Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

The greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

Another idiot!!

You people are dispicable. Did you see the homeowner? He obviously wasn't very bright, but did work, and probably worked hard to get whatever he had. He realized that he hadn't paid the bill and offered to take care of it right then--which should have been the end of it--but for some reason that wasn't good enough for the fools that run that podunk town.

I don't understand idiots like you. I am thankful for everything that God has provided to me, and I don't begrudge anyone else anything.
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

The greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

Another idiot!!

You people are dispicable. Did you see the homeowner? He obviously wasn't very bright, but did work, and probably worked hard to get whatever he had. He realized that he hadn't paid the bill and offered to take care of it right then--which should have been the end of it--but for some reason that wasn't good enough for the fools that run that podunk town.

I don't understand idiots like you. I am thankful for everything that God has provided to me, and I don't begrudge anyone else anything.

You have the right to be silent, should give up the right there is a good chance you'll say something stupid. See above.

He got caught once before when he had another fire. Consistently paid late. Had the money, but didn't pay until there was a fire. The fire was started by his own family. He put his family at risk and let his pets die in the fire. The trash he was burning probably has plastics and other harmful gases in it, but he was saving money. He was the one begrudging his neighbors safety and welfare.
The greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

Another idiot!!

You people are dispicable. Did you see the homeowner? He obviously wasn't very bright, but did work, and probably worked hard to get whatever he had. He realized that he hadn't paid the bill and offered to take care of it right then--which should have been the end of it--but for some reason that wasn't good enough for the fools that run that podunk town.

I don't understand idiots like you. I am thankful for everything that God has provided to me, and I don't begrudge anyone else anything.

You have the right to be silent, should give up the right there is a good chance you'll say something stupid. See above.

He got caught once before when he had another fire. Consistently paid late. Had the money, but didn't pay until there was a fire. The fire was started by his own family. He put his family at risk and let his pets die in the fire. The trash he was burning probably has plastics and other harmful gases in it, but he was saving money. He was the one begrudging his neighbors safety and welfare.

Did you see and hear the man??? He isn't very intelligent and is barely verbal. Just the fact that he was able to buy a home for his family is admirable, under the circumstances. I would assume that he can barely make it through the month with the expenses he has, and has to prioritize his bills.

But, keep kicking the guy--apparently it makes you feel so superior! I still think you're an ass.
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

The greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

But, on the other hand..Conservatives fit nicely into the scope of people who do the auditing..accounting..and actuarial responsiblities.
Another idiot!!

You people are dispicable. Did you see the homeowner? He obviously wasn't very bright, but did work, and probably worked hard to get whatever he had. He realized that he hadn't paid the bill and offered to take care of it right then--which should have been the end of it--but for some reason that wasn't good enough for the fools that run that podunk town.

I don't understand idiots like you. I am thankful for everything that God has provided to me, and I don't begrudge anyone else anything.

You have the right to be silent, should give up the right there is a good chance you'll say something stupid. See above.

He got caught once before when he had another fire. Consistently paid late. Had the money, but didn't pay until there was a fire. The fire was started by his own family. He put his family at risk and let his pets die in the fire. The trash he was burning probably has plastics and other harmful gases in it, but he was saving money. He was the one begrudging his neighbors safety and welfare.

Did you see and hear the man??? He isn't very intelligent and is barely verbal. Just the fact that he was able to buy a home for his family is admirable, under the circumstances. I would assume that he can barely make it through the month with the expenses he has, and has to prioritize his bills.

But, keep kicking the guy--apparently it makes you feel so superior! I still think you're an ass.

Came up with $75 in a flash when it benefited himself.
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

The greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

Another idiot!!

You people are dispicable. Did you see the homeowner? He obviously wasn't very bright, but did work, and probably worked hard to get whatever he had. He realized that he hadn't paid the bill and offered to take care of it right then--which should have been the end of it--but for some reason that wasn't good enough for the fools that run that podunk town.

I don't understand idiots like you. I am thankful for everything that God has provided to me, and I don't begrudge anyone else anything.

If you do not pay your home owners insurance and your house burns down do you go to an insurance company and then ask "I want to purchase a policy now because my house burned down"?

It does not work that way. If it did nothing would ever work.
They did the right thing. Free loading is in vogue these days.
No cry babies.
You have the right to be silent, should give up the right there is a good chance you'll say something stupid. See above.

He got caught once before when he had another fire. Consistently paid late. Had the money, but didn't pay until there was a fire. The fire was started by his own family. He put his family at risk and let his pets die in the fire. The trash he was burning probably has plastics and other harmful gases in it, but he was saving money. He was the one begrudging his neighbors safety and welfare.

Did you see and hear the man??? He isn't very intelligent and is barely verbal. Just the fact that he was able to buy a home for his family is admirable, under the circumstances. I would assume that he can barely make it through the month with the expenses he has, and has to prioritize his bills.

But, keep kicking the guy--apparently it makes you feel so superior! I still think you're an ass.

Came up with $75 in a flash when it benefited himself.

I think if my house was on fire, I could probably come up with $75 in a flash too....
the greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

another idiot!!

You people are dispicable. Did you see the homeowner? He obviously wasn't very bright, but did work, and probably worked hard to get whatever he had. He realized that he hadn't paid the bill and offered to take care of it right then--which should have been the end of it--but for some reason that wasn't good enough for the fools that run that podunk town.

I don't understand idiots like you. I am thankful for everything that god has provided to me, and i don't begrudge anyone else anything.

if you do not pay your home owners insurance and your house burns down do you go to an insurance company and then ask "i want to purchase a policy now because my house burned down"?

It does not work that way. If it did nothing would ever work.
They did the right thing. Free loading is in vogue these days.
No cry babies.

This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

:eusa_doh: Liberals see 'personal responsibility' as 'selfish interests'. :cuckoo: <--- certifiable
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

:eusa_doh: Liberals see 'personal responsibility' as 'selfish interests'. :cuckoo: <--- certifiable

More like the world is one big free entitlement.
I think he responsibly offered the damn money when he was under fire (no pun intended), and the firefighters, being the assholes that they are shunned their responsibility to douse the fire out. What kind of fucked up mindsets do you all have?
I think he responsibly offered the damn money when he was under fire (no pun intended), and the firefighters, being the assholes that they are shunned their responsibility to douse the fire out. What kind of fucked up mindsets do you all have?

I was not aware that firefighters were allowed to take payments for anything.
Did you see and hear the man??? He isn't very intelligent and is barely verbal. Just the fact that he was able to buy a home for his family is admirable, under the circumstances. I would assume that he can barely make it through the month with the expenses he has, and has to prioritize his bills.

But, keep kicking the guy--apparently it makes you feel so superior! I still think you're an ass.

Came up with $75 in a flash when it benefited himself.

I think if my house was on fire, I could probably come up with $75 in a flash too....

I would come up with it when it was due. The responsible citizen style.
I think he responsibly offered the damn money when he was under fire (no pun intended), and the firefighters, being the assholes that they are shunned their responsibility to douse the fire out. What kind of fucked up mindsets do you all have?

No, the fire fighters did their responsibility. The 2 residences next door to this burning house were in danger of catching fire. The fire fighters kept those houses from catching on fire.
Guess which houses paid the fire protection fee?
Hint: the ones still standing.
If you do not pay your car note does the loan company let you keep it?
This is the problem: the same thing is happening with health care. Folks do not carry coverage and spend their $$ on other things. When they get sick they then want coverage to pay for their illness.
It is a fucked up world that operates that way.
I think if my house was on fire, I could probably come up with $75 in a flash too....

I would come up with it when it was due. The responsible citizen style.

Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

I think he responsibly offered the damn money when he was under fire (no pun intended), and the firefighters, being the assholes that they are shunned their responsibility to douse the fire out. What kind of fucked up mindsets do you all have?

No, the fire fighters did their responsibility. The 2 residences next door to this burning house were in danger of catching fire. The fire fighters kept those houses from catching on fire.
Guess which houses paid the fire protection fee?
Hint: the ones still standing.
If you do not pay your car note does the loan company let you keep it?
This is the problem: the same thing is happening with health care. Folks do not carry coverage and spend their $$ on other things. When they get sick they then want coverage to pay for their illness.
It is a fucked up world that operates that way.
Straw man. What do healthcare and car payments have to do with fire protection? hint: Nothing.

I would come up with it when it was due. The responsible citizen style.

Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

He did offer the money. I'm not sure how it's freeloading.:eusa_shhh:
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

The greater good is keeping quality fire fighting personnel and equipment available to the entire community. A single family who practices poor risk assessment, money management and fire safety suffered. The community learned a valuable lesson. Pay your protection fees on time.

But, on the other hand..Conservatives fit nicely into the scope of people who do the auditing..accounting..and actuarial responsiblities.

what ever that means :cuckoo:

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