Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

Had it been a "Conservative" document, it would have had a national religion, outlawed political parties, installed a King, and squashed free speech.

But hey, carry on.

By the way I posted "Liberal" not "Left".

There's a difference.

And I am glad I got a chuckle..


There is nothing in conservatism about establishing a national religion, eliminating political parties, monarchy, or the eliminating free speech...

You are quite brainwashed by propaganda and it might behoove you to actually educate yourself
Who finances their departments or do they work free and buy their hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment from $$ that grows on trees?

We have two fire stations in our community. They are paid through our HOA fees, and receive $15.50 per lot from the annual billing. In addition they have various fundraisers throughout the year, i.e., they will raffle a new home, etc. Last year they started billing insurance companies if they transport someone to the hospital, but do not bill the patient if the insurance company does not pay. The system must be working well, as they just built a new firehouse last year, and they have the latest equipment. They also respond to calls from other towns in the area as needed. There are nine career firefighters on staff and the rest are volunteers.

The idea of them standing by and watching someone's home, possessions and pets go up in flames is ludicrous. And this area is considered "rural".

$15.50 per lot, fund raisers, etc. does not pay for a fire department. You have other funding you are not reporting. A fire department costs hundreds of thousands of dollars with just one station.

We pay $125 per year per lot... plus they hold Bingo nights, dinners, and other fund raisers.... Much of the original construction and setup was paid by the developer of our community and was hence put into the cost of the original building of houses... Our local VFD station does not have external funding either
Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

Had it been a "Conservative" document, it would have had a national religion, outlawed political parties, installed a King, and squashed free speech.

But hey, carry on.

By the way I posted "Liberal" not "Left".

There's a difference.

And I am glad I got a chuckle..

Talking bullshit about 'conservatives' and 'liberals' and using the founding documents to score cheap partisan points is funny. I laugh at you, not with you. I usually find stupidity funny.
neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....

Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:
They didn't take credit for the gulf spill even though it kind of happened on their watch. :rolleyes:
:eusa_doh: Liberals see 'personal responsibility' as 'selfish interests'. :cuckoo: <--- certifiable

Not quite. Societies, in general, are formed because there are tasks better left to groups of people, otherwise, what's the point?

It's apalling that a group of indivduals trained as firefighters would watch a home burn down. Gosh, they were there..why not just put it out?

Too bad this nincompoop didn't join soicety and pay his $75 fee. Too bad he felt everyone should pay his way. Typical demonRat behavior.

Good point. He knew what the expectations were. He was willing to pay he fee one a problem arose for him and he had no other choice.
neither do liberal values.....there needs to be some kind of blend.....but the diehards on both sides cant see this....

Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

The Classical Liberalism reflected in The Constitution has absolutely nothing in common with present day "Progressive" Liberalism.
Not much more of a step between this and denying any hospital service to those coming in with their insurance premiums unpaid.

That's not what will happen. Service will be denied because there are not enough providers.

The early indicators of this are doctors who will no longer accept Medicaid and Medicare patients because the reimbursement rates are so low. Those patients are now showing up at emergency rooms for routine care.

What happens when all that's left are the emergency rooms?
:eusa_doh: Liberals see 'personal responsibility' as 'selfish interests'. :cuckoo: <--- certifiable

Not quite. Societies, in general, are formed because there are tasks better left to groups of people, otherwise, what's the point?

It's apalling that a group of indivduals trained as firefighters would watch a home burn down. Gosh, they were there..why not just put it out?

Too bad this nincompoop didn't join soicety and pay his $75 fee. Too bad he felt everyone should pay his way. Typical demonRat behavior.

Well..that's kind of not how it works..

Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History

1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

In any case..given the devasting consequences of letting someone's house burn down to society (loss of income for the person, and tax revenue for the state..along with the possiblity that the person now has to get public assistance) just makes no sense.
Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

The Classical Liberalism reflected in The Constitution has absolutely nothing in common with present day "Progressive" Liberalism.

Well said. Democrats of the past would be appalled with democrats of today. Liberalism used to be about providing frredom of choice not a free ride.
Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

Had it been a "Conservative" document, it would have had a national religion, outlawed political parties, installed a King, and squashed free speech.

But hey, carry on.

By the way I posted "Liberal" not "Left".

There's a difference.

And I am glad I got a chuckle..

Talking bullshit about 'conservatives' and 'liberals' and using the founding documents to score cheap partisan points is funny. I laugh at you, not with you. I usually find stupidity funny.

Nothing "cheap" about wanting to adhere to linquist protocols and identifying just what the political ramifications are with "conservatism" taken to its full measure.

Conservative governments tend to be autocratic in one way or another. That's why Liberals tend to reject them.

Nothing "stupid" about that.
Had it been a "Conservative" document, it would have had a national religion, outlawed political parties, installed a King, and squashed free speech.

But hey, carry on.

By the way I posted "Liberal" not "Left".

There's a difference.

And I am glad I got a chuckle..

Talking bullshit about 'conservatives' and 'liberals' and using the founding documents to score cheap partisan points is funny. I laugh at you, not with you. I usually find stupidity funny.

Nothing "cheap" about wanting to adhere to linquist protocols and identifying just what the political ramifications are with "conservatism" taken to its full measure.

Conservative governments tend to be autocratic in one way or another. That's why Liberals tend to reject them.

Nothing "stupid" about that.

Libturds equate to leeches. Conservatives want no part of leeches. You suck the life out of this country. We reject you back and we mock your tit sucking weakness too.
Who finances their departments or do they work free and buy their hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment from $$ that grows on trees?

We have two fire stations in our community. They are paid through our HOA fees, and receive $15.50 per lot from the annual billing. In addition they have various fundraisers throughout the year, i.e., they will raffle a new home, etc. Last year they started billing insurance companies if they transport someone to the hospital, but do not bill the patient if the insurance company does not pay. The system must be working well, as they just built a new firehouse last year, and they have the latest equipment. They also respond to calls from other towns in the area as needed. There are nine career firefighters on staff and the rest are volunteers.

The idea of them standing by and watching someone's home, possessions and pets go up in flames is ludicrous. And this area is considered "rural".

$15.50 per lot, fund raisers, etc. does not pay for a fire department. You have other funding you are not reporting. A fire department costs hundreds of thousands of dollars with just one station.

Since you mentioned this, I also looked up the county budget. Apparently they do provide funding to each of the towns within the county for fire and EMT services, although they don't indicate how much. The point is, they don't bill individual citizens for the work they do. This is obviously a more sensible way to operate, since many times they do have to go outside of the municipal limits to assist with fires or accidents.
Liberal values do work.

See: The United States Constitution - Perhaps one of the most liberal documents ever created.

However, I agree. A blend is best.

Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

The Classical Liberalism reflected in The Constitution has absolutely nothing in common with present day "Progressive" Liberalism.

While I would say some "Progressive" ideas are a bit over the top..they are much more in line with the spirit of the Constitution then Conservatives of "old" (Tories/Whigs) or "new" (Republicans/Tea Party).

Which is why, when Conservatives really understand just what the Constitution says, they want to rip out several amendments.

And it's why, people like Limbaugh, quote the Declaration of Independence, and hold it up as the Constitution.
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

threads merged
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

Since almost half the country pays no taxes. Your rant falls short of reality.
I thought it reflected a liberal mind set of entitlements and disregard for personal responsibility.
Is there nothing on the planet that the left don't take credit for? You're seriously fucking funny. :lol::lol:

The Classical Liberalism reflected in The Constitution has absolutely nothing in common with present day "Progressive" Liberalism.

While I would say some "Progressive" ideas are a bit over the top..they are much more in line with the spirit of the Constitution then Conservatives of "old" (Tories/Whigs) or "new" (Republicans/Tea Party).

Which is why, when Conservatives really understand just what the Constitution says, they want to rip out several amendments.

And it's why, people like Limbaugh, quote the Declaration of Independence, and hold it up as the Constitution.

Progressive ideas, so good they have to be mandated.
Talking bullshit about 'conservatives' and 'liberals' and using the founding documents to score cheap partisan points is funny. I laugh at you, not with you. I usually find stupidity funny.

Nothing "cheap" about wanting to adhere to linquist protocols and identifying just what the political ramifications are with "conservatism" taken to its full measure.

Conservative governments tend to be autocratic in one way or another. That's why Liberals tend to reject them.

Nothing "stupid" about that.

Libturds equate to leeches. Conservatives want no part of leeches. You suck the life out of this country. We reject you back and we mock your tit sucking weakness too.

Generally, I find the opposite to be true. Conservatives want to weaken public institutions that protect national resources, administer the law, provide regular maintenance on needful infrastructure, block public education and do their damndest to consolidate power into the hands of a very few. That's basically a perscription for gutting the foundation of a solid Democratic Republic..and turning into a third world autocratic nation.
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