thing the fire department still put out our fire. For one, beside only living the house for five months, we had only lived in the state for five months.
I still can't figure out why the family didn't get the pets out of the house when they saw the fire getting out of control. Would have been the first thing I did.

This is the same family that didn't pay the $75 to insure the house wouldn't burn up...for at least the second time.

They 'forgot' to pay the fee . . . . . they 'forgot' to save their pets?? :eek:

Obviously you have never had pets or a house fire.
The Great Chicago Fire is a prime example of what would happen.

A crowded city is not analogous to an unincorporated rural area. There is no one size fits all solution. The solution the county came up with worked for 20 years. The one problem in that time was due to someone who decided to be a free loader.

He has lived there since before 1990. Which means he has paid 19 years, one year late. I wouldn't call him a free loader. How about the 20 years before that, when he probably paid another way for fire service? So, that is 39 years of supporting the fire department, and the one year he doesn't pay they let his house burn down.
I would say the Fire Department is free loading assholes.

No. The firefighters are paid by a city in which they serve. The homeowner was allowed to pay after the fact one time. He then assumed he'd get a free pass for not paying in the future.

His bad.

Do I think this program is a good idea and would I want it in my neighborhood? No.

But the people in the unincorporated county have used it for 20 years with one unfortunate incident. Making public policy due to the irresponsibility of one idiot is generally a bad idea, but in this case, an amended policy of "here's a big giant fee you will have to pay if you don't pay your subscription and the fire brigade has to show up at your house" would be a decent change.
The Great Chicago Fire is a prime example of what would happen.

A crowded city is not analogous to an unincorporated rural area. There is no one size fits all solution. The solution the county came up with worked for 20 years. The one problem in that time was due to someone who decided to be a free loader.

He has lived there since before 1990. Which means he has paid 19 years, one year late. I wouldn't call him a free loader. How about the 20 years before that, when he probably paid another way for fire service? So, that is 39 years of supporting the fire department, and the one year he doesn't pay they let his house burn down.
I would say the Fire Department is free loading assholes.

No, the first time he didn't pay the gave him a pass; they put out the fire and let him pay after wards. If that had been me I would have made damn sure that bill got paid on time cause I wouldn't assume they'd give me the same break second time around.
That's the part that bothers me the most - the pets.

Why the moron grandson was burning a pile of trash big enough to get out of control demonstrates a complete and utter sense of responsibility.

That bothers me too.

:lol: We searched for our cat for awhile before we left the house. Animals hide, it is in their nature.

They could have opened the front door and called for the dogs. Dogs usually come running.
I wonder if there are any laws covering the burning of barrels of trash in this rural area.
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is *CWN's* take on just what should happen now that this happened.
2. First off, the Fire Chief should be drop kicked out the front door of his building.
3. Whoever came up with this idea of a *Fee* for fire protection, needs to be sued.
4. Anyone who voted for this measure should be sued.
5. Anyone claiming it was a good idea during the time it was put into place, they should be sued for being stupid.
6. Then lets get on to this poor bastard who's house was watched burn down.
7. He should sue the fire department to build him a brand spankin new house, and the fire fighters themselves should be made to build it, and not be paid a cent.
8. This law of *Feeing* fire protection service should be struck down.
9. Then they all should have a big Bar-B-Q, in the guys front lawn to celebrate getting things back to normal.
10. That about covers what *CWN* thinks should take place now.


If If If Only You were King Of The Jungle!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
why should this guy be allowed to pay $75 only when he has a fire and everyone else has to pay it yearly? Seems like you libturds want to reward DUmmies such as yourselves. Beats the hella outta me why you would do that.

I have a better solution. They can pay $75 for a yearly service with a $500 service charge, or $8000 for a show up and put your fire out charge.

Choices... its all about choices.

:lol::lol: is that cash? cause he can weasel out with a check or a credit card.

[ame=]YouTube - hamburger[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is *CWN's* take on just what should happen now that this happened.
2. First off, the Fire Chief should be drop kicked out the front door of his building.
3. Whoever came up with this idea of a *Fee* for fire protection, needs to be sued.
4. Anyone who voted for this measure should be sued.
5. Anyone claiming it was a good idea during the time it was put into place, they should be sued for being stupid.
6. Then lets get on to this poor bastard who's house was watched burn down.
7. He should sue the fire department to build him a brand spankin new house, and the fire fighters themselves should be made to build it, and not be paid a cent.
8. This law of *Feeing* fire protection service should be struck down.
9. Then they all should have a big Bar-B-Q, in the guys front lawn to celebrate getting things back to normal.
10. That about covers what *CWN* thinks should take place now.


If If If Only You were King Of The Jungle!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wrong type of vegetation. Here's a more apropos version.

[ame=]If I Were King Of The Forest[/ame]
The REPUBLICAN mayor you are dissing is not the mayor of the jurisdiction in which Crannick lives. He lives in the unincorporated county.

Try again.

:rolleyes: Try what again???

You don't understand the difference between serving as mayor of a city and sitting on a county commission? He can't legally divert resources from the city to the county while acting as a county commissioner. As mayor, he is responsible for following the city's policies.

First you said I dissed the mayor and now you're pretending to know what I understand. :cuckoo:

You do understand recognizing the mayor is a Republican wasn't meant as a dis, right? :lol: Sorry the facts upset you so.....

I said: WOW look at all the commissioners on the payroll !

"A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican"

1)County Commissioner Tim Doyle, 1210 North Highway 45 West
2)County Commissioner Kenneth Barnes, 5765 Mt. Olive Road
3)County Commissioner Sam Sinclair, 1607 Stonewall Drive
4)County Commissioner James Bondurant, 2225 Wedgewood Drive
5)County Commissioner Jerry Grady, 3043 Possum Trott Road
6)County Commissioner Ned Bigelow, 1121 Polk Station Road
7)County Commissioner John Crocker, 133 Fourth Street
8)County Commissioner Richard Arnold, 1421 Forest Drive
9)County Commissioner Norma Fowler, 1213 Fairway Avenue
10)County Commissioner Paul Albright, 3698 Elbridge Obion Road
11)County Commissioner Terry Roberts, 976 Campground Road
12)County Commissioner Dean Jowers, 5441 Jack Douglas Road
13)County Commissioner Donnie Braswell, 5304 Ken Tenn Highway
14)County Commissioner Ralph Puckett, 8733 East Pierce Station Road
15)County Commissioner Terry Dwyer, 232 Glass Street
16)County Commissioner Polk Glover, 510 West Black Lane Road
17)County Commissioner Kenneth Cheatham, 2146 Oakshire Road
18)County Commissioner Henry Nohsey, P.O. Box 1
19)County Commissioner H. Dwayne Hensley, 515 North Clover Street
20)County Commissioner Danny Jowers, 202 West College Street
21)County Commissioner Cloney Taylor, 2225 Southmeade Street
Where is the information that they are on a payroll?

And what does that have to do with a City which is a separate entity altogether?
This info is from the Tennessee County tax manual from 2005 :

For county general purposes, counties may levy an ad valorem tax on all property subject to
this form of taxation.394 “County general purpose levy” means a levy for all county purposes
except roads, bridges, schools, debt service, sinking funds and levies pursuant to special tax
laws.395 In addition to the levy for general purposes, the county may levy taxes to (1) build,
extend or repair, any courthouse, jail or public office for county purposes;396 (2) provide funds
for the purpose of securing humane treatment of animals
;397 (3) pay a judgment against the
county;398 (4) provide funds for the operation of a county fire department; 399 (5) provide funds
for the collection and disposal of garbage;400 (6) provide funds for a public library;401 (7)
provide funds for the operation and maintenance of county schools;402 (8) repay loans for
capital projects;403 (9) repay loans for the purchase of fire equipment;404 (10) repay loans made
to an airport authority or municipal airport which are guaranteed by the county;405 and (11)
repay loans for capital projects for kindergarten through grade twelve educational purposes.406
This list is not exhaustive, for example, some counties have been granted the authority by
private act to levy property taxes for highway, road or bridge purposes.$FILE/CountyPropertyTax2005.pdf

The county legislative body sets the rate of the tax, which under general law should be done
by the first Monday in July, or shortly thereafter.407 Under the County Financial Management
System of 1981, the county budget committee presents the proposed budget, along with a tax
levy resolution, to the county legislative body
, which adopts a budget in July.408
This info is from the Tennessee County tax manual from 2005 :

For county general purposes, counties may levy an ad valorem tax on all property subject to
this form of taxation.394 “County general purpose levy” means a levy for all county purposes
except roads, bridges, schools, debt service, sinking funds and levies pursuant to special tax
laws.395 In addition to the levy for general purposes, the county may levy taxes to (1) build,
extend or repair, any courthouse, jail or public office for county purposes;396 (2) provide funds
for the purpose of securing humane treatment of animals
;397 (3) pay a judgment against the
county;398 (4) provide funds for the operation of a county fire department; 399 (5) provide funds
for the collection and disposal of garbage;400 (6) provide funds for a public library;401 (7)
provide funds for the operation and maintenance of county schools;402 (8) repay loans for
capital projects;403 (9) repay loans for the purchase of fire equipment;404 (10) repay loans made
to an airport authority or municipal airport which are guaranteed by the county;405 and (11)
repay loans for capital projects for kindergarten through grade twelve educational purposes.406
This list is not exhaustive, for example, some counties have been granted the authority by
private act to levy property taxes for highway, road or bridge purposes.$FILE/CountyPropertyTax2005.pdf

The county legislative body sets the rate of the tax, which under general law should be done
by the first Monday in July, or shortly thereafter.407 Under the County Financial Management
System of 1981, the county budget committee presents the proposed budget, along with a tax
levy resolution, to the county legislative body
, which adopts a budget in July.408

so, nothing stopping them from providing fire protection?

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