Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

I would come up with it when it was due. The responsible citizen style.

Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.
Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

He did offer the money. I'm not sure how it's freeloading.:eusa_shhh:

I didn't say freeloading. I was responding to the argument of sociopath. ;)
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I think he responsibly offered the damn money when he was under fire (no pun intended), and the firefighters, being the assholes that they are shunned their responsibility to douse the fire out. What kind of fucked up mindsets do you all have?

No, the fire fighters did their responsibility. The 2 residences next door to this burning house were in danger of catching fire. The fire fighters kept those houses from catching on fire.
Guess which houses paid the fire protection fee?
Hint: the ones still standing.
If you do not pay your car note does the loan company let you keep it?
This is the problem: the same thing is happening with health care. Folks do not carry coverage and spend their $$ on other things. When they get sick they then want coverage to pay for their illness.
It is a fucked up world that operates that way.
Straw man. What do healthcare and car payments have to do with fire protection? hint: Nothing.

Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

He did offer the money. I'm not sure how it's freeloading.:eusa_shhh:

Under your theory everyone can wait until their house is on fire and then offer to pay when the fire department shows up.
How does a fire department buy fire trucks, fire fighting equipment, pay salaries, train fire fighters and build fire houses BEFORE the first fire under your theory?
Show me where that $$ tree is and what time of year it blossoms.
I think he responsibly offered the damn money when he was under fire (no pun intended), and the firefighters, being the assholes that they are shunned their responsibility to douse the fire out. What kind of fucked up mindsets do you all have?

No, the fire fighters did their responsibility. The 2 residences next door to this burning house were in danger of catching fire. The fire fighters kept those houses from catching on fire.
Guess which houses paid the fire protection fee?
Hint: the ones still standing.
If you do not pay your car note does the loan company let you keep it?
This is the problem: the same thing is happening with health care. Folks do not carry coverage and spend their $$ on other things. When they get sick they then want coverage to pay for their illness.
It is a fucked up world that operates that way.
Straw man. What do healthcare and car payments have to do with fire protection? hint: Nothing.

Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

He did offer the money. I'm not sure how it's freeloading.:eusa_shhh:

After. He offered it after his house was already on fire. He 'forgot' to pay once already and the firefighters came out, put the fire out and let him pay after. He assumed he'd get that same break again. Why? Why wouldn't he think that he got lucky that time and he wouldn't again, and then make damn sure that bill was paid?

I get into a car accident, wreck my car and call to add collision to my policy after the fact, what happens? I don't get it. Same goes for paying in this instance. Whether you agree with the policy or not . . . .that's how this town has it set up and the homeowner knew that.
Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.

If he was too dull to remember to pay the bill on time, his family should have seen to it . . . especially since it happened before.
If they would have put the fire out the $75 checks would QUIT COMING IN.
The line today at the tax office was 3 blocks long.
Cash only.
Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.

If he was too dull to remember to pay the bill on time, his family should have seen to it . . . especially since it happened before.
Your compassion is breathtaking.:eusa_whistle:
Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.

If he was too dull to remember to pay the bill on time, his family should have seen to it . . . especially since it happened before.
Your compassion is breathtaking.:eusa_whistle:

You don't think his family should help, if the homeowner cannot take care of things?

Just because I believe he/they should have taken personal responsibility doesn't mean I don't have compassion or empathy for them.
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How about if the fire fighters responded to and put out the fire for this guy who DID NOT pay his bill.
And you have paid your bill 20 years in a row.
Keep in mind this is a very rural area with limited fire fighting resources.
And 15 minutes after they arrived at the home THAT DID NOT PAY and started to put out the fire
And burned to the ground before they could respond because they were at the other fire and HAD LIMITED RESOURCES due to a failure of a lot of folks that never pay the $75.
I am sure all of you would like that and feel that it was the right thing for them to do.
Sure, right.
Bunch of milk weak cry babies.
Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.

If he was too dull to remember to pay the bill on time, his family should have seen to it . . . especially since it happened before.
Your compassion is breathtaking.:eusa_whistle:

Is compassion a feeling or an action in all situations at all times?
I feel compassion for the dumb ass.
Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.

If he was too dull to remember to pay the bill on time, his family should have seen to it . . . especially since it happened before.
Your compassion is breathtaking.:eusa_whistle:

Can't argue facts, so you resort to feelings. I feel for the guy, but I'm not going to excuse him. Don't make the tragedy meaningless by not learning anything about responsibility.
How about if the fire fighters responded to and put out the fire for this guy who DID NOT pay his bill.
And you have paid your bill 20 years in a row.
Keep in mind this is a very rural area with limited fire fighting resources.
And 15 minutes after they arrived at the home THAT DID NOT PAY and started to put out the fire
And burned to the ground before they could respond because they were at the other fire and HAD LIMITED RESOURCES due to a failure of a lot of folks that never pay the $75.
I am sure all of you would like that and feel that it was the right thing for them to do.
Sure, right.
Bunch of milk weak cry babies.

if their house was the first to burn, yes, it really wouldn't make a difference to me if mine started burning while the firemen were working on their house. Do you expect me to find some pleasure if they abandoned the first house because they hadn't paid $75, and put my fire out?

I don't know about you people in the backwater areas, but around here there is no judgment. If someone needs assistance, the fire, police or ambulances are available. They don't decide beforehand if you can pay for it or not. You will probably receive a bill later, but they don't withhold services under any circumstances.


Just as aside:

what is up with that avatar Zoom?
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How about if the fire fighters responded to and put out the fire for this guy who DID NOT pay his bill.
And you have paid your bill 20 years in a row.
Keep in mind this is a very rural area with limited fire fighting resources.
And 15 minutes after they arrived at the home THAT DID NOT PAY and started to put out the fire
And burned to the ground before they could respond because they were at the other fire and HAD LIMITED RESOURCES due to a failure of a lot of folks that never pay the $75.
I am sure all of you would like that and feel that it was the right thing for them to do.
Sure, right.
Bunch of milk weak cry babies.

if their house was the first to burn, yes, it really wouldn't make a difference to me if mine started burning while the firemen were working on their house. Do you expect me to find some pleasure if they abandoned the first house because they hadn't paid $75, and put my fire out?

I don't know about you people in the backwater areas, but around here there is no judgment. If someone needs assistance, the fire, police or ambulances are available. They don't decide beforehand if you can pay for it or not. You will probably receive a bill later, but they don't withhold services under any circumstances.

Do you live in an area where subscription service is used? If not, you do not understand the problem. You also fail to recognize this system worked fine up til now. Thanks for al the judgements you laid on us tonight. You have some serious reflection time due in church next Sunday.
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You don't think his family should help, if the homeowner cannot take care of things?

Just because I believe he/they should have taken personal responsibility doesn't mean I don't have compassion or empathy for them.


Just as aside:

what is up with that avatar Zoom?

My youngest, age 22 months; her brother was 5. He decided to show her how to hold onto a table, pull her legs up and swing. The table fell on top of them. She nearly lost her eye . . . somebody was sure looking out for her (obviously, it wasn't me). I always photograph the mishaps . . . reminds me of where the gray hair comes from!

The knife through the head was for parental amusement. :lol:
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If he was too dull to remember to pay the bill on time, his family should have seen to it . . . especially since it happened before.
Your compassion is breathtaking.:eusa_whistle:

You don't think his family should help, if the homeowner cannot take care of things?

Just because I believe he/they should have taken personal responsibility doesn't mean I don't have compassion or empathy for them.

Of course the family should help. But the firefighters shouldn't have just stood their either!:eusa_hand:
You don't think his family should help, if the homeowner cannot take care of things?

Just because I believe he/they should have taken personal responsibility doesn't mean I don't have compassion or empathy for them.


Just as aside:

what is up with that avatar Zoom?

My youngest, age 22 months; her brother was 5. He decided to show her how to hold onto a table, pull her legs up and swing. The table fell on top of them. She nearly lost her eye . . . somebody was sure looking out for her (obviously, it wasn't me). I always photograph the mishaps . . . reminds me of where the gray hair comes from!

The knife through the head was for parental amusement. :lol:


Alright folks...carry on.

How about if the fire fighters responded to and put out the fire for this guy who DID NOT pay his bill.
And you have paid your bill 20 years in a row.
Keep in mind this is a very rural area with limited fire fighting resources.
And 15 minutes after they arrived at the home THAT DID NOT PAY and started to put out the fire
And burned to the ground before they could respond because they were at the other fire and HAD LIMITED RESOURCES due to a failure of a lot of folks that never pay the $75.
I am sure all of you would like that and feel that it was the right thing for them to do.
Sure, right.
Bunch of milk weak cry babies.

if their house was the first to burn, yes, it really wouldn't make a difference to me if mine started burning while the firemen were working on their house. Do you expect me to find some pleasure if they abandoned the first house because they hadn't paid $75, and put my fire out?

I don't know about you people in the backwater areas, but around here there is no judgment. If someone needs assistance, the fire, police or ambulances are available. They don't decide beforehand if you can pay for it or not. You will probably receive a bill later, but they don't withhold services under any circumstances.

Nice of you to throw yourself under the bus for the nonpaying individual....but in a real case scenario where your family might have been in the house, and your pets might have been in the house, and YOU might have been in the house....I have a feeling you wouldn't be so noble. :eusa_whistle:
Your compassion is breathtaking.:eusa_whistle:

You don't think his family should help, if the homeowner cannot take care of things?

Just because I believe he/they should have taken personal responsibility doesn't mean I don't have compassion or empathy for them.

Of course the family should help. But the firefighters shouldn't have just stood their either!:eusa_hand:

Perhaps the policy should be changed to provide services to those who don't pay and charge them a hefty fee/fine, that makes sense to me. Unfortunately, that isn't how it's set up now in that town and the homeowner knew it. Very, very sad.

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