Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

At the risk of repeating something that may have already been posted in one of the 880 previous posts:

What's the big deal? Now if they showed up with coat hangers and marshmallows......
This info is from the Tennessee County tax manual from 2005 :

For county general purposes, counties may levy an ad valorem tax on all property subject to
this form of taxation.394 “County general purpose levy” means a levy for all county purposes
except roads, bridges, schools, debt service, sinking funds and levies pursuant to special tax
laws.395 In addition to the levy for general purposes, the county may levy taxes to (1) build,
extend or repair, any courthouse, jail or public office for county purposes;396 (2) provide funds
for the purpose of securing humane treatment of animals
;397 (3) pay a judgment against the
county;398 (4) provide funds for the operation of a county fire department; 399 (5) provide funds
for the collection and disposal of garbage;400 (6) provide funds for a public library;401 (7)
provide funds for the operation and maintenance of county schools;402 (8) repay loans for
capital projects;403 (9) repay loans for the purchase of fire equipment;404 (10) repay loans made
to an airport authority or municipal airport which are guaranteed by the county;405 and (11)
repay loans for capital projects for kindergarten through grade twelve educational purposes.406
This list is not exhaustive, for example, some counties have been granted the authority by
private act to levy property taxes for highway, road or bridge purposes.$FILE/CountyPropertyTax2005.pdf

The county legislative body sets the rate of the tax, which under general law should be done
by the first Monday in July, or shortly thereafter.407 Under the County Financial Management
System of 1981, the county budget committee presents the proposed budget, along with a tax
levy resolution, to the county legislative body
, which adopts a budget in July.408

so, nothing stopping them from providing fire protection?

Actually, there is....over $5M in start up capital costs. County...tation Presented to the County Commission.pdf
Countywide tax too, so the city folk get to help pay for fire protection they don't need. Nice.
No... The government is in place to protect the citizenry... not inherently individual citizens that are not wards of the state and who can take care of little personal responsibilities such as getting water or paying $75 for annual fire protection from a neighboring town
The citizenry consists of the citizens. While I can understand a water fee, I absolutely do not see a comparison between a water fee (where water is delivered to you via a pipeline
) and the fire department. The government has an obligation to protect its citizenry, fee or no fee. And to boot, that property owner offered to fork up the "owed" money. What kind of sick shit is it that they still refused to put out the fire? Defend that.
Again.. this was not public property to be protected by the public system, this is indeed PRIVATE property and a personal responsibility
I'm sure that these private property owners still pay property taxes. On top of that, unless you expect every private property owner to have their own private fire department, your argument is absurd.

Protection of the individual, however, is not the same as protection of the union or of the citizenry as a whole

Nice try though

The property owner offered after the fact... you gonna walk up to a casino roulette wheel and scream how you intended to make the bet after the spin happened? You going to scream that you can now pay for insurance after you come down with a horrific injury? The ignoramus played the betting game and lost his gamble of not having his house catch fire when he TURNED DOWN A SERVICE OFFERED OF HIS OWN FREE WILL....

The twit did not pay taxes to the municipality where the fire rescue came from.. and the area in which he lives has no dedicated public service for fire protection.... they were given the option to have the protection for a very small fee.. they refused... you roll the dice, you accept the consequences and take your chances... he came up snake eyes... too bad, too sad

We are an individualistic society. The good of the one whose house is on fire outweighs the good of the many whose houses aren't on fire. That is why we have emergency services: For emergencies.
They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.

so your saying everyone involved was a Conservative?.....there were no liberals anywhere.....none of the fireman,none of the neighbors.....everyone was a Conservative?.....i find that hard to believe.....
They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.

so your saying everyone involved was a Conservative?.....there were no liberals anywhere.....none of the fireman,none of the neighbors.....everyone was a Conservative?.....i find that hard to believe.....

Just curious...does anyone know what his guy was.... D or R?
This event was caused by this Homeowner's lack of personal responsibility.

I have lived all over and in many rural counties this is the norm with some exceptions.

You pay your annual Fire Protection Fee or the folks will not respond to your address.

In one County I lived in, the Volunteer Fire Dept would respond to all calls with a subsequent charge of 500.00 for responding to those addresses who refused to pay the fee which by the way pays for equipment, maintanence, fuel, expendables and training.

So many people "refused" to pay the 500.00 for saving their property, the VFD had no choice but to stop responding to those who abandon all pretense of "Personal Responsibility."

Only a True Leftist would criticize this Policy.

Only a true Fascist would support this policy.
The ones agreeing with the decision on this thread are.
And every member of the county board are republican.. And I'm pretty sure the decision to not put the fire out came from them. The firemen were just scared of losing their job.. But I woulda just done the right thing.

if they are volunteers.....and their not getting paid.....then what job are they losing? i said earlier.....REAL Firemen would have put the blaze out and worried about the repercussions later.....and if they would have been fired im sure the press corp would give the Council there some nice negative publicity.....which im sure this council is going to get because of this anyway.....and some heads may roll because of this too.........
Countywide tax too, so the city folk get to help pay for fire protection they don't need. Nice.

Check out the tax rates per city and county entities:

Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury - Division of Municipal Audit

The people who live in the unincorporated areas pay $1.95 per unit of assessed value; the city of Obion pays $3.50.

Anyone who chooses to live in the unincorporated area is choosing a lower level of infrastructure and services - hence the opt in fee for supplemental services.
I dunno why else the firemen would just stand by and let the house burn. Unless they were conservatives, and just trying to teach that unresponsible bastard (who forgot to pay a $75 fee, and later tried to pay as MUCH AS IT TOOK) a lesson by letting him lose his home and everything in it.

so your saying NO Liberals would feel the same way? Spock would say.....FASCINATING....
I just watched part of the press Briefing by the Fire Chief of South Fulton, TN on WMC-TV (Ch 5) out of Memphis.

Obion County has 8 Municipalities with Fire Departments all of which are funded by Municipal Property Taxes received from Property Owners within their respective Towns.

Obion County has NO Fire Department thus no Property Taxes from the Unincorporated parts of the County go to fire protection.

The entire Unincorporated parts of the County receive Fire Services from Volunteer Fire Departments that are funded strictly by "Subscription."

It is your Personal Responsibility to insure that your "Subscrition" is current.

It is well understood by the Citizens in Obion County that the old adage of "No Tickie...No Laundry" applies.

The lefties will once again get their silk panties all in a wad but a line in the sand had to be drawn.

Good for the folks in Obion County whom through tough love are teaching the tenent of Personal Responsibility.

The Chief also mentioned the death threats along with the venemous and hateful phone calls and email.

I suspect the FBI will get involved shortly.
I just watched part of the press Briefing by the Fire Chief of South Fulton, TN on WMC-TV (Ch 5) out of Memphis.

Obion County has 8 Municipalities with Fire Departments all of which are funded by Municipal Property Taxes received from Property Owners within their respective Towns.

Obion County has NO Fire Department thus no Property Taxes from the Unincorporated parts of the County go to fire protection.

The entire Unincorporated parts of the County receive Fire Services from Volunteer Fire Departments that are funded strictly by "Subscription."

It is your Personal Responsibility to insure that your "Subscrition" is current.

It is well understood by the Citizens in Obion County that the old adage of "No Tickie...No Laundry" applies.

The lefties will once again get their silk panties all in a wad but a line in the sand had to be drawn.

Good for the folks in Obion County whom through tough love are teaching the tenent of Personal Responsibility.

The Chief also mentioned the death threats along with the venemous and hateful phone calls and email.

I suspect the FBI will get involved shortly.

No, those 21 county commissioners failed to represent the best interest of the county population...their leadership failed in it's responsibility to the citizens.
Then the population can vote them out of office if they agree with you.
You know, this guy DID have a fire before, and asked them to put it out and he'd pay the 75 bucks the following day (which he did).

My question is, why the fuck did this fire chief refuse when the last one didn't?

Compassionate conservative? That is a long gone myth, greed has taken over many in the GOP today, which is why their attitude is "fuck you, I've got mine". You see the same thing with health care and other things as well.

Y'know...........considering that Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), stated that yes, we do have a duty to help others, kinda makes me wonder why the current crop of conservatives keep asking "WWJD" and then do the exact opposite?

I'm pretty sure that if Yeshua came back today and saw the behavior of people like this, He'd be pretty pissed off.

well yea i agree....but im sure there will be quite a few Liberals who will be doing some fast talking too....
What if there were kids in the house when it was burning down? Are the children responsible for their parents not paying the fee? Should the kids suffer, get burned, maybe die, because their parents did not pay a $75 fee?

Someone should think about this before creating laws that can cause innocent people to suffer.
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We are an individualistic society. The good of the one whose house is on fire outweighs the good of the many whose houses aren't on fire. That is why we have emergency services: For emergencies.

Was this just a brain fart, or are you normally this dense?

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