Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Indeed. In an absolutist mindset you would think that. The first sign of a you.

Actualy you can argue that the home owner was the sociopath.

He cared only for himself and did not pay his tax. If he cared about his fellow man then he would have paid his tax to take care of everyone else who sucks off the government teet and freeloads.

Apparently none of you dimwits saw the videos of this man. If you had, you would have seen that he wasn't very bright, and didn't appear to have much. He apparently had worked hard enough to be able to buy his own home, but it was obvious that he doesn't have a lot.

I don't see how you arrogant assholes could have watched and listened to this poor simpleton, and not have compassion for him.

it wasn't very difficult
You don't think his family should help, if the homeowner cannot take care of things?

Just because I believe he/they should have taken personal responsibility doesn't mean I don't have compassion or empathy for them.


Just as aside:

what is up with that avatar Zoom?

My youngest, age 22 months; her brother was 5. He decided to show her how to hold onto a table, pull her legs up and swing. The table fell on top of them. She nearly lost her eye . . . somebody was sure looking out for her (obviously, it wasn't me). I always photograph the mishaps . . . reminds me of where the gray hair comes from!

The knife through the head was for parental amusement. :lol:

THe fake knife around the head might be a better choice of words. Action too. Just saying.
Wympy nailed it too.

The entire Unincorporated parts of Obion County receive "Fire Services" from one of the Volunteer Fire Departments in the County.

These volunteers are usually not paid but do this type work as a service for the fellow citizens.

I know this concept sounds strange to lefties.

One other point and then I'm finished with this thread.

It is readily apparent after years on the Boards across the Internet that the Empire has devolved into two seperate factions:

Those who desire to remain on their collective knees doing their best imitation of Linda Lovelace in an attempt to insure that they will never be personally responsible for any decision they ever make and to insure that someone else is required to pay for their poor life choices.

Then there are those who hold themselves accountable for their decisions, who do not blame others for their circumstances but seek to improve themselves through hard work, determination and moral courage. These people we call "responsible."

The end.
They aren't volunteer fire departments, asshole.
You have the right to be silent, should give up the right there is a good chance you'll say something stupid. See above.

He got caught once before when he had another fire. Consistently paid late. Had the money, but didn't pay until there was a fire. The fire was started by his own family. He put his family at risk and let his pets die in the fire. The trash he was burning probably has plastics and other harmful gases in it, but he was saving money. He was the one begrudging his neighbors safety and welfare.

Did you see and hear the man??? He isn't very intelligent and is barely verbal. Just the fact that he was able to buy a home for his family is admirable, under the circumstances. I would assume that he can barely make it through the month with the expenses he has, and has to prioritize his bills.

But, keep kicking the guy--apparently it makes you feel so superior! I still think you're an ass.

Came up with $75 in a flash when it benefited himself.
And the firefighters only work if it benefits them. This is the basic free market system at work and as we see it is unworkable.
An update: homeowner tells the press she does not blame the firefighters.

A Tennessee woman said Wednesday she doesn't blame the firefighters who watched while her house burned to the ground after her family failed to pay a $75 annual protection fee.

Paulette Cranick said the firefighters who came to the scene were just following orders.

Her family had paid the fee in the past but simply forgot it recently. Cranick, 67, said she's just thankful no one was hurt in the fire last week that destroyed the doublewide trailer in rural northwest Tennessee. "You can't blame them if they have to do what the boss says to do," Cranick told the Associated Press. "I've had firemen call and apologize."

Tennessee woman says she doesn't blame firefighters who did not try to save home |

Take a moment to read. This is one of those rare moments in America when someone who has suffered a loss speaks with grace and shows compassion for the suffering of others. Obviously, this lady is concerned for the firefighters' reputations.....I'm amazed and moved she even thought of this 24 hours after her home burned down. I think I would be a hysterical weepy mess were I in her shoes.

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Did you see and hear the man??? He isn't very intelligent and is barely verbal. Just the fact that he was able to buy a home for his family is admirable, under the circumstances. I would assume that he can barely make it through the month with the expenses he has, and has to prioritize his bills.

But, keep kicking the guy--apparently it makes you feel so superior! I still think you're an ass.

Came up with $75 in a flash when it benefited himself.
And the firefighters only work if it benefits them. This is the basic free market system at work and as we see it is unworkable.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I know you will lol), but they get paid for being at work regardless of if they put a fire out or not. The system worked fine for 20 years. AS we are not covering new ground here at all and this thread is approaching 999 posts more than necessary, I'm done.
Which is why that local government should be punished. Your idea of pimping out basic government responsibilities to the private sector is misguided. What's next, hiring private security guards (mercenaries) to perform border patrol duties because the free market dictates they would do a better job?

I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.

Haha, I can see it now... Operator in India picks up: "Your house is on fire? Acme fire services did a market study and found that fire-fighting in your locality is not profitable according to free market principles. Sorry, but you will have to travel to the nearest mid-sized city to get your fired serviced due to this downsizing of operations."

Yep, that is exactly how free market works. You must be a billionaire. Why waste your time here? You could be writing books about how things work and make millions more.
How about if the fire fighters responded to and put out the fire for this guy who DID NOT pay his bill.
And you have paid your bill 20 years in a row.
Keep in mind this is a very rural area with limited fire fighting resources.
And 15 minutes after they arrived at the home THAT DID NOT PAY and started to put out the fire
And burned to the ground before they could respond because they were at the other fire and HAD LIMITED RESOURCES due to a failure of a lot of folks that never pay the $75.
I am sure all of you would like that and feel that it was the right thing for them to do.
Sure, right.
Bunch of milk weak cry babies.

if their house was the first to burn, yes, it really wouldn't make a difference to me if mine started burning while the firemen were working on their house. Do you expect me to find some pleasure if they abandoned the first house because they hadn't paid $75, and put my fire out?

I don't know about you people in the backwater areas, but around here there is no judgment. If someone needs assistance, the fire, police or ambulances are available. They don't decide beforehand if you can pay for it or not. You will probably receive a bill later, but they don't withhold services under any circumstances.

Who finances their departments or do they work free and buy their hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment from $$ that grows on trees?
The entire Unincorporated parts of Obion County receive "Fire Services" from one of the Volunteer Fire Departments in the County.

These volunteers are usually not paid but do this type work as a service for the fellow citizens.

I know this concept sounds strange to lefties.

One other point and then I'm finished with this thread.

It is readily apparent after years on the Boards across the Internet that the Empire has devolved into two seperate factions:

Those who desire to remain on their collective knees doing their best imitation of Linda Lovelace in an attempt to insure that they will never be personally responsible for any decision they ever make and to insure that someone else is required to pay for their poor life choices.

Then there are those who hold themselves accountable for their decisions, who do not blame others for their circumstances but seek to improve themselves through hard work, determination and moral courage. These people we call "responsible."

The end.
They aren't volunteer fire departments, asshole.

Yeah, I wonder who "volunteered" to buy a fire truck at 150K?
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

:eusa_doh: Liberals see 'personal responsibility' as 'selfish interests'. :cuckoo: <--- certifiable

Not quite. Societies, in general, are formed because there are tasks better left to groups of people, otherwise, what's the point?

It's apalling that a group of indivduals trained as firefighters would watch a home burn down. Gosh, they were there..why not just put it out?
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....

Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....

Isn't a conservative/liberal issue to me. Most issues are not and the #1 problem in America today is someone labels you one or the other on EVERY stance you take on an issue.
I am a liberal on most social issues and a strict fiscal conservative on $$ issues.
Polarized politics and governing has ruined America.
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....

Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:
How about if the fire fighters responded to and put out the fire for this guy who DID NOT pay his bill.
And you have paid your bill 20 years in a row.
Keep in mind this is a very rural area with limited fire fighting resources.
And 15 minutes after they arrived at the home THAT DID NOT PAY and started to put out the fire
And burned to the ground before they could respond because they were at the other fire and HAD LIMITED RESOURCES due to a failure of a lot of folks that never pay the $75.
I am sure all of you would like that and feel that it was the right thing for them to do.
Sure, right.
Bunch of milk weak cry babies.

if their house was the first to burn, yes, it really wouldn't make a difference to me if mine started burning while the firemen were working on their house. Do you expect me to find some pleasure if they abandoned the first house because they hadn't paid $75, and put my fire out?

I don't know about you people in the backwater areas, but around here there is no judgment. If someone needs assistance, the fire, police or ambulances are available. They don't decide beforehand if you can pay for it or not. You will probably receive a bill later, but they don't withhold services under any circumstances.

Who finances their departments or do they work free and buy their hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment from $$ that grows on trees?

We have two fire stations in our community. They are paid through our HOA fees, and receive $15.50 per lot from the annual billing. In addition they have various fundraisers throughout the year, i.e., they will raffle a new home, etc. Last year they started billing insurance companies if they transport someone to the hospital, but do not bill the patient if the insurance company does not pay. The system must be working well, as they just built a new firehouse last year, and they have the latest equipment. They also respond to calls from other towns in the area as needed. There are nine career firefighters on staff and the rest are volunteers.

The idea of them standing by and watching someone's home, possessions and pets go up in flames is ludicrous. And this area is considered "rural".
neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....

Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

Had it been a "Conservative" document, it would have had a national religion, outlawed political parties, installed a King, and squashed free speech.

But hey, carry on.

By the way I posted "Liberal" not "Left".

There's a difference.

And I am glad I got a chuckle..
This thread is a prime example of just why Conservative values don't work on a large scale. They completely ignore the greater good in favor of selfish interests and getting joy out of the misery of others.

:eusa_doh: Liberals see 'personal responsibility' as 'selfish interests'. :cuckoo: <--- certifiable

Not quite. Societies, in general, are formed because there are tasks better left to groups of people, otherwise, what's the point?

It's apalling that a group of indivduals trained as firefighters would watch a home burn down. Gosh, they were there..why not just put it out?

Too bad this nincompoop didn't join soicety and pay his $75 fee. Too bad he felt everyone should pay his way. Typical demonRat behavior.
if their house was the first to burn, yes, it really wouldn't make a difference to me if mine started burning while the firemen were working on their house. Do you expect me to find some pleasure if they abandoned the first house because they hadn't paid $75, and put my fire out?

I don't know about you people in the backwater areas, but around here there is no judgment. If someone needs assistance, the fire, police or ambulances are available. They don't decide beforehand if you can pay for it or not. You will probably receive a bill later, but they don't withhold services under any circumstances.

Who finances their departments or do they work free and buy their hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment from $$ that grows on trees?

We have two fire stations in our community. They are paid through our HOA fees, and receive $15.50 per lot from the annual billing. In addition they have various fundraisers throughout the year, i.e., they will raffle a new home, etc. Last year they started billing insurance companies if they transport someone to the hospital, but do not bill the patient if the insurance company does not pay. The system must be working well, as they just built a new firehouse last year, and they have the latest equipment. They also respond to calls from other towns in the area as needed. There are nine career firefighters on staff and the rest are volunteers.

The idea of them standing by and watching someone's home, possessions and pets go up in flames is ludicrous. And this area is considered "rural".

$15.50 per lot, fund raisers, etc. does not pay for a fire department. You have other funding you are not reporting. A fire department costs hundreds of thousands of dollars with just one station.

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